Controller Instant power out animation

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Kage Spirit, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Kage Spirit New Player

    okay i have been a Troller in this game ever since it came out and have been every controller power, and the only thing that bugs be about the powers is the animation of it. i know this is very nit-picky about something that is very small, but its mainly about Quantum and Hard Light. Im a gadget troll and im use to the very quick animation of that power cast, how it is quick, clean and simple. also it doesnt bring you out of a weapon combo, and with weapon mastery since it is important to keep up to keep your power consumption very low. With Quantum and Hard Light they have an entirely new stance they get into, stopping everything they do just to raise their hand up and you have to jump cancel it to continue the combo rotation. so if my animation if longer than my combo for weapon mastery, then it kinda defeats the purpose of trying to save power since the entire team will be deprived till you can catch up. just my opinion here but i just think the animation for it should be quicker, i mean the animation does fit well for hard light, and i love the power, just me mainly playing as a troll that is the only thing stopping me from going back to that power or even quantum again.
  2. LoArlequin Well-Known Player

    I dont really get you.

    You mean that gadget's (long time since I used that power, I switched from gadgets to quantum a long time ago) power dump does not reset the weapon counter? If so, every power dump power shouldn't reset the combo counter.

    As for animations, I'm pretty sure we won't get a quicker animation because of the potetianl abuse as a clipping method. Power dump clips everything.

    Again, I don't get you. You could go for a quicker weapon mastery combo so your recharge it's always timed with the critical windown, to save power. I mostly troll and I really like using HB because of that chanelled attack, builds up sc and combo pretty fast. And I use the mastery's for most of the situations, but it's good to have a quick way to build up your sc when you need it.

    I also want to try DW for trolling, but I think it's to quick, only works when someone is spamming powers.
  3. Kage Spirit New Player

    i mean the animation with power dumps of hard light and Quantum are a lot slower compared to Gadgets and Mental, the animation just seems to stop weapon combos and take long to get back into the combo again because of the long animation. Since i use a staff to troll, and combo to the motors from the riffle. when im Gadgets it is quick clean and always easy to get back into the rythem.. with Hard light and Quatum it just seems harder because sometimes you just turn around completely after the power dump, the animation makes it longer than needed and the longer time just makes it harder to keep everyone power up especially when you are trying to keep up your weapon master to save power...

    and sorry if i didnt explain that right the first time, i type as i talk and i guess i didnt type everything as fast as i thought it up haha
  4. TheDark Devoted Player

    There was an update months ago that actually matched Gadgets and Mentals IPH to Light and Quantum's IPH. The animations are supposed to be around 1 to 1.2 seconds. Are you sure the animation itself isn't just fooling you? Sometimes certain movements in animations make it appear as if something is slower/faster just because one animation may have less/more movement on the characters body.
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  5. Abisial Committed Player

    Dang now that I think about it Quantum and HLs recharge is a bit slower lol now thats gonna bug me
    P.S Long time no see Kage
  6. Vyltran Loyal Player

    I think both animations are cool, most of the time you see is slower, much important is cooldown.. if every instant power dump are 0.8 - 1 seconds on cooldown.. then you are good.

    So far, i haven't seen my recharge delays my hl comboing while doing troll role..
  7. Kage Spirit New Player

    no, i have tested it with a friend of mine side to side, HL and Quantum is still slower that gadgets and mental, and plus Gadgets and Mental you can still move around normally in combat and out the same, the HL and Quantum slows you down and you have to jump cancel to move again
  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    like Rage's Dreadful Blast. Always feels like being in slow motion.

    Regarding the OP topic: I would not say they are slow. You can't even jumpcancel out of any of them. But HLs and Quantums Instant Power Animation look just dumb.. I mean...a "yaaaay"-animation? I couldn't come up with a better one in an instant but, oh well...
  9. Kage Spirit New Player

    yes i understand some powers do look like they are slower naturally, but just the Hard Lights and Quantum Instant power is like... getting back from from being rallied. i mean i know a lot of people know where i am going with this, how when you get up again it isnt simple get up and back in the fight again. it is a get up, relax the arms, stretch a bit then wait for the power to warm up again for the animation then you are back. Yea i know some exaggeration a little, but you all im sure have had those moments when you have to get up and move quickly, but cant because it is just going through the motions. thats how i feel that the Quantum and Hard Light Instant power is, i mean if you look at Gadgets and Mentals, it is quick clean and barley any animation. Hard Lights and Quantum they have to stop what they are doing, get into a new stance, pump their fist up ("yaaaay" moment) and then back into a combat stance and back into the fight. It is the same motion as Earth Fortify Golem and Sorcerys (pet power cast name here), and even collecting a token of merit. i just feel that the animation should be a little quicker and not so much of an entire stance change, and give the mobility in it as well so you dont have to jump cancel, because giving power out as a troll is one thing, so have to jump cancel the power you are doing all the time and avoiding seems like a lot to do.
  10. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    I would've liked to see the aura animations (or variants??) take the place of the instant animations.
  11. Delta795 New Player

    This ^^^
    It was done when dovetailing was introduced. They are all almost exactly the same time now
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