Can you lower your CR by gearing down?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Haazina, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Haazina New Player

    Do items in your bank count towards CR or just inventory?

    If I buy T1 or T2 gear then remove all my T6 gear and put it in the bank will my CR be lowered?

    Of course, as you can guess, this is pretige related. :p

    I am not home to test this. Thanks!
  2. MetalMario Loyal Player

    You would have to actually delete the gear, but I don't know the answer to the title.
  3. Web Well-Known Player

    No, it's locked once you equip something and your CR changes. You cannot gear down to lower CR.
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  4. Myrdin69 New Player

    item in bank count

    only way for you to lower your cr is either to erase your gear, or if you only have healer gear for example, to buy a respec token and choose a tank or troller power
  5. Chungweishan New Player

    If I remember correctly, while you can wear lower tier Armor to bring your Stats down, your maximum Combat Rating doesn't go down anymore. So unfortunately you can't do that to get more Prestige.
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  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, you'd have to delete the gear. CR is determined by the maximum IL gear of each equippable piece in your inventory or bank, regardless of role.
  7. Delta795 New Player

    What everyone else said..deleting gear only way
  8. Im Charlie New Player

    someone would have to have an alt that don't care enough for.

    in order to lower cr u have to delete ALL gear on that toon wether it be equipped, in inventory or the bank.
  9. Little Sister New Player

    Just to expand on what others are saying, if you take all of your Mods out of your gear your CR will not go down.
  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    To all those saying that you can delete your gear to lower your Combat Rating, that is false.

    I have a character with a 74 Combat Rating who only owns Tier 0.5 gear. I deleted my Tier 4 gear months ago and restarted to get feats. It would have been great for prestige, but alas, not a possibility.
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  11. Unida Dedicated Player

    ugh, thought i could de-mod and bounce between t2/t3

    ok need to get one of each, they are just destined to never be more than that :/
  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    If you have a Combat Rating less than 80, you can get full prestige for Tier 2 and Tier 3 at the moment. I have two characters who both fall in that range; one is 65 and one is 74. It's helped a bit. :-}
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  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    Interesting. And surprising. Guess you unlock CR levels, but can't go back, then. Hmmm. Used to be that you could. I remember accidentally salvaging the wrong gear after being able to enter Central City. Ended up getting locked out.
  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    That is probably why they changed it. Someone in another post actually quoted Mepps saying that Combat Rating can only go up now.
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  15. Tank New Player

    This is what Web said on the second reply. Seems like he would know.
  16. nuclearbomb Well-Known Player

    You cant lower cr
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    And this is exactly why and how what loot did is hurting the community. You've now got people thinking about deleting their gear to try and maximise their prestige.

    The game is broken when lower tiers players are acheiving more reward for their time than the higher tier characters.
  18. Unida Dedicated Player

    it all seems a bit odd, we just ran with 4 103+ toons through trigon t5 alert, got 51p , then we tried inner t4 alert and got 76p ?!?

    backwards much?
  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Sounds like Inner was treated as a raid. 25% of 305.
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  20. Unida Dedicated Player

    ah yes, good point. ill put it in AA. Nice spotting :)