Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by The Sanctifier, Jul 9, 2014.

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  1. DoIAmuseYou New Player

    if in fact its right, its waaaayyyy overdue.

    Cheer up, you had a good run with a mechanic that should've never been allowed in the first place, again, IF its true.
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  2. Terrible Theo Well-Known Player

    This was designed to make Rage users angry .....cause you know ...they're rage. ;)
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  3. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Maybe decrease it to were it's only useful in tight situations and not everywhere.
  4. Buckley Loyal Player

    Personally I don't like the drone style of damage, sitting in the corner of a room spamming ranged attacks. Might as well make orbital strike a iconic power. Just imagine how nail biting the action would be in man of steel when superman confronts zod from across town with heat vision and range weapon attacks.
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  5. Metrioned New Player

    People have been saying the rage heals were getting nerfed two updates ago. Until its in the update notes, its all false. Some people like to throw around rumors just for cheap excitement.
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  6. Ice Clown New Player

    im pretty sure they wont remove rage crash for DPS role. that would be like removing ice shielding from DPS role. would make it unfair to rage DPS and ofc lots of people will start rioting against the DEVs, and the DEVs will get annoyed for like monthes
  7. ToySoldier13 New Player

    I'm actually okay with it, no other Tank mechanic works (or works nearly as well) in Deeps role.

    As long as it continues to give the additional damage I will keep using it and I'd like to see an additional ranged power or two now since our melee would take a big hit if this happened.
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  8. Villain Smasher New Player

    My condolences to the rage dpses. Its a sickening feeling when your favorite power gets nerved.
  9. Im Charlie New Player

    Who uses relentless anger as a dps anymore? at least for pve its pretty much useless. End tier content is just about a 1 shot anyway so its not like you would survive.

    Plus there are too many moves on your load out that are way more important to fit RA on the load out anyway.
  10. Demonic Icer New Player

    The only places you will be one-shot with ra is pw and possibly sm(i have yet to run sm, due to lazyness and not being bothered about styles so im unsure). Other than that its actually very viable and not useless since you can melee dps everything else in the game without being 1-shotted(t6a for instance) and imo melee is still king with rage.
  11. hoaxone Committed Player


    As I was ice at launch and the DPS side was stripped of its tank ability's,this shouldn't have lasted this long.....
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  12. owlman New Player

  13. Demonic Icer New Player

    Ice can now actually have 5 shields that work in dps role and useable in pvp, 4 from the powerset and one from icnonic powers. Your point is invalid and outdated. I dont deny rage could do with toning down relentless anger, but comparing it to ice which is currently imo more reliable in pvp for staying alive(regarding debuffs etc etc) is stupid.
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  14. hoaxone Committed Player me the shields are nooooo way as strong as they once were.
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  15. lanternknight Committed Player

    Stop crying and carry a tank debuff on you if it is that much of problem. Cant stand people who ask for powers to be nerfed just to make it easier for them to fight against. Adapt and carry a tank debuff if it is that much of a problem for you. How much easier do you pvpers need pvp to be? You already have long windows for blocks and interrupts and icons over everyone's heads of what they are doing.
  16. Demonic Icer New Player

    Iv been playing since two weeks after official release, I have seen and tested every update personally, i dont need to trust you. I know the nerf you are talking about, its when Ice's shields in tank role got limited to 10k and dps shield removed. That was when T3 was max gear, a very long time ago and is not valid at all with how shields are determined now with dom+resto. This is not the case currently and the shields are very viable in pvp, i for one can duel great players like noteworthy/souls and many others as ice and not lose any health just from rotating shields, Its actually quite ridiculous and not like they just instantly disapear when you use them as you are implying.
  17. Im Charlie New Player

    rage is top dps with melee, but you do not need relentless anger for any content imo. In A&B all you have to do is ask the tank to tank the bosses away from the group so you can damage them from behind, T6 alert needs no R.A. regardless of either a tank or heal in a 2 dps setup unless the rage is barely geared. And Nexus is a complete joke.

    Dox is hit or miss meleeing. Plus there are other variables that can kill u that are out of ur control.

    Outrage , Plasma Retch , Bloodlust , Beserk , robot sidekick/violence and E.Chain/DB is all you need(melee wise). i see no room for RA unless you want to replace berserk with RA when u have no SC.

    Melee DPS is VERY viable w/o RA. The main thing about melee dpsing is positioning yourself, which a lot of people tend to have a hard time learning(bad pugs).
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  18. hoaxone Committed Player

    Well sir if ur experience is true,ice shields before the nerf gave immunity for a set time was 6 or 8 secs.there was never a damage cap on them,only a hit cap( 3 hits and shield wears off).
    Now they have DMG caps even in tank role.and the immunity timer doesn't even exist for DPS.
    So whatever u ice DPS can stand there and cast a shield every 8 secs and never get hit.ur gonna take damage
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  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Everyone brings up ice shields when this us discussed... Ice shields in dps stance are a joke .... Reflect is the only worthwhile shield and in no way does is it as good as rage crash....
    Plus ices "tank mechanic" isn't its shields it's how it buffs it's defense which isn't the case in dps's shields are extra for them and are on,y ridiculously strong in rank stance as they should be....

    Any ice dps in pvp who is only cycling shields in dps stance wearing pvp dos gear isn't doing him self favors....

    Any ice dps cycling shields in dps stance in pve is going to gave lousy damage out... And no he won't bein melee range getting those crazy crits rage gets from it's prec combos...
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  20. Demonic Icer New Player

    They have had caps ever since the 10k cap came in for tank role back when t3 was max gear, I didnt say they dont have caps anymore. I just dont understand how you can compare ice in its current state to a nerf that happened what? 2 years ago? that nerf made ice terrible and fire was better at tanking at the time which has only happened that one time. Ice is a million times better in dps role with shields compared to that time.

    I simply saying you disregarding the shields on Ice dps is actually quite funny o: I never said you would never take damage, i just said that imo Ice is more reliable are staying alive than rage, that was my point if you missed it. Whether you agree or disagree is up to you.

    Winters Ward is actually better than reflect imo, if timed right when being controlled and have dots put on you, iv seen one tick crit up to 1300 in pvp and Winters Ward actually has a chance to tick 5 times(i think, might be more). And i didnt say that reflect was better than rage crash. I said that a shield rotation on ice dps in pvp is more reliable than a rage dps using relentless. One counter on a rage 6 seconds after he popped his relentless and its over for him. One counter for ice and he just pops shatter or winters ward and hes back up blocking or lunging your wm combo. This is all my personal opinion also anything i say on this matter im talking about in pvp, not pve.

    I agree with everything ya said, i was just under the impression from reading your ogrinal post that you thought relentless anger was pointless becuase you get one-shotted alot which is why i said that everything is melee'able - my bad.
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