New PVP Styles Announced

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scotty Ohura, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Zeo Committed Player

    Ugh, Nightwing disco suit no! When in the earth they would think that it looks cool? And i'm a old guy myself.
  2. John Brawler Committed Player

    wouldn't hold my breath, probably another god awful, bulky, and ugly armor set.
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  3. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Give my Jubilee a new Trenchcoat to wear.
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  4. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I would actually prefer something bulky. I'm tired of all the slimline styles. Something like Nightwing's costume in Injustice would. Suffice.
  5. xXxARMAGEDD0NxXx Well-Known Player

    Finally we might get that hush trenchcoat
  6. DaTruthBeTold New Player

    Haha villains Win!
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  7. Scotty Ohura Well-Known Player

    That's his original costume from the 80's/early 90's.
  8. BigBadDogIV Committed Player

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  9. Scotty Ohura Well-Known Player

    What is sickening? I think both of these if properly utilized could be great.
  10. Octantis New Player

    Gotta say I'm stoked for a Nightwing Iconic set.

    But then again, I was stoked for my man, Booster Gold, getting an iconic set and it turned out looking ... well, it was disappointing. I don't want to get my hopes up again.
  11. Fearlantern77 Well-Known Player

    I desire that hush trench coat, hope that it has the H emblem attached to it since the heros robin pvp suit has the R.
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  12. JigglyTANK New Player

    I'm posting this here since the official thread for the new PvP mechanics is closed...
    Will we have to buy the new PvP gear or will are stats just reset to the newer ones? Or are these new styles the new gear?
  13. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    Disco ! Disco !


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  14. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Thanks... I needed a good laugh.

    Most of DCUO is focused towards heroes and the Villains get the "adapted" version. It's not our fault Nightwing loves Spandex.
  15. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    You might be... Lol
  16. Scotty Ohura Well-Known Player

    It is the new gear's style, so when the new gear comes out this will be the style.
    I like nightwing :(
  17. TheMysticStar Level 30

    I only wish we weren't trapped by the hero/ villain only gear. Having a new trench coat would be nice on either side. It's not as if hero's or villains can just switch sides like they do in the comics. That way we could enjoy all content and styles. At least without having to create new alts.
  18. Twilight Man New Player

    I like Nightwing more than Batman.
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  19. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    Blame his upbringing.
  20. Dezaras Loyal Player

    So another PvP trenchcoat.
