Re-Advertising DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    After GU41 and around when DLC12 images have been released, I think re advertising DCUO, will slowly help revive the game. DCUO has been dead for the last couple of months, reasons are due to lack of PvE content, challenge and PvP is broken, etc. GU41 I believe will bring PvP back to it's former glory, And I hope the Devs have something special planned for WoLpt2 and future DLC's. The new idea of releasing content separately through out the weeks is also a good idea. I also think it'll bring retired Veterans and new comers to the game.
    I have introduced 3 of my friends to the game and they enjoy it. Surprisingly they never heard of DCUO until I showed them. I to was introduced to DCUO, and never heard of it before then. Re-Adverting I think is a good strategic way of bringing more back/to the game.
    Do you think dcuo should re advertise itself?
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  2. Wildbill0124 New Player

    It definitely couldn't hurt to get it back out there in front of people. It's a cash cow if done right.
  3. Chuccles New Player

    They havent advertised since free to play right? Shame. and here i am watching seeing 3 WOW ads a day. step your game up DC
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  4. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I have no clue why they don't advertise. It is flat out ********.
  5. Biester New Player

    Every big-name franchise consistently advertises their product. However, advertising a last-gen game such as DCUO will be quickly over-shadowed by next-gen titles. DCUO needs something new and exciting in order to compete.

    I personally can't see myself playing DCUO over games such as Destiny, Dragon Age Inquisition, Shadow of Mordor, or the new Assassin's Creed games coming out this year simply because these games are utilizing the capabilities of the ps4 far better than DCUO is plus the fact that I've been doing the same exact thing in DCUO for 2.5 years now, it's gotten stale.
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  6. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    I don't think DCUO has enough of a demographic to invest in advertising again. The only demographic DCUO really has left is fans of DC comics and Playstation store regulars. The MMO crowd is really picky and DCUO can't really compete with WoW. Comic conventions are the only real shot DCUO has, and I'm sure someone from DCUO attends all of them. Or maybe if SOE paid Warner Brothers to put DCUO commercials in its DC comics TV movies...
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  7. Deranya Dedicated Player

    While PSG was still part of it, we had advertisements on TV here in Germany, mainly on the two channels that are part of the PSG brand, I think that did help get more people to play. Of course, mainly Germans.
    And it wasn't every now and then, it was practically every commercial break that you could see the name flash up. I think that was the only good thing about PSG xD
  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    You would think that a game like DCUO would at least advertise in DC comics??

    But no.

    When War of Light part 1 was released..... you would think they would have advertised at least in the various Green Lantern or Red Lantern comics??

    "Hey Lantern fans.... come play DCUO and take on the role of a Red Lantern.
    Come play Legend with Atrocitus.... your favorite Red Lantern..... for FREE"

    But no.

    Odds are the bean counters see this a wasted money.
    That it would not be worth the investment VS the few extra players it might attract.

    Although maybe they did try advertising the game at some point.... but it did not work??

    Since F2P I did not notice any advertising for DCUO.
    But maybe there was and I just did not see it??
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  9. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    Sticking DCUOs awesome intro cinematic in front of DCs upcoming live action films like Dawn of Justice and Shazam would be badass and would make a ridiculous amount of sense. Unfortunately it probably costs too much money. Some advertisements cost millions.
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  10. Mad9 New Player

    While some of what you say might be true, I surely won't be leaving this game after investing 3 years into it. I understand that a player who plays a lot more DCUO than someone who plays less than three hours every day is very likely getting bored. Most of them come to the forums crying lack of content in less than a month's time after the release of a DLC.

    I played WoW before and I was less than impressed with it. I was never going to play an MMO because of the entire progression system but I did as soon as I came across DCUO. I'm a big DC fan and that's what got me playing this game.

    The next gen MMOs may have better graphics and a lot of immersion but soon after their release, most would have a similar story with the elite players who get bored for not having enough content. Most of these players will never have enough content in any of the games to keep them hooked up.

    Most of these players who run out of things to do in a game are people who perhaps spend their entire days/nights playing a game which is not a healthy habit. I would implore video game addicts to break out of this nasty addiction and perhaps explore new things other than simply new games.
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  11. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Advertising would be a waste of money at this point.

    There isn't any mainstream DC Comics product that is worth latching onto at the minute. We're still a way off any of the new DC films and Arkham Knight is coming out next year.

    What they could do is possibly a weekend/week/fortnight/month around the launch of the Captain Marvel film that allows all players to play as Captain Marvel/Black Adam for free if they are able to get some form of leader board set up by then and maybe see about advertising this offer, then. The temptation to bring people in for PVP would only be worth while if there is a legitimate competition spurred on by leader boards. Otherwise people will be like "meh" and either not bother or not stick around.

    Another thing to take into consideration is whether the problem is getting new people to play or maintaining the players they already have. I always see fresh faces lurking around. What I don't see on a consistent basis is my friends list full of people online and my league roster with the same. If there is a consistent stream of new players joining the game, then they don't need to remedy it with an expensive advertising campaign and more efforts should be made/more money should be spent on getting features and producing better content that will keep players engaged for longer.
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    if DCUO come out with a game-play commercial, A realm reborn did, and star wars old republic. dcuo couldnt compete..
  13. Ramonater New Player

    you know that's right i don't EVER remember seeing DCUO advertised. it's not like they don't have the money. It would be great to see this game advertised and have some new blood in this game
  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Pretty much this. Advertising isn't cheap, and very VERY rarely do you see advertising for a game that was released 3+ years ago. Being associated with DC isn't a guarantee that DC is going to foot the bill for new advertising either, especially since it's a Sony company (competition for Warner Brothers) that runs and publishes DCUO. SOE would probably have to pay for new ads, and given that DCUO is one of many games they put out, the money may not be there for new ads.
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  15. Greenman_x Steadfast Player


    Advertising isn't cheap. There really isn't much they could do either. How many MMOs actually advertise? Not many outside of WoW. Even if they did, 3 years into the game, how effective would it be. I think it's safe to say that our population has seen most of the new members it's going to see.

    Around the holidays we'll definitely see another spike in population as the people who haven't yet gotten a PS4 will likely do so around that time, but after that, our total player count will probably remain relatively steady for the forseeable future. DCUO got itself into the hands of over 10 million people (I want to say it's around 17 million total players across 2 platforms) which is huge for a F2P game. Without adding a major expansion or anything like that, there'd be no reason to go all out and advertise. They just have to stay relevant and keep getting articles and the like printed about them and hope they spread around to as many people as possible.
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  16. Twilight Man New Player

    Profit needs to outweigh cost/risk. Whether in short term or long term.

    I get the feeling that even though DCUO clearly has a strong future, it may not be considered strong enough for certain levels of extra support.
  17. The Sups Level 30

    I taught 5 people at work about my rotations (yeah even before they started playing) and managed to get 2 of them to play the game. One of them in turn brought his friend to DCUO. As for me, I came to the game about an year and a half ago, looking to play as Superman. I liked being able to fly across the city but was disappointed for not having powers identical to that of Superman. So, I left after reaching level 30. An year later, I came back and learned so much more about the crux of DCUO, it's combat system. It has been about 7 months and I still enjoy being legendary.
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  18. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I get what you are saying. I just the population would greatly increase if they did advertise and would end up covering more than the cost of advertising.

    The only reason I ever found out this game existed is because I used to play mtg tactics and saw a small add on the side of my screen with batman on it.

    If I had not paid attention or just ignored it like most people will usually do, I never would have even heard of this game, let alone became one of its top supporters.
  19. MIND PHUNK New Player

    They have been bragging on hope successful $$$$$ the game has been. I am sure money isn’t the issue. Greed maybe....
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  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Have you ever done any searches to see advertising costs for something like a TV commercial? When this same kind of topic came up in the SWG forums I checked out of curiosity once and the costs are surprisingly high.

    Also, we don't know how much money is left over for things like advertising once all the bills related to the game have been paid, or how much is set aside to begin with. They may be having some success, but that doesn't mean it isn't going right back into the game, or even how much goes back into the game. It's very possible that some of the funds are being used to help develop other SOE games. We just don't know.
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