[USPS] Aristocrats: Under New Management

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Doc Holliday, Jul 24, 2014.

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  1. Goofycross Well-Known Player

    Thank you for taking the time to tell me a little about the league.
  2. NyyPope New Player

    Great League Nice people and very helpful when it comes to learning to things.
  3. Doc Holliday New Player

    Sorry bro. Leader went inactive and passed lead to another inactive member after mass kicking players from the league.

    There is no point in recruiting for this league any longer.

    Since I'm owner of this thread I ask the Mods to please lock it.

    Thanks and good luck in finding a new home.
  4. Stark23 Committed Player

    Wow, me and my co-founder were considering you guys along with Validated. That's unfortunate, I still haven't heard back from Validated. Where will you and your remaining leaguemates end up?
  5. Doc Holliday New Player

    Not sure yet but Validated is run by a great guy-Chosen One. You should definitely give them a shot.

    Good luck in whatever you decide.

    Mods, please close this thread if you don't mind.

  6. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    Anyone interested in joining Aristocrats should direct their questions to either myself or Redd Ryder. Redd Ryder is the new Aristocrats leader, and is perfectly active.

    Please direct any further forums posts to our original recruitment thread here: *ARISTOCRATS RECRUITING* [HERO-USPS3]

    Furthermore, as the OP has stated, this thread should be locked.
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  7. DG-MOD-04 New Player

    Thread Locked upon request.
  8. BoogerPizza New Player

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