Higher Vit = POT=> Misleading Advice at Best

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FameYack, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. FameYack Committed Player

    I won't disregard vit, but I think asking who wanna pot first is a better apprach, the Vit mentality is just a confusing number,
    It will work out so no picky
  2. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    also if the high vite troll lets the power go down for more than a second or two. if you cant maintain the pot you shouldn't be in charge of it. i'll admit there are times i'll let it slip, sometimes you get stunned or caught doing something and need a sec or two to recast...but it gets recast. to let it slide for seconds at a time as the standard means you dont have the experience regardless a to your stat score.

    one personal anecdote was getting kicked from an a n b operation on my villain alt. the main troll accused me of "ninja potting". i tried explaining that he was letting the power over time lapse too long between casts and the group was suffering for it. i might not have had as high a vite as the other guy...but a lower tic is better than none. of course how dare i question this god-trolls ability as the reason we were always out of power was because of my meager vite and not his forgetting to actually cast it...

    also if you want to know someones vitalization score offer up yours as well. first of all its rude (show me yours but i wont show you mine) and second it may still be t6 but its still a higher level of gear were working on. im curious to see how other trolls vite out as they mix the different 93 and 94 pieces. its come to a point where if the other controller in the group is vite-shy he's either going to be undergeared or a primadonna who is going to pot ignoring your much higher tic...

    pot should go to the person who knows how to use it.
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  3. R3aperOfSouls New Player

    This is hilarious to me. With the vit of people nowadays, 3600 and up, it doesn't matter who pots. It really doesn't. 8 people cannot use power so fast that they will drain two trolls who are geared in 93/94 gear, if they're trolling properly. Sure, they can constantly clip their whole loadout and do it, but no one does that. It's not effective no matter which role you are. At todays levels of power out, it simply does not matter who pots, unless the pot'ing troll is under 3k vit.

    Now, in terms of maximizing power out, that's a different story. It takes 77 skill points to max crit chance in the sp segment of your spec. Then you get even more from the gear itself.

    This is how it breaks down, in terms of numbers. From SP you get a maximum of 33% crit chance. Then you get an additional 5% from the gear, making a base 38% crit chance. You can also get +20% magnitude from the gear. On top of this, you have escalating replenishing procs, which with boost II (not considering the update tomorrow which makes this stronger) increases crit chance by a maximum of 9-12% (that's casting dump every 1 1/2 - 2 seconds, which is what the CD allows for). This gives you a maximum of FIFTY percent crit chance. One out of every TWO pot tics will crit. And in a raid, there are EIGHT ticks at once.

    The way this breaks down, for my little 2400ish troll, is a normal PoT of 239. However, he crits at an amazing 358. Therefore, if I have maxxed out crit chance, I should be pot'ing where a 3k troll with ABSOLUTELY NO crit chance should be playing 2nd troll. Now, this is all theoretical, and in an in-instance scenario isn't realistic to calculate. However, the math is there. Crit wins the day.
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  4. OGM_Madness New Player

    I totally agree with you. 108CR doesn't make a player good, 180SP doesn't make you top the charts in damage, there's more things in this game that players need to practice, learn and get involved with. Stats doesn't make a player good, but stats make a good player better. Bad players will still screw things up with or without the CR or SP.
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  5. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    All this troll talk making me want to play my troll now xD Lets have a Trolladay! If I had to pick my favorite role it would be troll even though we have a lot to do and sometimes there's miscommunication between us trolls. Off to play Supermilkchan I make it rain ... MILK! got milk? Spytle there can only be one. Next up on Battle of the Milk...
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  6. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    Its not only this but the HT mods that give you back power, SC HT mods that give you really 3 sc, everyone using WM, then :side kicks, trinkets and supply drops. If you are having power problem with 2 trolls you have bad trolls.
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  7. wyn333 New Player

    As a troll, I totally agree with what you said, I came across trolls with higher vit but could give us 10-second-breaks on POT..

    The only ways that I "fix" it:
    When the POT icon is off for the 1st few times, I say "POT" thru my mic
    When the POT icon is off for a few more times, I say "POT" thru my mic louder
    When the POT icon is still off frequently I just POT whenever it's necessary

    BTW, can all trolls get an agreement that when we use the term Vit it means your BASE Vit WITHOUT soder (or even trinket)? Some guys POT 33x at the beginning of the mission and after they died they just don't pop the soder and the POT dropped to like 30x....
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  8. smoove76 Committed Player

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  9. smoove76 Committed Player

    ADVICE TO ALL!!! For future reference to all trollers when pugging & you want to figure out who should be P.o.t troller... Give your Vit 1st THEN ask for the other controllers Vit. IT'S ONLY THE POLITE THING TO DO! I can't tell you how many times in groups, the other Troller blows up chat asking my vit. He start by sayin" Troll Vit ? " , ( Pissed) I then I reply to him " I DO have a name OTHER TROLL " :mad: then I blast my Vit Lvl & my SP's to top it off. Then he comes back the quiet " Oh you got P.O.T " NO DUUUHHHH.....,& he still does give his Vit level. it's Just rude..... I for one DON'T Care about being the P.O.T troll, Not even a little bit!!! I just want to have fun and get thru the Raid.... PERIOD! :D
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  10. Buckley Loyal Player

    OMG, thats what she said ;)
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  11. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    It isn't just gear but also SP....some don't invest into critical healing power chance; instead they only focus on multiple weapon mastery reducing their ability to get criticals for POT and power dumps.....
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  12. Falco Committed Player

    Pretty much yes. You are wrong.
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  13. MARK2099 New Player

    I let others p o t even if my vit is higher, i like to please pugs, as long difference is vit is not let say above 500.
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  14. Roland Deschain New Player

    there are only so many circumstances in which the higher vit troll shouldn't be the one potting
    the lower vit has a better cc on pot skill(quantum for example) and the 2 vit value are quite close(up to 10 makes not big impact overall)
    the lower vit troll is better experienced(a little lower double pot is better than a troll that let pot drop)
    the raid isn't difficult at all so better let the lower troll get some experience
    the higher pot troll is modded pure vit (pot must be close, up to 10 range)
    the high vit is a 108cr 50ish sp guy with wm and no crit sp (in this circumstance the second case may apply)

    overall trolling goes with the feeling of the battle, after a given time the double pot becomes an instinct, every 20 sec or so you feel the urge of throwing a pot :)

    aside from that i've found myself giving uo on pot role for another reason, i simply don't want to pot and focus on cc o the other troll(mostly in league runs) takes the duty, usually we are quite close in vita numbers so everyone can do what he enjoys the most, remember that even trollers are in this game to relax, not to be forced to do anything
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  15. Laff Riot New Player

    Higher vit should PoT. I am tired of trolls with a PoT of 280 something trying to overwrite my 328 all the time. They wont respond when asked vit and think that they should throw it. I just leave. No time for people want to hinder the raid group because they dont want to be back up troll. If I have less vit, then yes I will back up. Not a problem.
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  16. Zim New Player

    When I run my troll I like to overwrite POT only when greenman_x is running as the other troll. That way I prevent him from getting the #1 statue slot in power out in our league hall.
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  17. FameYack Committed Player

    :eek: I like your idea!
    It is The Best Solution :cool:
  18. CanopicJar Well-Known Player

    Endgame trolls are not the only ones throwing PoT. I don't see what's so funny when the PoT rule applies to fresh level 30s and every troll in between as well.
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  19. BossJohnson Active Player

    If the other troller asks my vit I'm instantly questioning their competence. If he asks my tick, I know hes legit...
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  20. Roland Deschain New Player

    asking vit is better than asking the pot tick

    vit is a pure stat, you can do math on that
    pot tick, pre gu40 bug, was influenced from the 3% increased power received and so the numbers were off by a little (in t6 range usually around 10 pot points)

    so if anyone asks me my vit, i'll tell, no harm there
    asking vita is the fastest and simplest way to decide the pot role troll, it may be rude but better safe than sorry

    to make an example
    2 close vita trolls may be misleaded by the league buffs, the 3% buff in power received applied to pot too, so while you see a 350 pot, you're actually giving a 340 pot to everyone else
    while the other troll is a no league troll with a 345 true pot

    if i ask you your vita, the numbers will show who pots and who doesn't
    if i ask you your pot tick, the example i made may happen
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