Server Downtime - July 10, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 9, 2014.

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  1. kawe Loyal Player

    According to your activity you know there is a Bug Report section, yet you don't know where to post a bug? lol

    But I know exactly what you mean, that bug is rly annoying, I always think my Watcher is dead when that happens. >-<
  2. Alfie New Player

    All servers are shut down now anyway so it wouldn't matter, I'm in England and play on a us server cos it's what It put me in and I was in aware of being able to change it?
  3. Dene Devoted Player

    i am more than aware what "US" stands for.. do you realise that not just US people play on the US server.. since not ever timezone in the world has their own server ?

    but thanks for the reply
  4. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    Still ... Look im glad they fix it for pc player but i still think all who suffer from this maintenance should get 100 RB
    maybe i wasn't off 2 days but i hed same prob in my account , i could in my character in game ( ps4 )
    I still lose cuz maintenance at list 3.5 hours ( yesterday and today ) and i pay for it...
    almost all day i work , so until ive time to play i cant ... So i really donnw what they need to give us but im 100% we should get something as a legendary player
  5. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    really 2 hours again? this game is almost down more than its up i pay to play the game not sit it out i think us people who pay should get something to compensate us for all this down time we have had to deal with lately the last month has been brutal
    • Like x 2
  6. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I think we all agreed an user end licence agreement that states that we have to live with (un)scheduled maintenances. However this is not the case when we are not able to play for a whole day. And 26 hours is more than a whole day.

    PS: Where do you guys live that this problem caused you TWO days of not playing? I'm honestly too lazy to look after some time zones but I'm really curious in which country/ies 26 hours demolish two complete days of gaming?
  7. Napalm Life New Player

    I agree all this downtime adds up and it alwAys seems to be that the server is down when I have a day off Or the few hours before I need to be at work!
    Point being if you add up all the time in a year that I lose do to server or other technical problems it's still time that I paid for in ADVANCE!!
    Just throw us legendary members who consistently pay a "BONE" once a year for all the added up problems over the year
    • Like x 2
  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Yet again you agreed with this when you installed the game. Remember? Big wall of text that causes the biggest lie of the world: "i've read and accept the terms and conditions [...]"
  9. The Johnny army New Player

    USPC up again and all characters there. Thank you.
  10. Azazehll New Player

    Not sure about you, but most of us have jobs and families. we can't be sitting in front of the game day & night, it means we have a selected amount of time a day to spend on this game together.

    With this pathetic amount of server down time, we haven't been able to play much the last 2 days.
  11. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    guess i'll mess around on the test server ...unless thats down too

    yup its down too
  12. Napalm Life New Player

    This is about CUSTOMER SERVICE, Just because I agreed to the terms doesn't exclude them from doing a little bit more!!
  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I ment this honestly. I do want to know and yes I have work and familty, too. I for myself have "only" one day since the first downtime started 13 pm yesterday (for me) and if the servers are up again its probably 15 pm (for me). So I lost a complete evening to play.

    But I don't think that SOE (can) take into consideration that there are these ppl who can play everytime, those who can play barely sometimes and those who only can play at a certain time every day. How should they do that? In the end there were still only 25h of not-playing time over all.

    I don't ment to be rude I just really wanted to know. If you felt offended, I'm sorry for that. Apologies.

    After all, if SOE really want's to take all countries and their day times into consideration for gaming, they would have a seperate maintenance for europe, for example. Instead, downtimes for GUs and DLCs are almost everytime in the evening here at my place. Costs me almost everytime the rest of the day of gaming. But still, I don't complain. Again: EULA)
  14. Napalm Life New Player

    Well said.....Now some of these GAMERS seem to do nothing but GAME sitting in Mom and Dads basement all day
    But people like you and I are WORKERS or Young PARENTS who game when we have the TIME which lately has been when the server is down
  15. The Johnny army New Player

  16. Happy Day New Player

    Characters are up, legendary privileges appear to be restored. The marketplace is down so I cant check my currency but I'll take it for now that everything is fine. Thanks.
  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Might I remind you that there is not always only black and white? There are ppl who are not 16-year-olds sitting in the basement and the heroic 'young' mommies and daddies who have a job, kids, and need to play? That there might be others?
    No offense, but I'm none of those kinds and still don't have the time to play whenever I wan't. Gee..

    @topic: EUPC seems to be still down. Toons are there but you disconnect on the loading screen.
  18. Ganf3rman New Player

    Everything works fine, drama queens. You can log in back :D

  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Alright nvm, EUPC seems to be back online as well
  20. Terlouw_Justice_L3ague Level 30

    Marketplace is still down?
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