No Prestige from content

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by xpoipoix, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Ebon Angel New Player

    No one in our group got prestige for t6 alert. No one was loot locked. Also, no prestige for t6 duos or solos. This is a bug that needs to be fixed.
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  2. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    USPS or EUPS (Edit: the server will help the Devs track the issue better). Before or after the league management issue started.

    If this was before the league management issue, was everyone in the group in a league? The game is not set up to store Prestige on individual characters, so someone who is not in a league will always earn 0 Prestige.

    If you finished the run after the start of the issue, the game registered everyone as not being in a league. There are questions out to the Devs if content completed during this issue will get Prestige added once the league management system is working again, but no one knows yet.

    I didn't get around to checking a lot myself before the league management issue, but everything I did seemed to check out for what Zinbik said Prestige amounts would be on USPS. I got 84 Prestige for each T6 Duo, open world content isn't supposed to give any (as much as I don't like that decision), and my base contribution looked about right (though I didn't do the math to be certain). I didn't get around to doing the T6 alert before the league management issue started.
  3. Ebon Angel New Player

    It was a league run, no one loot locked, and happened before league fiasco. USPS by the way.
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  4. Ebon Angel New Player

    Also, according to Prestige notes, you earn it while in pug groups as well as league.
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  5. The dark knight New Player

    messed up prestige:
    while I got 84 Prestige after each t6 duo, my leaguemate got 13 Prestige for the first that we did and 155 for the second one we I mean...on average, we both got 84 per duo...but had we only played the first duo, we'd have been 71 short on prestige...
  6. xpoipoix Well-Known Player

    I was not locked i did only non locked content but received no prestige its PS4 EUPS SERVER BTW
  7. Twincam Well-Known Player

    We did Dox as a league and no one was loot locked and we got no prestige, however same group kind of got prestige from Nex and AB
  8. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Sounds like maybe there is an intermittent bug, or it isn't affecting all users on the server. Also, you would still get Prestige from running in a Pug group.

    All I can say is try again today and see if the same thing happens. It may have been an early symptom of the league management issue and now that that is fixed, the Prestige issues might be as well.
  9. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    well this morning around 4 am PDT a couple of leaguemates and I did trigon one loot locked...both my leaguemates received 201 prestige each and I got zip zero nada....both of them contributed to league prestige I did not...

  10. xpoipoix Well-Known Player

    Looks like a general issue on all servers
  11. exil3d! New Player

    Same bug on Paradox too, 2 runs and i didn't recive prestige on both chars. On 2nd run all members of group (leaguemate) didn't recive prestige, with that raid we can get league hall :/
  12. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    i did not receive any prestige for anything last night except entering my base. On multiple toons that is all I got prestige for. USPS
  13. Delta795 New Player

    Exact same thing happen happened to a few of us last night.
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  14. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I am glad that I am not the only one...but that does mean that alot of people got screwed out of prestige :(
  15. Delta795 New Player

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  16. Jamie New Player

    This is not correct. A full T6 player should get prestige for running T1 content. The amount of prestige is adjusted if your Cr indicates that you are overgeared. A T1 player running T1 will get as much prestige as a T6 player running T6 content but a T6 player can run T1 content for a drastically reduced amount of prestige. And now that walk ins are not allowed a T1 player cannot be walked into T6 content which may have given a massive boost to prestige.
  17. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    Dunno if anyone experienced this yesterday, but I did the T6 solos and received 7 marks. I'm not sure how to take that lol. I'd understand no marks, as it's an iconic/legends thing but 7? Is that a bug or intended?
  18. xpoipoix Well-Known Player

    I dont get prestige from t1 till t4 content and on t5 and t6 content it seems luck based if i get prestige or not :(
  19. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Per Zinbik, you earn max Prestige in your tier, 25% less one tier fellow yours, 10% two tiers below yours, and nothing below that. So at T6, you get max Prestige in T6, 25% of max in T5, 10% of max in T4, and nothing in T1-T3.
  20. Jamie New Player

    I missed that post. I saw others that said that you would still earn prestige but at drastically reduced levels.