Some one please help me

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ToxicReaction, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. ToxicReaction New Player

    I have zero main story missions and I mean none.
    First things first I have 3 lvl 30 villains as my background experience and have had zero trouble leveling them up to 30.

    Second my Hero Toon which is the one with the issue was made in 2011. I recently got on that toon because I wanted to finish lvling him up. He was at lvl 23 now is lvl 28. During the time of lvling between 23 and 28 zero main story missions were procing.. I've done every single side mission in the game and now I have no missions to do.

    Before anyone says it yes I've check the Journal's hidden tab there's nothing hidden. Yes I have gone to every single police station in the game multiple times and yes I have run the entire maps trying to get them to proc.

    When I jumped on my hero yesterday I unlocked all the feats I earned on my Villain toons to get the Skill Points for my Hero.

    Now when I zone into a police station there are zero posters with missions, All the hero's and npc's have no "!" mark above there heads. When I talk to them all I get is a "Good Job Doing X".

    I put in a ticket for this issue today but what am I suppose to do run low level alerts until I hit 30 because the games missions seem to be glitched for me?

    Again there is nothing in my Journal Mission wise except for the Legend PvP missions and 2 bounties that is it.
  2. Ice Clown New Player

    u can do the races, they give u alot of exp. i think it was about 3k exp if u get a really good score
  3. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    That seems...weird.

    Any chance you can get into the mentor area for your final mission? I've noticed that the last mission seems to be granted around l28/29 now.

    Aside from that, I could only suggest opening a support ticket, hunting the bounties anyway, or running alerts to boost xp.
  4. ToxicReaction New Player

    I tried to get that mentor mission but I think you need to be lvl 29. I did open a ticket this morning about it because this has to be a glitch of some kind. I'll try what the other person suggested and do the races but I really wish this ticket would get a response soon.
  5. Archangel Rafael New Player

    check the "hidden" tab in journal.

    try to again 1 level via alerts , races, something. Cause the level meter increment. That may refresh your journal.
  6. Aren Sul Committed Player

    also, the booster gold tours give exp and there are re-hashed dailies around the city that I think award exp (I know they award a mark). I hope that helps.
  7. ToxicReaction New Player

    check the "hidden" tab in journal.

    try to again 1 level via alerts , races, something. Cause the level meter increment. That may refresh your journal.

    I get what your saying but I have 2 lvl 30's at cr104 its not me being a noob and not checking the hidden tab. For the lvl up 1 more time to get it to refresh I would think would work if during my leveling from lvl 23 to 28 did not refresh the story missions I dont think the 28 to 29 will either.

    The only thing I can think of is its the villain feats being unlocked on my hero that has glitched me to no end.
  8. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Who is your mentor?
  9. ToxicReaction New Player

    Superman is this characters mentor SeaUrchin USPC
  10. The Doctor Loyal Player

    You checked to see if you can pick up a mission from Supergirl in the Meta wing? Probably a long shot but worth a try
  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    Did you do the Explore the WT, R&D, base, and vault missions? Those are all required now.
  12. ToxicReaction New Player

    Did all the base missions, R&D has no missions and WT has no missions. Every single NPC that isn't a side mission has no ! mark above them and when you talk to them it gives no missions just some lame chatting.
  13. ToxicReaction New Player

    Just got word from my ticket looks like this is a glitch and they will need to "Borrow" my account for "x" amount of time. I really hope they can get in there and fix it quickly because I'm loving the hero side of things.
  14. Archangel Rafael New Player

    [IMG] ?
  15. ToxicReaction New Player

    Had no idea there was a comic book character actually named Sea Urchin.
  16. Twilight Man New Player

    Feat Purchasing, confusing rookies since 2013.