staying true to one power is looked down upon

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ihatedcuo, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. ihatedcuo New Player

    2 years ive been playing and the whole two years ive been mental. ppl ask me all the time why wont I change powers or im stupid for being mental, (until I out dps them by 2 or 3 mill) im not a fotm player, I love mental so much I don't even waste time making an alt to even try out the other powers. mental can keep up or out dps any power set in game now with enough skill points. its nothing wrong with it beside the flat number prec/might buff, it will be last on revamp for sure because it isn't broke or op. sorry for speaking so much but im really sick of ppl asking me "why mental" last thing about that buff it only gives 50 points towards prec/might could you devs change it to a 10 or 20 precent buff? and speed up the long cast and leave it at that?
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  2. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

    don't give in to BS i've been mental for 3 years

    and im not going to respec ever
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  3. Pew New Player

    Dont let these people get you down.
    I have been rage since launch in 2011 and its fine.
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  4. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    You guys are talking about the power right?

    Actually when I first started playing my Nature I loved the gameplay of it and never changed.
  5. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i am troll since i have been born
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  6. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Who is this 'Cuo', and why did you 'hated' him so much?

    Couldn't care less about people switching powers, so long as they kicked **** with those powers prior to switching. If they couldn't, then it's a failure on their part and I bite my thumb at them.
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  7. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Taken out of context, that makes me giggle.
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  8. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    SO CONFUSED?! Rage didn't come out until this year. Trolling?
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  9. Minnion Devoted Player

    So at the thread title.. Since when? (My second question would be PC or PS?)
  10. nogimmick New Player

    ....are you SURE about that?
  11. Pew New Player

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  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Looked down on by who? Don't answer I know what you mean but its just silly. The reason DCUO allows us to purchase more character slots is so you can play more than one power without having to respect constantly. Sure they make money selling respect tokens to the FOTM club but they make money selling character slots as well.

    I started playing here in December of 2012 after NC Soft closed the City of Heroes servers down (I had 50 different characters all at level 50 there before the game died which allowed me to play every different role and a wide variety of the available power set) and in my year and a half here I now have 8 characters at T5/T6. those include:

    CR 104 Quantum Controller
    CR 104 Ice DPS/Tank
    CR 103 Fire DPS
    Cr 103 Celestial Healer/DPS
    CR 103 Electric Healer /DPS
    CR 103 Mental Controller
    Cr 101 Gadgets Controller
    CR 97 Gadgets Controller

    I also have a few other characters at 30 level:

    CR 65 Sorcerer Healer
    CR 62 Gadget Controller (Villain side)
    Cr 50 Rage DPS/Tank
    Cr 40 Earth Tank

    Now I won't say I have never used a RESPC token... I changed powers on two characters since I arrived because I simply didn't enjoy the power sets they had but liked the character. And I used a number of respecs when WM arrived to hone skill point use not switch powers completely. But it doesn't take that long to battle your way to T5 and beyond these days and thanks to being allowed to share feat points between characters any player can avoid the grind to get those over and over so WHY switch from a power set you know and enjoy playing just because something new comes along?

    Every single character I listed above started as a one level in Brainiac's ship and has worked up through the usual mission to get where they are now. I am intimately familiar with the powers they possess and how to use them.... How many times have you seen leader looking for team and specifically stating they didn't want anyone using (name the flavor of the month here) because too many of the ones out there using it had done a respec and were CR 100+ with absolutely no clue how to use the powers they now possessed?

    Now I am retired from the Military with a lot more time on my hands than many so I don't expect every player out there to be able to do what I have but I don't spend 8 hours a day 7 days a week playing DCUO either. But come on.. The last character I created was a level 30 in three nights (less than 15 hours of play time) and by using some replays to allow me to repeat many of the side missions and get extra MOTs I was able to go straight to the Watchtower and buy CR 46 Chest, Legs, Helm and Shoulders and then modded them giving me a combat rating of Cr 42 before I ever did a single mission. When I hit CR 70 between daily missions at Strykers and Ace Chemical along with joining teams to battle the Siege and Morrow Bots I quickly had a complete set of armor at or above CR 74 and was in the Wasteland at CR 84 in no time. So with a little effort anyone can have a number of high CR characters to play. WHY keep changing powers? create characters!
    • Like x 3
  13. Twilight Man New Player

    Sorcery Healin/DPS'in for 3 years 8 months.

    While perfecting every other power/weapon/movement with my army of "alts".
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  14. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Been sorcery since I first started playing back in April 2011. Don't let others keep you down.
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  15. FuryX New Player

    The only way I would look down on you is if you hated your power and still refused to change it..

    If you enjoy it and get the job done **** em
    • Like x 4
  16. LightSp33d Well-Known Player

    Ignore them, changing powers to be a "scoreboard chaser" is wrong. Been Sorcery since f2p and will probably stay sorcery until the end of the game. Besides, when you crush the opposition using a power that everyone thinks is "broken" or "weak" it gives the satisfaction of knowing that you're that good of a player.
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  17. SinestrosTaken New Player

    Been light for aaages (nah 2 moths, new to game lol) dont see how i could ever change. If i wanna try a different power ill start a new char (and have). Its not just about the game as well, sinestro corps is my favourite super villain team followed by black lanterns. Use what u like
  18. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Started as Sorc but feel in love with Elec.
    Oh yeah and my Earrrrf.
  19. Spacedude2 New Player

    Yeah! Rage came out this year.
  20. spack2k Steadfast Player

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