Is it just me or has the Villain side have less people?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TERAJOLT, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. TERAJOLT New Player

    I've been playing as heroes with 4 of my 6 character slots, recently decided to make two Villains Terajolt and Llyra Dern, and found thee is rarely anyone around the night clubs I remember back when storming the night Clubs was alot of fun (still is) that there where alot of Villains now that I decide to join them there are less it seems. Do anyone else feel like there are less Villains now?
  2. Zeikial Committed Player

    Yes, and some dont see it cause they strictly run with their league, or their league is very active so on and so forth. But yes there are less villians now than in the past. Some went hero strictly based on population, some quit, either way its rough right now if your not in a good league
  3. 2reu New Player

    I feel like that but honestly i also like it, I tend to remember the people I play with more since there's less of us
  4. willi3bx Committed Player

    heroes have always outnumbered villains by average 7 to 1
  5. Gigga Watt Well-Known Player

    There are more villians on the pvp side.
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  6. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Quality over quantity my friend, quality over quantity.

    But perhaps you were looking in PvE rather than PvP? There were plenty of folk in PvP when I started so much now that I've turned into a big wimp and gone PvE. It's only so I can do the seasonal in a time manner, I swear!
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  7. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Queing for PvP I rarely have another villain on my team, when they added SS villain pop died a bit, when they added the PvP seasons it really died.
  8. Representative(Platina A) Well-Known Player

    Yes, The Heroes far outnumber us. Exusia though is on a crusade to tip things in our favor one rage quit at a time. We continue to convert heroes as well. Some Heroes surprisingly possess a degree of wisdom to see the futility in their struggle against my mighty legions of zealots and abandon their progress to start anew with us.
  9. Forsberg New Player


    You see it more in the Villain pop. since it was so small to begin with. But we're a dying breed. Something needs to be done or get rid of the faction split all together.
  10. Eternity's_Girl Committed Player

    The villain side has always had lower numbers.

    Basically when most people see a comic book game their first thought is to be their favorite hero. After making our heroes then some of us think "I wonder how things work on the villain side".
  11. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Remove factions. Create god like enemies for new content forcing villans and heroes to work together.
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