Sore's DCUO Census App

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sore, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    In any case, I'm going to bow out of these debates in here, this is to help Sore keep his app going and show it off, not debate the merits or concerns of the census. :)

    I wish I could do more to help out with this stuff, but unless Sore needs remodeling done around the house while he works on the app I'm of not much use. :D
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  2. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Doesn't kill us it kills the information, remember you can't have statistics without all the data being available. Also CR/SP inspect is intended and that will happen no matter what. I'm assuming they want stats shown too in the new UI

    Yeah I know, as I said before not even 5 year olds act that way lol
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  3. tukuan Devoted Player

    I could be way off here but I would highly doubt that the customer id is anything more that a identifier fabricated specifically for API functionality. Basically some sort of id has to be given to developers using to the API so a separate one is typically created just for that record set.

    Ie internally the customer id for you that is used to track support tickets, payments etc. is opaque to the API.

    It would be very unusual for an organization expose an identifier of any significance in this way.
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  4. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    I don't mind people knowing I'm a girl, just as long as players don't use my gender or my orientation against me. I think there should be something done about that, but unfortunately, even with all of the protection in the world, this happens not just in DCUO, and it's just an issue that keeps me from having a maximum potential of fun in internet-based games. I could always lie about who I am, but what good is that?

    Sorry, lol, like I said, not trying to cause drama, just makes me mad that some people just don't get how hard it is for a lot of female players. Some just laugh and go with it, but not everyone can do that as easily :/
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  5. Agent Flores Committed Player

    I agree. I've been off the game for a while cause of reasons and to see that not only this app shows my character stats but i am also seeing my character and the outfit I have on him is freaking awesome. Wether or not people agree with the app Sore, Bytecode and anybody else that works on this app you have to give them credit for doing a stellar job on creating this. I say keep up the good work and looking forward to seeing more of this app improve over time.
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  6. Sore Steadfast Player

    Thanks! I would prefer we could focus the discussion in this thread about my DCUO Live app specifically and less about opinions of the SOE Census API in general. I know it's been hard for me to bite on the topic of the SOE Census API a few times but there's plenty of other threads dedicated to that topic to have that conversation.
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  7. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    So, like I was wondering earlier, is there any way to make it so players can add comments/upload pictures to their character's page?
  8. Sore Steadfast Player

    I wouldn't be interested in doing that. Without authentication to the actual account, it would be open to trolls and griefers. Neither SOE nor PSN offer any APIs I could authenticate an account and authorize it for a character. With authentication, I'd then have to address moderation of inappropriate text and images. It would be a tall order for me to tackle.
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  9. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    Ah, okay, that makes sense. Perhaps Sony will find a way to introduce that option in the future :)
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  10. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    I think you are confusing Costumer ID with Character ID.

    As far as I know, there is nothing in the API that connects any one toon to a specifc user. As I recall Mepps specifically said, anything that would connect a Toon to a users (such as alts, etc) was specifically left out of the data.

    Granted my knowledge in this department is minimal, But I believe Character ID is just a numeric representation of your character for use by the game. It has no purpose or function outside of what the game code uses or needs.

    Basically if I have say 3 toons. We will call them ToonA, ToonB, and ToonC. Each toon has a unique number that is their character ID. Used specifically for game coding. There is nothing in the data on the API that would tell anyone that ToonA and ToonC are both the same person.
  11. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Wow Sore it is looking good. I have sadly had zero time to devote toward working on my stuff. Work is crazy right now. Hopefully next week.
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  12. tukuan Devoted Player

    Actually that was my point, I just mistyped the id name.
  13. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    The original discussion was shut down because they have all the opinions they wanted or needed. It was about 50 pages too long of 10 people bickering back and forth just like every other census thread that has been started. There's a reason they're being shut down or closed, because each one will turn into the same thing.

    Hopefully the devs won't end up having to over-moderate or close this one down so they don't have to keep moderating it.

    Again, how do you know that someone wouldn't look it up and say, "Oh hey EP Ice, I saw you didn't have ____ feat, so we can try to knock it out in this run if you'd like ?!?!?

    Not everything with the app, or census data has to be doom and gloom.
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  14. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    Honestly I am ambivalent to feats. People have expressed excellent reasons why knowing feats would be a good thing. It can help people know for instance not to burn the Baliff too fast on South Gotham Courthouse because some member needs the jury feat.

    I am not trying to shift blame here, but people who want to harass and discriminate will do so. neither the API or App can or has changed that. Has it made it easier. Yes. But the reality is, I would rather know up front someone is a jerk, so I can add him to the ignore list pronto then have to figure it all out myself.

    If someone kicks me from a group because he wants to be a jerk. He really is doing me a favor. Because I probably didn't want to run with him anyways.
  15. DG-MOD-02 New Player

    Please keep this post on track. This topic is about Sore's DCUO Census App.
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  16. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    I would love it if you could clean up all the off topic and or none constructive complaint posts that's hijacking this thread/aren't adding to the discussion of Sore's site, It's not fair to him and will only derail Sore's thread and get it Locked.
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  17. Breakforce Loyal Player

    I have it on good authority that what would help him while he works on the app is a nice hoppy IPA.
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  18. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Is there another place to comment since the developer discussion thread has been locked? There are new features on this app that have been added since the developer discussion thread was locked and if there is another thread to voice my opinion on these features, I will be more than happy to discuss them there.
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  19. LordStrongsword New Player

    Sore, do you know if they will let us see how long we've been playing our toons again? I loved that feature, and my wife is jealous because she couldn't see hers. Overall, I think the App is wonderful and is very helpful for looking up who needs what from an instance. I know it's hard work, and I just wanted to say thank you.
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  20. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    This one, currently:
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