Female characters get the shaft again (male this time too)...the blatant sexism

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. SinestrosTaken New Player

    Oh ok, lol. Just sayin the two are gery similar :p
  2. winter13 New Player

    What makes a Circe thread so entertaining is the fact that he's a dude, but he waves the feminism flag like no woman I've ever seen. Fight the power Circe....fight the power
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  3. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I am fine with the current amount of female characters.

    And those characters mentioned in the OP are too minor to be a "must add these".

    The ones that I think could have a place as Legends are Raven and Poison Ivy (and maybe Starfire and Zatanna). The characters need to be known and popular.

    The amount of female characters that are both known and popular is already mostly present as Legends. It is just a fact that there are more interesting male characters...

    Personally I think that Poison Ivy would be a good addition, but beyond that there is not much left to add from females... on the males however: plenty!
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  4. Luminescence New Player

    I look at Legends characters much like I look at when I collected action figures or the facebook game by the competition. I buy those that interest me. My money tends to go to the more obscure characters than the ones "everyone" wants. Unless there is a feat attached, I won't buy the ones that I have no interest in. Out of the list of characters coming, the only one I will pick up is Flash. I'll be patient, I'll wait for Aquaman, Black Manta, Vixen, Killer Frost, Giganta and the like, maybe I'll see them, maybe I won't. I don't feel the need or pressure to pick up horrific characters like "I hate liars" Wonder Girl, and the ever boring Supergirl. There are literally hundred's of characters for them to get around to, although I fear they will go with Variant versions long before they get to some of the B list and C list characters.
  5. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    Actually not true, people asked for gear that showed more skin, it wasn't specifically 'female'. As a male with male characters, I want more revealing clothing as well. When Spytle said that they are working on giving us 'more revealing gear' he didn't say 'female only'; he also implied that they would be focusing on 'revealing gear' for a period of time- not just 'one set' and done. :cool:

    As far as Young Justice and marketing towards women... video game companies should start working on a strategy for this, as a recent survey showed, "Women now represent 48 percent of the average video game players in the U.S., up from 40 percent in 2010..." "Women over 18 represent 36 percent of people who play video games on regular basis, outnumbering even boys under the age of 18, who make up 17 percent of gamers, the survey shows."
  6. dcuo gamer Committed Player

    Well ok, Destiny will be out in 2 weeks so....

    See you later or good riddance, which do you prefer?
  7. Circe New Player

    You're right, those characters are highly requested. I even predicted them to be added. But really Gorilla Grodd over Poison Ivy? I mean, Grodd would be fun to play and all and we needed a mental Legend in there, but Poison Ivy is much more recognized than him. They could've thrown her in there at least.
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  8. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    people seem to forget that this is a business. I admit that im happy to see newer female characters introduced in legends. But if the numbers don't add up, how is it smart for them to continue trying to sell them? Its like asking Pizza Hut to keep selling us PB&J pizza. Its cool they have it but not a lot of people like it.
    As far as making a male star sapphire, there are already plenty of gender locked styles in the game. What am i missing here that makes this sexist?
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  9. Radium Devoted Player

    Out of the 8 Legends if you noticed they are in sets of 2.

    Kyle and Guy
    Flash and Grood
    GA and Deathstroke
    Shazam and Black Adam

    Poison Ivy wouldn't fit in one of those pairs.
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  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'm upset that I sent him a Star Sapphire sticker for his controller light and he has since quit playing the game because there's not enough female presence in the game... :D

    Even though we recently were given a DLC centered around Circe and WW, involving a ton of Amazonians, giving him Circe and WW legends and their own iconic anomalies.. SMH.
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  11. Circe New Player

    True, but Professor Zoom was more requested than Gorilla Grodd. Surprised they didn't go with him, by their words "they're going by what sells". So they pretty much contradicted themselves by choosing Grodd.

    Hopefully Poison Ivy comes soon after. She should come with Batgirl/Batwoman in an ideal world. I imagine Batman fans would go for that.
  12. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Or because they would've gotten blasted because "all you guys did was reskin Flash and sell him for $10 !!!" "OMG, you devs are such money grabbers !!!!" They can't win for losing the majority of the time. They just released a BUNCH of female legends toons (of which you didn't even get all of to begin with), and they're getting blasted for not releasing more with this current group of toons....

    Nothing wrong with releasing Grodd to counteract Flash and I'm glad they did him instead of Zoom....
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  13. Circe New Player

    You're right I should stop being so negative. I thank you for the sticker! <3 I love it! And I may come back to the game if something draws me in. I do miss this game in ways.

    There is a future feature that may bring me back. Legends PVE. If it's fun, I may be back then! ;)
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  14. Miggly Committed Player

    With the exception of the "Classic/Blue" Batman I have every one of Legends. If they want to add more females, which I am sure they will in the future, then great. But, I can also understand the economics of it all also. If females don't sell that strongly then I can't sit here and scratch my head as to why there are not any female Legends coming in the next batch. I don't think the devs are sexist, but I do believe they are trying to make decisions that are economically right for the game.
  15. Spicoli New Player

    This had to be the most funny thing I have read in a couple of weeks.
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  16. Circe New Player

    Same, but I have all but the latest releases (the new Batman, Wonder Girl, Supergirl). I like playing Legends characters, and it was my favorite aspect of the game. I do miss it, and hope Legends PVE is good because it could draw me back.
  17. Little Sister New Player

    Do you need help with that ?
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  18. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    I can't believe I'm going to say this....

    ...but I agree with Circe.

    Gender specific styles? I thought they'd cut out that nonsense.

    Cynically, I imagine that this is all DCs fault though, they've got weird ideas about men being pink lanterns. I still can't believe we didn't get a pink lantern Superman in Blackest Night.
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  19. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    I think a lot of people would pay good money to see Poison Ivy fit in with those pairs.
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  20. Hero of Justice New Player

    I'm sorry Circe, but there's no way this argument hold water when six of the last eight Legends characters were female (Also, I never saw a thread complaining about only 2 male characters being released that year). The only person in this current batch that I have seen people question is Grodd, everyone else either makes a lot of sense (Kyle and Guy, the two biggest Lanterns left and no-brainers to represent Hope and Rage outside of Atro and Saint), or is MUCH requested (basically everyone else). You can't go a day on the PVP section of the forums without a Green Arrow, Flash, Black Adam, etc. being suggested. I don't think any female character left has been as requested as most of these.

    As far as more female characters go, why should the devs grab obscure characters for the roster just because they are female when the more prominent ones they already have in there aren't popular? I don't even think it is as much it being a business as it is they are developers who are trying to make a game that people enjoy playing, regardless of race, gender, etc. This batch reflects that effort, just as last year they were making a concious effort to put more female characters into Legends.

    Keep asking for the characters you want, that's part of the beauty of Legends IMO. Being able to hope for your favorite characters is something I love doing and seeing (Still leading the charge for Cyborg and Raven :) ) But you are taking it to an extreme with charges of "blatant sexism."