Stop Grabbing the Health Barrels...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ApacheTribe, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. ApacheTribe Well-Known Player

    ...over anxious dps. The health and power they give scales with the vit and resto of the person breaking them so when you rush and grab it to break it for the group you might be leaving a lot of mana on the table. Just make sure it's necessary (like someone is about to die, etc.) before you decide to be "that guy".

    Don't be that guy.
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  2. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Okay good point however here is a better one. Learn when to USE a healing barrel. Last Halloween I frequently found myself shaking my head in disbelief as I joined PUGS to take on Klarion and as soon as we were allowed to move forward someone on the team would rush in and BLAST the barrel by the entrance.

    At that point combat hadn't even begun yet and Resto and Vit didn't mean a thing because not a soul needed healing or repowering. The barrel was wasted and unavailable (until it respawned) later after we'd actually started fighting.

    Oh and trust me its not the only time or place I have seen this sort of thing:

    Stryker's Alert.. watched a team mate grab a barrel and bust it as we entered the chamber to face Grood and were still waiting on the first three prisoners to get into range to begin the (take down 12 escaping prisoners) portion of that battle. Once again .. the barrel wasn't doing anything at that point AND those either don't respawn or do it so slow its ridiculous because I never saw it again in that spot.

    Let's add in blasting them from across a room with Mobs between you and the heals/power. Now granted thanks to the LOVELY target system we are all stuck with there are times when this is accidental but I have also seen players shoot one and then force everyone that needed heals or power to retreat to that location instead of PICKING the barrel up and busting it where team mates were fighting mobs. This meant by the time a player managed to get back to the spot he or she had already missed out on some of the affects, if they got there in time at all, and they had to battle while backing up to try to get there cutting down on the damage they did and allowing them to take more as they ran.

    Personally I don't care who busts the thing as long as they do it when its needed and get it to the spot where its needed instead of making the entire team try to race to get to it before the effects are gone. You make a nice point but are we supposed to sit there arguing over who should pick it up or should we use it and keep the team alive and fighting? I can just see the healer and Troller arguing after a team wipe about which one SHOULD have been allowed to grab the thing.
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  3. ApacheTribe Well-Known Player

    I agree with this especially in the T6 alert some people get so anxious that they jump the gun. I do also agree that its better that someone gets it than no one due to confusion over who should. I guess I just wanted to educate some that who gets the barrels does actually make a difference. I was trolling TD when a dps kept running ahead and getting the barrels. Once broke it was ticking at like 70-90 (can't remember exactly). When I finally got to break one we were ticking at 211 - not counting my pot ticks of 296.
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  4. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    Wrong place, buddy. You need to discuss this with problematic people in question, not on the forums. Here it won't accomplish anything.
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  5. RandJ New Player

    Are you sure about this? In duos sometime a dps (not me) break healing barrel and I get quite a lot of healing, I never really pay attention to this until you mentioned now
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  6. Avian Dedicated Player

    Yeah, it's based on stats, so if a troll breaks it, it will give more power and if a healer breaks it it will give more health.
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  7. Ch3wtobacco New Player

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  8. Ice Lantern New Player

    If you're a troller and you need the barrel to be able to keep people powered then you worry more about why that is rather than why it's being broken by someone else. The same goes if you're a healer and need the barrel to keep people alive. Personally, I don't think that there should be any barrels in the T6 alert.
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  9. Gunny New Player

    I can think of a number of times those crystals play a significant role in the completion of the instance with roles missing.

    I don't think they should be removed, but they should look into why the healing multiplier is so out of whack. The normal healing component for my resto as a DPS is like 380 or so when breaking barrels... but those crystals heal around 1750 when I break them in the alert, and usually still 380 or so in the duos.
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  10. MARK2099 New Player

    Are you sure? i though the heal and power received scale based on the status of the player, not the one breaking the barrel, never put much attention tho.
  11. stl4now Well-Known Player

    I hate when my partner runs off and gets a health barrel during Batcave 2v2 and I die as soon as he smashes it.
  12. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    if i need to build my supercharge i'll break a barrel anywhere and at anytime for no other reason than just that.

    unless you dont want a force field that gives you back energy when the boss is pounding on you.
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  13. Sore Steadfast Player

    I bust them because the healer/troll aren't.
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  14. Greenman New Player

    I never knew it was based off who tosses the barrel (and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone). Now I know.
  15. Errorcode1058 New Player

    I pick them up and put them in a convenient spot for when we may need them. At the beginning of the last boss on TD I always grab the one from under the stairs and place it opposite the one that is already there.
  16. Feenicks New Player

    Wow! I learned something new today. I had no idea they scaled to vit and resto!

    And I am guilty of being one of those over anxious DPS. Gonna have to watch that now.
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  17. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    My favorite is the Christmas event. I had a fresh level 30 alt that I had to solo that instance a couple times with due to other players not knowing what a restoration barrel did. I'd break it over a player's head when his health was low, and he'd run out of it to go chase after Larfleeze and get ko'd a few seconds later. Had that happen with all three group members a couple times, so I just bounced from one barrel to the next to stay alive while I took Larfleeze down.

    Made me wonder each time if I was playing with people who were intentionally griefing me.
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  18. Dogico Loyal Player

    Yeah it's better when a healer/troll uses them rather than a dps but it really isn't a big deal. Barrels are bonuses, so as long as the dps is breaking it in a spot to hit the entire or most of the group it shouldn't matter.
  19. Sir Arcanium New Player

    Most of the time the DPS are the one's smashing it because they are the only ones willing to go get it. The healer obviously can't let the party die to go grab one and most trolls don't bother. So some power, SC and health from a DPS is better than nothing. Frankly the best choice in a lot of cases is having the tank fight near the healing barrel spawn so no one has to waste their time to run off and get one mid fight and lug it back. That way just about anyone in the party can smash it to good effect.

    Plus as a sorcery user I feel my pets need the power more than any one else in the party lol. The Fury is a scary beast with constant power via the barrel for 10 seconds or so.
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  20. Jbizzahalla175 New Player

    Not a big deal....content is so easy it doesn't one dies or needs more power or health that much....I think ur nitpicking....
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