Solo walk-ins

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Celestial Demon, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Mad9 New Player

    Correct, they might do something optional but that's just a probability and the devs do not have any concrete plans as of now.
    Here is what Captain Liberty had to say about the topic:
    " Your CR scaling idea is something that we are considering for the future, but we have not made any firm plans on how or when we will apply it to PvE. We are adding a form of CR scaling to the game with PvP Season 3 - which should be out by GU 41. In PvP, we'll use it to automatically align a player's stats to conform with base PvP gear (so if they only have PvE gear they can still compete in PvP (in Arenas)). I would not want to force scaling on players - forcing them down to ~CR 70 when running FOS 2, for instance. It's important for players in a character-progression game to have opportunities to showcase how powerful they've become. I would be in favor of some form of opt-in mechanic should we go down this route."
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  2. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    The highlighted part is what's causing issues for both ends of the bar however. You have people 2-4 tiers above the content requirement just facerolling everything and leaving the appropriately geared sitting and learning nothing for future development. Then you'll have people complaining about crappy players in later content because they got carried through the rest of the tiers from players "showcasing how powerful they are".

    If it's an optional switch to turn on/off playing with people appropriately geared and playing with overgeared players, that's fine. But make it something that will actually work to help instead of forming alienation and contempt like some of the other systems have done (*coughsuicidesquadcough*) even if the intention was to please the playerbase.
  3. sterl320 New Player

    nah, I'm not flying all around gotham & metropolis looking for all of those entry points when the queue option is available just because people feel like they don't want to be dragged along through the instance. How about those people walk in or queue up together and do the mission so they don't have to worry about it? Or how about the game allows us to solo queue, like you suggested.

    Like I said, I could care less if people don't like me speed running the content. Don't blame me, blame how this game has been set up. Making the styles hard to get is almost encouraging a person to come back to get them after they have geared up, so it will happen a lot. If people don't like, then THEY can change how they want to play, instead of trying to tell OTHER people what to do.
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  4. Mad9 New Player

    Actually, learning how to effectively play one's role requires a clear understanding of the gameplay mechanics which takes time. The problem is largely with players who skip tiers/appropriate level raids and continue to play solo/duo/alerts to level up as quickly as they possibly can. Most new players tend to level up to tier 6 in about 2 to 4 weeks time and have no idea of either their power sets or their roles.

    It's got nothing to do with overgeared players facerolling the content but everything to do with the noobness of the player who just started playing the game and is already t6 in a month's time.

    It took me nearly 9 months to understand the game dynamics, roles and how to efficiently and effectively play my role despite the fact that I had maxed out on my CR in just about two months time. It's not simply a matter of overgeared players ruining the learning curve of the beginners.
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  5. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    All this talk about walk-ins and gear scaling is way more complicated than the fix needs to be. Add an option to the queue: "enter without complete group". Problem solved for everyone. Solo T6 players can steamroll for style drops without new players getting in the way. Small groups of feat chasers can do 4 and 8 person instances without waiting for the queue, and without problems like "great, that newb used the logic batteries so this run is worthless". And no one has to wander around looking for the walk-in points.
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  6. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    People progress way faster than they learn their roles, but it's not that bad. Most new players don't even reach level 30. And of those that do, less than 15% make it to T6, ever, much less in only 2 to 4 weeks. (Source: PS4 trophy statistics) Yes ,there are players who power level through the whole thing in a few weeks, but they're rare.
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  7. SuperBatz New Player

    You could LFG and form a group of similarly CR geared players.
  8. Mad9 New Player

    I do not know the statistics and was sort of basing my argument on some posts I have read on the forums e.g., The Sanctifier is a newbie who claims to be T6 having played for just about two weeks.
  9. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    This is exactly why it should be implemented. "Dont blame me, blame how the game is set up." Change the setup and people like this will create their own raids instead of ruining someone elses gaming experience.
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  10. houseofcantor New Player

    Just had one of my favorite runs ever with this guy steamrollin'. We're in Stryker's going for Gorilla Grodd, together at the beginning, but after the first big bust-up this guy's off to the races. So for five minutes the three of us tier-appropriates are leapfrogging in a running battle to bounce past the adds and crap and finally regrouped just as the beast was getting to Grodd. It was hilarious! We did it in fifteen minutes.

    OP is looking at it wrong. Every experience is a learning experience, and besides, it doesn't happen all that often. And scaling? Hell no. Wash your mouth out with soap. :p
  11. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    If that is the case than why did all the t6 speed demons cry to have walk- ins removed?
  12. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    This is the hypocrisy of some of the t6 d-bags. They had walk-ins removed because "noobs" with cr 100 supposedly less than 80 skill points were supposedly ruining their gaming experience. They claim the "noobs" should take their time getting there. These same hypocrites will exclude rolls, and skip adds just to come to the forums to complain their is nothing to do. Those are the people that are ruining this game and their intentions are clear.
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  13. Skyfairy New Player

    The issue of higher CR's steamrolling lower tiered content is grossly exaggerated IMO. When I queue t1-3 content on an alt most of the time I get in a group of appropriate CR players. Is only on occasion a T6'er comes in and steamrolls the level. And to be honest I'm actually rather glad when they do. It beats wiping over and over because the rest of the group doesn't know how to do their role(s) properly.
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  14. sterl320 New Player

  15. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Or just do it solo anyways and see how good you really are.
  16. sterl320 New Player

    that's actually believable. you can get to level 30 in a full day, and then you can go from T1-T5 in a day. then with enough replays, you can get full 92 gear in a few days. You will seriously be lacking in skill points, but that isn't what we are talking about. it's easy if you know what to do.
  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I agree with you 100%....I ensure they make it and bring them up as I play through the content...I am right now going throw each of my DLC and trying to finish styles and specific feats...I'm not 106 CR but 103...

    I love running T1....I provide them guidance on how to play their role and go in as a POT provides more than enough power and I usually am top in damage unless a full T6 shows up...when I run in with my Tank, I do pulls and ususally that kills the is quite fun as I help them learn to improve...those without a league I invite to my league...
  18. Cosmos Girl Well-Known Player

    Walk-ins I would support. Scaling, PASS!

    As far a soloing, some of the alerts and raids you cannot advance unless you have more than one person activating switch. Like the Khandaq you need three person to activate 3 switches at once or league of assassins in the beginning. In the flashback duo, I actually manage access final boss by activating one switch, summoning portable workstation then flying quick to the second, the problem is you have to queue for that one.

    I'm know people can solo these, but I doubt very much they will modify the game so people can.
  19. MetalMario Loyal Player

    What I said would be optional gear scaling. There would be no harm done to people who want to faceroll through old content. Someone in this thread said that one of the devs claimed they "might" do optional gear scaling, and this is exactly how to do it. Anyway, I was just saying I would support it to point out that your claim was incorrect.
  20. Mad9 New Player

    I have posted a link as well Captain Liberty's statement in this regard just a few posts above my current post. The statement was made by the executive producer of the game and not by any developer. My claim is correct but subject to a very remote/rare probability of an opt-in scaling provided the developers choose to introduce something like that at some future date and time which they don't at the present moment.