Original Batman NO LOADOUT in Legends

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Chilog, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Chilog Well-Known Player

    I had an issue for half the match where Original Batman had no loadout and couldn't use his weapons combos. I died again 2 times and the loadout and weapon combos never reloaded or came back.
  2. Chilog Well-Known Player

    I tried pasting picture by mobile, but it didn't work.
  3. kawe Loyal Player

    afaik this happens if you get knowcked back/out of stealth or stoemthing like that.
    It happens to me on CW regularly. And I think it can happen on all stealth using legends.
  4. Buckley Loyal Player

    was there not a problem with the stealth characters, I am sure I saw it somewhere. I believe the brightest answer was not to go stealth.

    Found it
  5. Chilog Well-Known Player

    I didn't even go stealth and it messed up BUMP