Donation Box in the watchtower?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Manna Maker, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Tenacious Blue New Player

    I would like a donation box in the Watchtower, but what would have probably solved this is to give leagues something like the 'dive' lairs. Every league gets a free hall, but the free one is smaller, has only the basics like donation boxes and maybe a smaller bank vault.
    Actually, now I think about it what you would do is have it so that a league members base can be elected as the official 'league hangout' for free. Being the hangout means the base owner can place a few extra league amenities like a donation box or a smaller bank vault. That way leagues get the free entry level HQ but they still have plenty of motivation to work towards the far superior league hall.