League Halls furniture placement bug

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Novaks, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Novaks New Player

    By the Shared bank area there is a corner where I'm trying to decorate and it's not allowing me to directly place the item. I have to place it in the middle of the room and then slide it over to that corner (southwest corner from the shared bank) Thing is after I placed the items the other day, I log back and that area that did not allow me to directly put base items erased everything I had put there.

    Every single member (with the proper rights) from my league who decides to place an item on that section of the league hall gets deleted in a matter of hours (automatically) I have uploaded the picture (see attached) where it shows the area the items get deleted (next to the bank in the league hall). The highlighted are on the picture below is currently empty on our League Hall because of this bug.

    Can you please assist? I really don't want to log in everyday and place those items again and again.

    League: JusticeKnights
    Character: Novaks

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  2. Ebon Angel New Player

    I have found this same problem in the same area. If you place the item, you get the sound prompt that you can't place it. If you put it in the middle of room and slide it, it goes there but then disappears. Also there are spots in the prison area that this happens as well.
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  3. Novaks New Player

    Was not aware it was happening to other locations. This is a very annoying bug.
  4. Halahiiro Well-Known Player

    I noticed that if u blow up the decorations in that corner during the SB alert everything goes back to deco inventory, i can place them again in the same spots and they stay there as long as none is running the alert in our Hall, this is annoying!!!

    League: Justice Union
    Character: Halahiiro
    Server: USPC
  5. Novaks New Player

    Hopefully the devs can figure out a fix soon!