20th August Hotfix: DLC11-instances bugged, invisible enemies

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by oasenhoheit, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    We just did a League Hall alert and had a weird new bug.
    Single adds in various places were invisible.

    We could attack them and they attacked us.
    We were able to mark them with bad karma to see where they are.

    Still this is an annoying bug. It made it a lot more difficult to see which adds to grab for the feat, where you have to prevent them from grabbing consoles, prisoners etc.
    I have never seen this happen before today.

    EUPC, hero-side.

    Please look into this and fix it.
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  2. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    it's like this on the ps3 too, i have to relog to see the adds or bosses sometimes.
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  3. Elusian Crowd Control

    The new added adds in Lockdown are invisible. Nice to place them in but maybe dont forget the model next time? >.>'
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  4. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    We just finished an Intergang Crime Wave alert on villain-side and got at least one invisible add in the last-boss-fight (Mannheim and Chang Tzu).
  5. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Then a thumbs up to help get the Attention of the Devs would be nice. :)
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  6. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Thanks a lot to the mod, who altered the Topic of my thread! :)
  7. Jay&Becky New Player

    Parademon Fixer is Currently the only enemy ive encountered Invisible... in both Intergang at the final boss fight and in Breach on USPS4
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  8. Jcal Dedicated Player

    I ran all the DLC 11 content today and the Parademon Fixer was invisible in every single instance. He can be targeted and attacked, you just can't see him. The Fixer is usually the first to be disposed of since he can prolong fights, so it's very frustrating to have him glitching out like this.

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  9. DoIAmuseYou New Player

    I've also seen the 'brute's' bugged and invisible, this is all over dlc 11, I've ran everything and there's always at least one invisible npc, usually more.
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  10. not_again Dedicated Player

    This happened to me in both the breach alert and lockdown raid. Fixers and I think they are call dissectors were invisible.
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  11. Crackin New Player

    Pretty much the fixers from last boss boom tube are invisible. Good times.
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  12. Yui Loyal Player

    I think there are invisible adds all over DLC 11. There are invisible adds in Lockdown too.
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  13. Sgt Bombero Committed Player

    Experiencing invisible adds in all dlc 11 alerts as well...
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  14. HLAssassin Well-Known Player

    At least as far as the raids go, all fixers and dissectors (whatever these new things are) are invisible from my experience.
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  15. RlVER Well-Known Player

    Had this issue yesterday in breach. on the third boss we hade the objective of stop the hack ( go figure, lol ) and invisible adds kepts getting to the computers before we noticed they were there. We wiped twice from the one shot on what is normally a rather easy part of this instance. This needs to be address ASAP. I dont seem to have the problem in Necro, Crime Wave, or the parts of Atrifact that are not in LH. Something about the LH is causeing these add to not show. I have seen invisible fixers and maniacs. In the last week I have not seen a single fixer just the targeting icon.
  16. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I allready reported this bug last Wednesday and asked a Mod to alter the Topic, since it's all DLC11-instances, which have this bug.
  17. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I forgot the Name of the add, but we also had some in the raids, which were not the Fixers.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Just wanted to let everyone know that we are actively investigating this issue. Thank you for the reports.
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  19. Kaiowas Nomad Active Player

    Now I've tried to do Lofkdown raid several times and the Gun and Barda keeps getting invisible on and off, so U can't use Gun or focus her...and different adds are invisible too at random. I'm on EUSP3, Villain.
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  20. Mack10 New Player

    This is still happening in all content which contains Parademon NPCs (USPC - Hero).