Please make SP requirements for Raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thefrogshateme, Aug 23, 2014.

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  1. Rox New Player

    Lol it's been over a year still only have 1000/25000 exist and still have about 1000 paradox reapers to go. Not to mention I'm still at 34 toy man missions.
  2. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    They are both a joke,

    Both wanted strictly for exclusionary purposes.

    One just slightly less elitist then the other.
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  3. Dogico Loyal Player

    I don't think I'll ever get the exobit feat. I've grinded plenty of stupid feats (185 sp and much shame to show for it) but I refuse to grind for the 23000 exobits I need.
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  4. CosmicDreadNaught New Player

    Thank you for saying it before I did Lol
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  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    SP do not make a player...understanding game mechanics and roles makes great players...SP is a earned through grinding in game content....most of the players I met have lower SP...some good some not so good...those not so good are a result of them not understanding their roles....

    One of old league mates did not realize he was hurting his DPS build by only using Precision mods and not going after Might, he was quantum...

    Understanding your powerset is probably the most important thing first. The second is understanding what powers are support and which ones are DPS base; have a Support type of power in a DPS loadout will not result in top DPS or using DPS powers in a support type role may not result in a good support role.

    I don't know how many times I have heard Nature healers state, I have swarm in my load...I ask about Swarm shield or Hive mind and they don't have either...end result is that the group does not have a shield or a boost in stats....As healer Hive Mind and Swarm Shield are better support loadout than Swarm....
  6. SinestrosTaken New Player

    Oooooh, thanks god. My damager had low skill points and im grinding it. But i made a rage tank which im loving the only thing holding me back was the thought of grinding it all again..... *phew* thanks for info man
  7. FameYack Committed Player

    Although, that's the best moment to increase your skill,
    Things get harder, you get tougher;

    If things aren't hard but just Chart Numbers, then it doesn't matter
  8. oODarkMatterOo New Player

    With 90 sp there no way your numbers will stack up against a troller with over 160+ sp. cr means nothing we can have the same gear with same mods but your stats wont touch the higher sp. Sp doesn't relate to skills but you can't discount the benefits of SP.
  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Think it's better to say potential benefits as opposed to benefits. Having the extra skill points can help, but it doesn't automatically mean you're going to have better numbers. It all becomes unrealized potential if the players themselves can't or won't make the most of those extra points.
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  10. oODarkMatterOo New Player

    Ok "potential" Example a few trolls in my league are full 94 gear with full 6 mods yet they all have less vit then I do because of the sp difference, mind you I still have about 3 pcs of 92 gear on.
  11. Mrik Tros New Player

    The great debate: cr vs. sp.
    I propose an experiment. With let's say 150+ sp, take off your gear- all of it - and run Smallville.
    Next, with say 60ish sp, but 103cr, run Nexus.
    Which instance do you think will be a better run?
    Skill> gear> sp.
    I'm not saying sp don't matter, I'm saying they don't matter enough to be used as an excuse to exclude people.
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  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    NO Just NO. For the same reason that have been stated time and time again. Does more SP mean better stats and "potentially" a better team mate? Sure but what a requirement like that breeds is the very same insanity we already see in the LFG channel when leaders are building teams now... Mission is set to be run by anyone with a CR of 53 ... I want nothing on MY team but players with CR 90 or 100. WHY? Because I want to breeze through content as fast as I can and don't give a dang if other players ever get the opportunity to run raids and alerts that will give them better armor and .. gee eventually make them stronger.

    We finally got rid of the "WALK IN " where a league or even just a couple friends can help out a low level rapidly gain Marks and buy whole sets of gear in one day (and in the process not learn a thing about how the game is played leading them to believe you just tag along and let OTHER people do all the work).

    So now we want to set the STUPID bar even higher so we can see posts like want only CR 106+ with 150+ SP. So I guess my Cr 104 troll with 110 SP isn't good enough for you? Strange I did the exact same mission with a PUG team 2 days ago and not one player ever ran out of power. So if the Devs cave and give you SP requirements what's next .. We only want players with full sets of (name your favorite armor type here)?
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  13. realTREDD New Player

    but they do represent time spent in game content and by the looks of it you haven't ran half of the content available thus at the very least your knowledge of the game isnt that of someone that has,
  14. realTREDD New Player

    Im in favor of having a sp minimum for content, however it would probably be just like the cr minimum which is set way low anyway.
  15. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    Seems as if this subject keeps coming up, but ultimately it'll just be another way to shun players away from running content. If you don't want to run content with players that have a low amount of skill points, then only run with members of your League so that you can verify that they meet your standards.
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  16. ToxicReaction New Player

    Since there are so many people that want this whole cr+sp to run content either from on duty or for LFG, I have an idea.
    First lets say some one buys the game today. Said person takes oh I don't know 4 weeks to get up to T6. This person has say 30sp. How long did it take you to GRIND out those 180sp? It took you years to hit that number.

    So what you are saying is that anyone that buy's the game today or this year should not be aloud to play the game until they spend a full year GRINDing feats.

    Back to my idea.
    Those people who want this whole cr+sp, what do you say to the Dev's giving us the option to spend real money to unlock an entire feats tab? Are you going to show that your nothing but an elitist jerk or are you willing to understand that there are feats for content that no one runs or even wants to run.
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  17. Draco8573 New Player

    Nope, this is not a good idea. The last thing we need is more things to exclude people from content. If you do not like the amount of SP some people have, run with your friends or your league.
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  18. Sorwen Well-Known Player

    As has been said SP doesn't mean anything really. As an old returning player I could have more SP then the content I could handle. The fact there is no in game way for me learn many of the changes that have occurred other than at some point just jumping, means you are never going to get away from it happening.

    Saying you should come to the boards to learn your character isn't helpful either. Some people just avoid boards, then there is how out of date some information is, and to top it off the fact they've wiped the boards so many times that there are things people take for granted. Many people have been here the whole time so certain terms are known but that causes a barrier for some people. Then on top of it while you have some very helpful players(which I thank for helping me fill in holes) here you have the opposite as well in people waiting to tell anyone they can how stupid they are(I've seen here, but thankfully haven't experienced).

    What is going to fix some of these problems, at least some what, is them cleaning up old/incorrect information in the game and making it obvious for new and returning players. Beyond that there is nothing you can do, because there is no way you are going to prevent "bad" players from playing. There is no mystical barrier you can setup that is going to screen them. All you can do is give players the tools to be better and hope they use them.
  19. RapidRay Committed Player

    Those people who want this whole cr+sp, what do you say to the Dev's giving us the option to spend real money to unlock an entire feats tab?

    If they did, it would defeat the entire purpose of SP in one fell swoop. Instant progression of SP means that players would not even have to run content. Theoretically, you could dump a pantload of cash on a new character in the ship, buy all the SP on earth and come out at level 4 with 190 SP. With all those skill points into innates, they'd burn leveling up missions in record time and, more likely than not, fail to learn a thing about how their roles work until they get to the higher level content of the game. It would solve nothing.

    Even if an SP requirement is instituted, no one would be able to determine if a player earned their 150+ SP or just bought it with cash. Same problem all over again. No reflection of them REALLY being aware of how the game's mechanics work for their role or their ability to play it.

    As I mentioned before, including an SP requirement NOW would mean that people who purchased DLC packages could lose access to the content if their SP is below the minimum requirement. Imagine the outcry if the 100CR/42 SP players suddenly found out they no longer had access to Tier 4, 5 and 6 DLC content they paid for? We'd all need earplugs.

    Let's be honest.
    The only reason for an SP inspection is for those who DO NOT want to get into groups where players don't perform their roles up to THEIR standards. This isn't necessarily an elitist attitude, or even about rocketing through instances in speed feat times, but more about running content in a at least a REASONABLE amount of time. So then it falls to the devs to define what a "reasonable" amount of SP for each instance would be and set it in stone. Even if thy did, there's now way to assure it will be widely accepted by the community without a sreamfest.

    "You PUGs your game, you takes your chances."
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Odd i had 88sp when i cleared it ..pre nerf solo healing.. And 38sp on my 90cr post nerf (solo healer) so either its because you lacked the skill, or sp doesnt play as big as a part you think... I believe its the latter but i like to see how would you respond to this
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