Can Anyone on PS4 sign in?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bolt z, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. ReAni Mator New Player

    Yh go to settings/psn/restore licences... pretty sure you'll have to be signed in to be able to restore them
  2. sayow55 Well-Known Player

    ps3 cannot play either.
  3. The Klepto New Player

    It's a hack.... The more technical term you can call it a DDOS to be technical.... But it's basically a hack
  4. The Klepto New Player

    And if you don't know who they are just google "lizard squad" you'll see it's quite funny
  5. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Hack- use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
    DDoS- Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) Definition. A denial of service (DoS) attack is a malicious attempt to make a server or a network resource unavailable to users, usually by temporarily interrupting or suspending the services of a host connected to the Internet.

    Hacking is when they get access to the data, CC info, bank addresses, IP addresses etc. DDoS is forcefully directing traffic to an IP address or host. Hacking would be like breaking and entering, DDoS would be sending people to stand outside of the house so no one can get out or in.
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  6. ReAni Mator New Player

    Yh well psn are reporting their servers as completely offline atm.. I was able to get on there for a while on ps4, but I stupidly closed program instead of switching characters and I've been unable to get back in since. My PS3 is still logged in to psn and able to boot dc, so wtf knows whats happening with them atm.
  7. Ebon Angel New Player

    While the problem affected PS4 when I posted, I see the issue has compounded and spread. Now my husband can't log in either.
  8. Ebon Angel New Player

    Great analogy...and explanation.
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  9. evilmufasa Well-Known Player

  10. Ebon Angel New Player

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  11. ReAni Mator New Player

    I think ppl that challenge these 'hacking' turds to choose a more difficult and significant target rather than attacking a recreational ******* gaming server make a great point. They're just dicks looking to annoy ppl, not talented crusaders taking on the world as they would love to have ppl believe.
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  12. WonderValkyrie New Player

    that ol' sign in and back out trick isnt working anymore
  13. ReAni Mator New Player

    No, it doesn't seem to be, I'm kicking myself for closing the program rather than switching character when I got in a short while ago.
  14. evilmufasa Well-Known Player

    Just woke up im def not happy
  15. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Does anyone know what got these scrubs so butt hurt that they have to screw over everyone?

    These people are what's wrong with our world today...

    Spoiled little brats with way to much knowledge...sad!

  16. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Lizard is claiming he/they did this. Seems just for bragging points that they can attack a huge network.
    "Sony, yet another large company, but they aren't spending the waves of cash they obtain on their customers' PSN service. End the greed."
  17. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Sad thing is, I bet none of them sub or even play this game!

    Spoiled brats is all I take from this!

    My only hope is all of them are jailed for this to make an example of what WILL happen if done again by anyone!

  18. Enzan Committed Player

    "End the greed" - Clearly shows that he's a Microsoft fanboy that is jealous that he doesn't get exclusive content from Destiny, having to pay $100+ for a weaker system, and is hurt about needing to pay for Xbox Live to play any game.

    And then he attacks Microsoft, from what I've read, so he must be mad at them for the same reasons. QQ more.

    Otherwise, he wouldn't be putting Sony with "Greed".

    (My assumption)
  19. Ebon Angel New Player

    This has been ongoing all day. Such a waste for "them" and gamers. If the only way you can validate yourself is by inconveniencing others, you are a sad individual/group who needs a larger world view by going outside, getting a life, and making an effort to develop a critical thinking process.
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  20. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Agreed. They also would benefit from a punch in the mouth.
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