Power Hack Spammer

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Jade Tygrr, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Jade Tygrr New Player

    Had someone named "DCUOHacker" shouting in the Watchtower about an unlimited power hack. I know this isn't the perfect place for this but couldn't get /petition to work as in EQ/EQ2, and hopefully by posting it here the devs will see it and deal with it.

    Tried to take a screenshot but it blanked the GUI /sigh
  2. IdontDps Committed Player

    Your talking about usps right? Yea hes trolling he cant hack
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  3. Ice Clown New Player

    yea i dont think u can on any PS server, just another spammer
  4. Jade Tygrr New Player

    USPC, and just figured this was the only way I could report him. Appreciate the responses.