MegaServers v2

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scorpion, Sep 21, 2014.

  1. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    With the new pvp season coming soon and many changes being made I have seen many server vs server arguments. Some say USPC has the 2 troll set up while USPS only needs 1 troll. I've seen other similar statements on many threads about the EU servers as well.

    Its about time for some cross server pvp. It might not be possible to fully merge all servers but maybe a way to allow cross server arena. The original MegaServers united each server per platform per region. This led to less wait time between matches and faster queues. So maybe with the updated tech and performance we can have all servers unite in arenas.

    If this could happen no longer would people debate which teams or strategies are better let the players decide as they fight.
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  2. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    PC players are going to have an advantage.
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  3. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    A few years ago yea but they gradually improved performance on each platform. Now there is less difference between the PS and PC systems. The only issue I would imagine having is possible lag when connecting to the servers but in time I am sure that will improve as well.
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  4. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    PC > PS4 > Aluminum Hat > Rocks > Dirt > PS3.
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  5. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I was more of referring to Keyboards/Mouse vs Controllers but that works. DCUO spending money on upgrading servers? Even SoE has not heard of that *Cough* DDoS *Cough*.
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  6. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    I don't understand how keyboards/Mouse would have and advantage over Controllers. I personally use a usb controller with DCUO and I know plenty of other people who do the same and doesn't hinder us at all when we play.

    Only annoyance is typing mid match.
  7. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    It does not hinder but PC has an speed advantage.
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  8. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    Gigaservers for the win.
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  9. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Lol I love it!!
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  10. SeeMeFight Well-Known Player

    I would not want to fight a PS3 player. lol
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  11. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    PC can hot key and macro, which gives an unfair advantage against PS users, not to mention, using a keyboard and mouse does give additional advantages to boot.
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  12. ChuckLess New Player

    Keyboard n mouse is a good deal faster than a joystick if the two users are equally skilled.
  13. BRITTENY Dedicated Player


    While I would love to play with people on PC, being on a console, you would be at a disadvantage. I don't care so much PvE wise. However, for PvP? No thank you.
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  14. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    To dispel this myth I and a majority of my league uses gamepads and we consistantly beat out keyboard and mouse users in duels, arenas, and open world pvp. For this type of game the combat just feels more natural with a gamepad. The only reason people play with keyboard and mouse the they are seasoned pc gamers and don't play console games much so they simply feel more comfortable with a keyboard and mouse.

    1st off using any outside programs for setting hot keys and macros will get you banned any1 stupid enough to do it in arena deserves to get caught and banned. 2nd this game from the ground up is made for playing with a gamepad if anything it much more difficult to play with keyboard and mouse.
  15. quirkers Well-Known Player

    That should be a T-Shirt. :p

    I still enjoy my PS3. It is just that DCUO and PS3 dropped any pretense at a harmonious relationship. :oops: ;)

    I was attempting PVP for marks and feats. Difficult to do the Safehouse feats (and others) in addition to assisting fellow teammates when only the NPCs rendered. Then the possibility of any developing interest fades to an attitude of, "Why bother?"
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