Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xColdFront, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. xColdFront Committed Player

    So max damage is coming today and it's killing ice armor if you use it. I personaly think the benefits of ice armor out way an extra 10% mod you would get from using max damage instead.
  2. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Why not put this in one of the other 15 threads about the subject?

    Let's wait to see if Ice is up next for it's AM before getting too much in a frenzy over these current changes...
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  3. MARK2099 New Player

    I have to test myself, with MD we are going to do more damage from wm combos only, but we are going to lose damage from chill effects pi in our loadouts (mainly IB SB and FS), plus we lose the bonus in critical from IA, the rest of powersets are not going to lose anything.
  4. Sir Arcanium New Player

    There might be a ton of thread on this already, but I've seen no official response to any of them...

    But yeah it looks like Ice might just be a spam power until the AM comes around, when ever that might be. Given update 40 was gadgets. If their waiting till 41 for Ice that looks like at least a month or more away of being nothing but a spam power. Ice boulder over and over again with WM combo's thrown in. Lol heck you probably do even more dmg going full precision and using ice bash now just to get 60% modifier.
  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Ice players need to stop, ice will still be a top 3 dps power w/o the hand mod. Ice players will be at the same disadvantage that they had over 80% of the other powers. Any ice using the hand mod dps will fall, chill effects is the best dps route imo
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  6. xColdFront Committed Player

    Here is your official response. When using Max Damage mod ice armor no longer works.
  7. xColdFront Committed Player

  8. Sir Arcanium New Player

    It's funny how people just look at the 50% mod of ice armor to the 60% of the hand mod and say, "You get more dmg shut up" to ice players. While we loose perhaps the only mechanic worth anything for ice. I could understand the hand mod over riding the dmg of ice armor but I'm not sure why all chill effects had to be taken away too. If it's part of the ice revamp to get it's AM they better release it soon.

    It's really sad that this wasn't just an over sight with the mods. Tons of people been screaming about the problem since it hit test. Yet the mods just released the update notes saying it was intended lol.