Steel is BS

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by nick singleton, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. nick singleton New Player

    I'm sorry but steel is broken in legends if you have him on your team you win its aggravating to see this mess happen every time i play against him he uses shield and that same move where he has his hammer in the air with electricity and after that a few smacks with his hammer and your dead so judging by my opinion what are you guys side on it and it would be very helpful if someone had a strategy against him 2

    Thanks in advance
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  2. Radium Devoted Player

    Steel is ez mode for damage, but the better you are at legends the easier it is to take him out.
  3. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    It is pretty OP at how he can put so much damage out with so little effort, plus a shield and taking many hits.

    Though like Radium said... he is very possible to kill, and with practice it shouldn't be too hard.
  4. Yallander Loyal Player

    Strategy to deal with Steel varies depending on who you use (or who is in your team.) I like using Batman so when I see Steel put his hammer in the air I throw a sticky bomb and it breaks to power, stops the damage and stuns him. There are other ways to deal with various tools Steel has at his disposal.
  5. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    If I see the hammer in the air I block or roll out of the way. I use Luthor most of the time so, I use EMP to knock him out of it and use Laser Beam when he uses his shield along with Energy Matrix to take it out fast.
  6. Talve Dedicated Player

    This is how you deal with bad Steels.
    Against good Steel that sticky bomb is going to do nothing against Atom Splitter 90% of the time.

    Best way to avoid this hammer move is to use anything you have in your disposal that has dodge effect ( flip / quick and spammable lunge).

    But at the end of the day Atom Splitter is least of your worries. You will be lucky if Steel actually overuses it.

    In general lot of characters have "ways" to deal with Steel abilities...but Steel has counters to deal with those "ways" himself. Luckily not many Steel players know/realize them.

    Actually Atom Splitter is interesting move in general, as you can cancel it with blockbreak/lunge or even jump cancel into block / combo. It's not really there for damage, its there to keep you alive while your DoT's eat your target away (or there to make your opponent do a stupid mistake and then punish it with some extra damage).
  7. Woodler New Player

    Quoted for truth.

    Like somebody else said - steel is easy mode for damage. Stack your dots go into atom splitter - if your opponent tries to block or roll away counter accordingly. A lot of people are terrible with steel simply because they aren't good with 2h weapon.
  8. Ice Lantern New Player

    You know he is unbalanced because the onus is on the other players to know how to beat him. The hammer DOT move really should be vulnerable to interrupts like other moves, like it. But hey, SOE likes money.
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  9. Shinjin New Player

    Watch us put the "D" on steel. He's not OP at all.
  10. Woodler New Player

    You beat a player using steel and recorded it... there's no way his OP then!

    Cheers for settling that for us bruv
    • Like x 1
  11. Shinjin New Player

  12. Quasimoto Active Player

    Seriously, steel can dish out 200k+ damage in a single Ace Chemicals match. Where's the balance in that? What other character can put that much damage out effortlessly? This is coming from a bad *** robin.

    Also, it barely helps to know how to kill him when the opposing team is on or near the same skill level as you.
  13. recespieces31 New Player

    Steel just has very spamable powers that can easy stack DoT's on 1 person...his powers individually are no where near OP...when stacked on top of each other, his powers put a hurting on players...if anything 1 or 2 of his powers could have the cool down increased a little...other than that Steel is fine
  14. Zypher New Player

    He's BS because you wouldn't spend 10 bucks otherwise.
  15. TheHiddenFace New Player

    Why not just burst Steel while he's putting his hammer in the air?
    I've never had trouble with Steel before.
  16. Manny254 New Player

    I find that while Bizzaro "Hate Scary Gear" he has no problem melting steel.
  17. BadHansel New Player

    As a single target Steel is easy to kill. In group he is a beast. Slightly OP. But good players can deal with him. The good thing is, that most players sucks hard with 2h
  18. PaperGirl New Player

    yes still is OP , saw that since 1st day of his release .
    I not explain in details , but can deal amazing damages ridiculously easy , something really wrong with him .
    But hey , again a pvp topic , nothing will change you know that ?
  19. Satla Well-Known Player

    Whats wierd with steel is :
    He has 1 DoT, one mine that gives a DoT and has 1 second cooldown.
    He has a shield, and his channel attack seems to have the empowered channelling mod :D . unlike any other channel attack a legends char has...
    both of his instant powers are low cooldown and aoe.
    When he just came out, he was a little OP, not that much, but his power increased alot when 2h was buffed, giving him the option to melt groups with 2DoTs, while keep attacking them with 2h, and if he gets focused, he can use a shield to have more effective hp.
    Also because his channel attack cant be interuped and gives him increased thougness, he can just use it after setting up his 2 DOTs, and see the enemies die without a thing they can do.

    Please fix him :D
  20. Talve Dedicated Player

    Damn? 200k? Let's not get carried away.
    Usually 1 of 3 things happen.
    1. Opponents are very bad and game does not last full duration.
    2. Opponents are good and game lasts long -> better players = less damage.
    3. You are with very bad pugs against full premade and carry a game 1v4 into full duration match.

    If its 1, you usually don't reach 100k.
    If its 2, you top around 140-180k.
    If its 3, 200k is possible, but Steel is not really best 1vX character with hes slow and clunky animations.

    That is the key word, yes.

    Nope, there is no mod. That power is redone version of Bizzaro's Jump Smash. So it has damage protection, but it does not have immunity to knockbacks (but you can make it immune yourself).

    Difference with Bizzaro's power is
    +it has 5 stuns (1st hit is not stun, other 5 are)
    +much bigger AoE
    +more ticks of damage
    +animation can be cancel'd when ever you want
    -it can't be clipped for protection and no animation
    -other powers cant be used while in the animation (like Bizarro can)

    There are only 2 reliable actions you can do
    1.Using a dodge effect to lower the damage. Atom Splitter counts as ranged attack, so anything with dodge effect is not hit by it.
    2. Using grounding effect (sadly only couple of characters have access to it). No matter what you do or have done as Steel, grounding effect will stop your Atom Splitter.

    Actually, Steel lost one of hes best tools, clippable right tap blockbreaker with 2 second constant blockbreak.
    Was fun to have a move which counters long blocks, constant tap blocks AND even rolling (tap blockbreaker checked for block so often, that the second you tried to roll, that millisecond of block from pressing shift was counted and you got hardstunned for "blocking").
    So it actually did make tap block and slow play a little bit more reliable against Steel and mitigating the damage, he actually has to use 2h now (which can open up windows).
    So it was bump in damage against bad players, a little drop in reliability against good players and a little bump in "possible comebacks" because increased 2h damage and how randomly you can mix it up.

    Thank you, case closed! -- . --

    You mean like Hammerang? AoE burst + DoT?
    You mean other moves like Bane's Venom Clap? Oh wait, cannot be interrupted.
    You mean Two-Face's Domination version of In Your Face? Oh wait, cannot be interrupted.
    Ursa's Heat Blast? Nope
    John's Construct Grenade? Nope
    Hal Jordan's Strafing Jet? Nope
    Wait, what moves are you talking about?

    Go to Europe DCUO forums and check you PM. I sent you some data on the moves some time ago.
    Issue here is not in bad Steel aginst good player or good Steel against bad player. Its when people are actually at equal skill level

    Making powers less spammable does not solve anything but make bad players a little worse. Good players do not spam DoT's as it is. Its all about positioning and saving your power. The more ticks you get from your DoT's before reapplying them, the better it is.

    Problem is pure maximum amount of damage you can push out from your abilities, which can't / are hard to counter.

    I'dd go so far and say that damage between Atom Splitter, Hammerang and Proximity Mine should be nerfed up to 25% across the board.
    And 25% is NOT something you want to just throw around when balancing.
    Heck, 5-10% is already a major change. So 25 is just off the boards.

    But as far as it stays like it is...