It's time bring the speed and skill back...undo GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quanflux, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    "ALL MMO's are like this, there is not a single MMO on the market that has raiding with a gear rating feature that does not eventually breed this community, it happened in WoW and it happens in all proper MMO's."

    And that makes that kind of behavior right, or acceptable, or healthy for a game's community? All the other kids are doing it, so it's okay to do it here?

    "GU36 has not only caused multiple committed players to quit it also has destroyed the controller role, it has done nothing to help this community."

    "The people who run this game need to realize that the casual forum community is not the majority, the majority of MMO players are like those players you hate."

    The devs can see how players are playing, how many have quit, what controllers are doing in game. They have ALL the data. They're probably in a much better position to know how the community as a whole plays and what exactly is going on than you are. They aren't as blind as you might think.

    "The majority of MMO players are people who do NOT like to carry and actually enjoy competitive play, why cause its FUN for them."

    And once again, I must point out that beyond PvP, there is nothing inherently competitive about DCUO. Outside of PvP, the game only becomes competitive if you make it so. If players got special/extra rewards in content runs for topping the scoreboard, you might have an argument. Unfortunately for your argument, that isn't the case.
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  2. Furrinator746 New Player

  3. Furrinator746 New Player

    JC and clipping was nt button mashing it was timing and speed
  4. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    i was just in game and asked if anyone wanted to get rid of weapon mastery and go back to the old way and guess what not 1 person in game wanted to get rid of wm and all agreed that wm has made the game better so it seems that people on the forums don't actually play the game and just makes topics like this to try and ruin the game for the people who actually play it

    also the old clipping way made many powers useless and the game unbalanced. powers with quick animations did less damage than powers with long animations but when clipping was discovered the powers with the long animations could be clipped rendering faster powers useless and throwing the balance of the game off and animations the devs worked hard on were just clipped away and not even seen

    weapon mastery brought balance back to the game and added some pretty cool animations as well and imo and many others wm has been a great improvement to the game
  5. Furrinator746 New Player

  6. Warrant New Player

    I don't know if it's been said, but jump canceling was never an intended dps mechanic. Clipping is, JC is not. It as there to get out of AoE's when stuck in a cast time. Never to speed up DPS.
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  7. Furrinator746 New Player

    making it unbalanced also created variety in the power. Plus you think throwing a gauss grenade like an idiot is cool. And if u asked that in game most players who didn't like wm wouldnt be on the game to reply or didnt see it or just were busy
  8. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    What's wrong with that?
  9. Furrinator746 New Player

    You really think WM is not hitting the same buttons? At least JC and clipping took some skill. And with the sp i can tell you from experience that is untrue
  10. Furrinator746 New Player

    not fact just because you say looking over this thread there are more people who say they do miss the game before gu36
  11. Furrinator746 New Player

  12. Furrinator746 New Player

    Hit it right on the nail^
  13. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Really not too surprising. In the months before I left I watched my friends list shrivel up and wither away. They were very competitive players that have truly disliked the direction of the game since WOTL.

    I find that the only reason to stick around if you hate weapon mastery is for the social experience of leagues or for the superhero concept. There are far better options available for people looking for a more genuine MMO experience.

    Just my personal experience, but any dps who enjoys WM more than pre36 clipping was never a very good dps to begin with.
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  14. Furrinator746 New Player

    a few friends is not the community
  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    As I'm writing this, the first post by Quanflux has gotten 12 likes.

    The first person who said they like things the way they are has gotten 33 likes. Almost triple the amount of the OP.

    People can make their voices heard in a thread without having to post a single word. ;)
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  16. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    jump canceling is still there i use it all the time its very easy to do and takes almost no skill and i used to use clipping as well before wm and it was also very easy and took almost no skill you just had to get your button pattern down and you could then easily do it and getting it down only took a few min with a sparring target
  17. Furrinator746 New Player

    people would if they were able to keep up with the amount of dmg WM does
  18. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    That's because enough time has passed for players who don't like it to simply leave and find another game. Why would they stay if they dislike it so much?
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  19. Furrinator746 New Player

    because you cant keep up with someone using WM and u not. The best dps's on the game before gu36 wouldnt be able to keep up with an average WM dps
  20. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    don't cloud the issue with facts :)
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