Fire revamp leaves tank side cold

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Incredible Wrecker, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    This is really what they're doing? No tank buff improvements whatsoever? My first power was fire and was so looking forward to this revamp to improve fire tanking. So disappointed. Pleases do something to improve the tank side while this revamp is on the table.
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  2. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Because the people on test don't care about tanks (or pretty much any support role for that matter). Fire self-heals have needed a buff forever but because the people on test are usually skilled at working together, they don't accurately predict how it plays in the wild.

    Not to mention that EF is still 100%? Really devs, really?!
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  3. Meta Flare New Player

    "The people on test don't care about tanks"? Have you even read the thread? I assume you haven't or you wouldn't have said that.
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  4. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Yeah I have. The devs haven't made much of anything to prove me wrong, considering the minor fixes fire tanking needs have been known for months and months and not a bit of that was touched on.
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  5. Meta Flare New Player

    What does what you just said have to do with anything?

    I specifically responded to you claiming that the testers do not care about the tank side. I didn't say anything about the devs or what may be wrong with fire tanks. If enough of the tester bring it up the devs will prob fix it.
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  6. VariableFire Loyal Player

    The devs supposedly care about what the playerbase wants, even if they choose to ignore it in the end. However, they haven't even acknowledged the tanking aspects with this revamp. Considering they screwed up the tanking aspect last revamp, it's deja vu all over again.
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  7. Buckley Loyal Player

    My main and alt will now be second to any other power in the game in bothe rolls. By By HL DPS/Troll and Fire Tank. I will miss you while i am boldly going where no man has gone before in STO as well as tanking the heroic encounters in Neverwinter.
  8. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    I just can't believe they aren't going to fix fire tanking.
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  9. Will Power Loyal Player

    Fire Tanking is already perfect it needs no real attention plus if the devs got rid of the tank debuff on damage then who knows what the future holds except the devs.
  10. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I wouldn't say it's broken so much. We are just kinda limited on builds and options compared to the other tank powers
  11. Will Power Loyal Player

    Fire Tanking Needs no fix. It is what it is we buff our health and heal that health. Perfect Tank to juggle like a pro.
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  12. Alexonic Committed Player

    they did something about fire tank, firey weapon's cooldown has increased, so players who were using it in tank role will heal less than before...nice buff! i'm so excited to heal myself less than before!
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  13. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    So when every new tier of content is released fire tanks are excluded because they are perfect? Lmao

    Rage and ice are practically self sustaining tanks and earth is so durable after the update that it gives healers significant breathing room. The best fire tank in the world is only as good as the healers standing behind him in serious content because their healing mechanic cannot sustain them the way it should.
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  14. Psalmist TX Level 30

    If fire tanking was "perfect" you would see more high crs using it. Being as it is not, they go for Ice or Rage.
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  15. matt4950 Well-Known Player

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  16. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    To be fair, it doesn't look like a revamp. But rather more of a "adjustments so the new mechanics work" update. One of the developers did say a Work in Progress thread would be going up soon, so I'm pretty sure they aren't done with it.
  17. MetalMario Loyal Player

    The update was only ever intended to be damage related. This was known and stated already, so it's no surprise even though it really could use a tank update just as much. It's definitely the least player friendly tank powper by a huge margin. I just changed my tank alt back to ice after two years as fire, and wow is it different to play. I could do it without a healer as fire, but doing no heal with ice is actually easier than having a healer as fire.
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  18. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    Exactly fire is not viable because of the limitations of the buff.
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  19. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    That's like saying a dwarf is perfect for the NBA. Fire tank's buff needs updated. Seriously
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  20. Owl Devoted Player

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