How is Rage OP?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solaurus, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Solaurus New Player

    I see it time after time and although I could see Rage being powerful, I never thought it was OP.
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  2. Ice Clown New Player

    its op because it has the ultimate double dmg SC for the dps to 1shot every1 in arena and having dps with rage crash, makes you the tankiest dps power in the game.

    rage tanks can nearly solo everything in the game due to the huge life pool, healing back full HP even against the most powerful attack in the game, and low power cost.
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  3. LordStrongsword New Player

    They corrected the Rage mechanic for DPS, it doesn't heal on a 1 for 1 basis anymore.
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  4. thefrogshateme New Player

    It's not in pve. In pvp you can rip through someone quicker then cutting a piece of butter.
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  5. nuclearbomb Well-Known Player

    When did they do this? I didnt see it in any update notes
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  6. Blue Spectrex New Player

    The only thing arguably OP about Rage is the Rage Mode working for DPS, and Berserk. Other than that it's fine IMO.
  7. Ogat New Player

    Berserk :)
  8. LordStrongsword New Player

    It was done in GU39, it was one of the surprise ones. There were a lot of Rage players getting upset about it a while back ago.
  9. SoulflyMike42 New Player

    Rage is a GIVE or TAKE power. Can be very strong if the player is skilled at playing Rage, or can be very bad (Tank Rage Crashes alot) if not skilled at power. Please be skilled if you pick Rage TANKING. Rage DPS is very strong and is a great power to have in a raid. I wouldn't say its OP though
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  10. Ghostof91 New Player

    Rage is "OP" Because it's the newest power out at the moment and it's still popular, just wait for the new Powers to come Rage will be replaced, it's a known trend.
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  11. SoulflyMike42 New Player

    This is very true. Devs to a good job keeping DLC powers very strong to keep popular. Next Troll power I cant wait whooo! lol
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  12. Koolandria New Player

    What other powerset right now gets both their AM and WM crits or two precision buffs with a crit buff Which One?
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  13. Nitefelina New Player

    Rage PvE DPS is very boring to play though.
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  14. Robot New Player

    Rage isn't OP.

    It can be insta-crashed in PvP, and Berserk is just an easy one-shot that can be immediately invalidated if you mess it up.

    The only place I see Rage being OP is PvE. Simply because of Bloodlust/Ferocity and its HP buffs.
  15. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Muahahahaha :D

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  16. Koolandria New Player

    No rage isnt OP at ALL
  17. Patm82 Well-Known Player

    lol britt :D
  18. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    That has to be a glitch right? That was Berserk plus what?
  19. Alex Denton Dedicated Player

    Rage is fine. But you're right, I hear a lot of people screaming it's OP and that Fire sucks (less now but you can still read it from time to time) and yet the greatest fun I've ever had in PVP was with my fire tank against Rage toons.
    Rage has some truly awesome mechanics, but it's still beatable if you know what you're doing. They're a ***** to maintain in alert when you're troll though ^^
  20. Koolandria New Player

    I was watching it and pause multiple times on that hit you had just WM HB in Braw then hit Dreadful Blast for 8500+ then WHAT MOVE HIT LIKE THAT You didnt use a might move right. Was that Bers W Supply Trink Doubling the 35000 Hit?