Hey underperforming guy: Stop Blaming it on the gear

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ApacheTribe, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    Too many variable factors when considering why someone did more or less damage than another person. Even with the addition of 60% damage modifier across the power trees, there will always be a difference in output amongst all classes.

    Some powers stack more efficiently than others. Some gamers refuse to run anything witout rotating around several trinkets. I even know a few who won't run an alert or Raid without having some type of consumable buff.

    Either way, the competitve side of all gamers will lead us towards knowing where we stand amongst other gamers. This is generally a good reason to keep a scorecard/scoreboard.

    Happy gaming!
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  2. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Scoreboard needs a MAJOR overhaul. Show very little of what happens in a RUN outside of mainly Outage. Which leads to it catering to DPS'ers more then any role in the visual result of the boards.

    But lets not get into that......
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  3. Draco8573 New Player

    This is very true. I am only 106cr and 104 sp and my friend is cr107 and 140 ish sp and I can troll just as well as he can. Its not all about mods and gear. Yes those things help but you have to know how to play your role, your character, your weapon, and your power set. That is how you are successful in this game.
  4. ToxicReaction New Player

    While I have beaten other DPS that had way more skill points and a much higher combat rating I will say this.
    I have been low on the dps charts in say Alerts that require some sort of mechanic that is required to stop a one shot due to no one else wanting to do it. It's more important to make sure the Alert or what ever content your in to be smooth and fast. Some times that means having to play the objective instead of just burn, burn, burn.

    That being said, If you are up against a DPS that has a real rotation loadout, WM/AM, full modded...aka skill. Then it will come down to Skill points and CR.
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  5. CHUD Loyal Player

    Personally,....I can care less about a scoreboard. It creates unwanted tension among players and takes away a degree of fun form the game.
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  6. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Alternate title: Hey Overgeared Guy, Stop Thinking You're Beast.

    It's funny to me seeing all these people saying how many bad DPSs are in the game when it's really not true. Face it, stats matter. You can only get so skilled at this game until you plateau. And the scoreboard chasers are usually the ones that try to Leroy Jenkins everything adding to their score while the other DPS is hanging back.
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  7. Enzan Committed Player

    Just do what Parasite does and scream, "I need more POWER!"

    Always works.
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  8. Impulsively Committed Player

    Oh, well I have the opposite problem lol. My two trolls and two healers are way further along gear and stats wise than my DPS so letting go is way easier for me. Whatever floats your boat is the way you should roll regardless.
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  9. Tom Sawyer New Player

    So I guess you missed the part of power cost scaling? So if troll A is cr appropriate or overgeard and troll B is no where near overgeared, then obviously troll B will struggle with that rise in power cost

    Just because I;m capable of doing something doesn't mean its not a struggle. Yes I;ve ran plenty of breach with my 103 troll but had to work twice as hard to break even. So........step off the trolls. We're are a special case
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  10. Quanflux New Player

    I would love to see the scoreboard removed and you guys can get rid of some more "elite" players, pretty sure after that happens raid boss mechanics will be just a jackpot machine that you put replay badges into until it pops out the gear you want but most of the time you just get marks LMAO.
  11. ermike Committed Player

    The scoreboard should definitely not go.. a dps primary job is doing damage. If they are not doing that, might as well grab another support role. Nothing wrong with using the scorecard to see if damage is being done.
  12. DaTruthBeTold New Player

    I can beat ppl on 92+ gear with only vestments gear and they always ask me how I did it lol... I'm like I have no clue skill I guess lmao!
  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    This right here.
    timing is everything. And Im still learning to perfect it.
  14. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Gear and SP are the quickest, easiest comparisons but yes people put far too much stock in them instead of learning the game (I got called a hacker once because I was going from Martial Flowers combo into Overhand Strike with my Staff lulz!)
  15. Shift New Player

    The scoreboard can be very helpful when checking to see if your new loadout is producing better results than your last or if only one of the dps is doing any serious damage. It can be a good thing but it can also be bad like others have said with dps checking the scoreboard every few minutes to make sure they're still doing better than the others. Only thing I personally like to check on the scoreboard is the timer and when I do check the other dps' damage, it's not to see if I am doing better, it's to check if they are at least keeping up with me(Or vice versa) cause god knows the one thing I hate the most is being in a instance much longer than I need to be. Unless I am with a fun group, barely matters then :) Of course if they are a fun group AND know what they are doing, that's even better ;)
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  16. ApacheTribe Well-Known Player

    I think you missed my notation "within reason". This was meant to include obvious things like variance in Cr. My point was all things being as equal as you can reasonably expect, why do some struggle more than others.