PVP and PVE choice taken away?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Max Sharps, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Foe Evah New Player

    Hello. I have been here and leveled several alts pre-merger on the PvP server. I chose the PvP server because between being griefed and having the options for open world, faction based, pvp, and not being griefed but being limited to instanced PvP, I rather deal with the griefing. It was fun being a lowbie and rallying other lowbies against ganking heroes at Cape Carmine Lighthouse on the way to complete my missions. A lot of people shared the same mindset, while some thought that was a waste of time to their "questing" and would move along to another area for mission completion or log on later.

    Then came mega-servers and this thing called the phase shift. Interestingly enough, even though it is just one server, there was still a distinction between two servers at the selection screen, one PvP and one PvE. Some people do not understand that these are not "life choice" decisions that you are stuck with, or when informed about a Phase Shifter, that it isn't a server transfer with some waiting period and some time of cool down involved. From a user interface standpoint, it makes no sense to provide a choice between two servers at creation screen being that there is really only one server. There is also no real need for anyone below level 10 to have access to pvp immediately anyway, and this wouldn't be the only game that doesn't grant PvP access starting at level 3. This change should have been placed a long time ago, and I'm glad they're finally getting around to do it.
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  2. Max Sharps Level 30

    It makes sense when someone got into this game because of that choice. As for this not being the only game that won't grant PVP access starting at level 3, well that's why I don't play those games either. This game was one of the unique ones, which is why I got into it and now it is becoming like the others.

    So what is going to keep the PVP phase thriving? Word of mouth? That little small mention we hear of in the watchtower? I think people who are forced to start in PVE, who wanted PVP, will think this is a PVE game and move on. I'll even stick around long enough to say I told you so.
  3. Max Sharps Level 30

  4. Max Sharps Level 30

    Well it seems like the PVP server is dead from day one of the update. Did a tour all the way around gotham and metropolis, not near as many people. I'm about to say a big "I told you so", but I'll wait a bit for this to be confirmed that this is a continued trend and not just because of the recent update.

    How's the PVE server look? I won't even set foot in it so I won't ever know.
  5. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I haven't had any problem running across people in PvP, nor seen a drop in PD raids, myself.
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  6. Brondulfr New Player

    PVP server sucks now, or at least it does in Gotham. Helping lowbies was my favorite thing to do when I didn't feel like grinding for gear, and that is pretty much gone now. I enjoyed the way the PVP server worked before; some lowby would get ganked and cry for help, and then myself or someone else would come to help them. This was as close to feeling like a real superhero as you can get in this game, and now that is gone. It was a pretty interesting mechanic, or at least, it was to me.

    The OP is right, a simple description or a pop-up disclaimer would have been sufficient. However, that alone might have had the same effect as removing the option, since it would probably be intimidating.

    The best solution is to make people more aware of the PVP server when they hit lvl 8. I think it might be mentioned in the HQ mission, but I doubt that will really sink in while people are getting lost in the HQ and getting their new base. My idea is to give people in the PVE server a player bounty mission that specifically states that they need to knock-out 5 heroes/villains in the PVP phase, and has a quest marker that actually takes them to the phase shifter. And make it offer more than just some soders.
  7. Lightws Dedicated Player

    I mean honestly there's no reason to stop playing because of a server that lacks luster or relevance at this part in the game. Honestly if you like pvping with your personal character you made just go to arenas. Problem solved. Or you probably just liked to as many have already explained run gank squads and prey on the weak. I started on PS3 on PvP server and didn't learn about the switching for a while of playing but there's 0 difference between pvp server and pve server besides running from some higher lvls from time to time. Which in fact makes lvling take longer. Your complaining about this is kinda missing the point. Just run in arenas whats so hard about that? There's no difference between PvP server and arenas. Which drives me to think you prey on those on which can not defend themselves more then those who well can lol.
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  8. Buckley Loyal Player

    Tell you what, I will go hang around by the braniac invasion close to the Villain HQ in PVP phase, then ask the under lvl 10 players how much they enjoyed getting that mission done.


    Let the Ganking begin!
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  9. Max Sharps Level 30

    No that's every reason to stop playing. The PVP server is all I wanted to play on and I don't play games where PVP is regulated to duels and arenas. For me fighting in arenas is all about beefing up my character to fight in the open world PVP. Brondulfr brought up a good point and that is there was an interesting dynamic involved where we could actually be a real superhero and protect the weak from villains who attacked them. The stronger I am, the more villains I can defend against as most who do pick on the weak were weak themselves. Even if they weren't weak, I'd still fend them off long enough to let the lowbies finish their missions. Also, on the other side I'd start out on the PVP server as a lowbie and enjoy trying to level up, even with high levels that would come gank me. I learned tricks on how to survive and found it exciting.

    Yeah you're the second person to accuse me of that and I keep saying that's the opposite of what I was. I enjoyed being that hero who would help defend those people. It was being ganked myself that hardened my resolve and made me want to enact revenge on those same types of villains. It's the classic hero story really.
  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    If you're in PVP CR 90 gear, you have an endless number of people you can save who are below you in rank, down to whatever CR 11s go on the PvP server.

    But, hey, if you want to declare a problem no one else -- no one, zip, zero, nada -- sees, and then say "I told you so" at confirmation no one else sees, be my guest. Whatever rocks your boat.
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  11. Brondulfr New Player

    Being in the minority doesn't mean we can't make a valid point. I'm sure there are many legitimate reasons why changes should be made to appease them majority, but please at least consider a compromise that would benefit everyone. The bounty mission I proposed would keep things the way they are now, but also bring more awareness to the PVP phase and give people a reason to at least go there and try it out.

    Also, the cr11+ you speak of aren't there. Sure there are a few, but not enough to even compare to the way things used to be. I'm not sure where you get the "endless number" thing, that's not close to being true, not by a long-shot.
  12. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    here is the thing you have to understand. People who don't want to PvP, DON'T want to. Having bounty missions, etc that requires them to go the the PvP phase feels like you are forcing them to PvP and that isn't going to go well.

    And I still maintain, People who are "forced" into the PvE phase, and WANT to PvP are far more likely to ask and seek out a way to PvP, Then people who Don't want to PvP and are stuck in the PvP phase.

    I am not saying your concerns/points aren't valid. But expecting a company, any company to change anything that effectively hurts the majority, for the sake of a minority isn't going to happen, and is just bad business.
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  13. Brondulfr New Player

    The game does give a PVP mission at lvl 30. Why? To raise awareness for arena PVP. The mission isn't a huge burden to people that don't want to PVP, it's just there. No one is forced to do it.
  14. Max Sharps Level 30

    You guys keep making PVE players sound like toddlers that need their hands held, while PVP players are smart and resourceful enough to figure their way into the PVP world. Seems to be the prevailing theme in this thread.

    Well I'm hoping that this decision ends up being bad for business, if that's the only thing that will get their attention.
  15. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    Toddlers might be taking it to the extreme. But I can only go by my experience in game, and in that experience the analog is not without its truths.

    As I have said, It just seems to me, People who go to the PvP phase, either FOR PvP or because they don't know better, are more likely to QQ and potentially quit the game.

    While on the other hand, people who are interested in and want to PvP, will go looking for it. They are more likely to go on chat or to the forums and ask "Is Legends/Arena all this game has for PvP?" at which point, they will be informed of the PvP phase and all will be well.
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  16. Brondulfr New Player

    I went back to playing Planetside 2 because of it. Granted I will keep my legendary subscription because PS2 is an SOE game, but I definitely won't be spending my monthly 500sc in the DCUO marketplace.

    tbh they could probably just eliminate the PVP phase all together and still be fine. It's hard to imagine that doing something which enhances the PVE experience for new players would be bad for business.
  17. Max Sharps Level 30

    I'm looking up Planetside 2 and damn it looks like a good game. Is it all in one open world pvp or like most games you join an instance with 16-24 people? Would I pick a faction or does it assign me to one? I'm just guessing that if you get to pick one, then after a while the strongest faction would always get picked.
  18. Brondulfr New Player

    Planetside 2 is basically Battlefield on a massive scale and set in the future. There are several massive continents to play on, and I believe they hold 2000 players each. So things can vary from small-scale battles to all-out war, since each continent is essentially a sandbox. But considering people are often fighting over key points, you should expect to be in massive battles more often than not.

    Also you pick your own faction. No one faction is better than the others at everything, so that's not really an issue. I've noticed that the dominant faction varies from server to server, but I have no idea why. On my server, US West, the Terran Republic seems to be the weakest as far as population goes. I wouldn't worry too much about that though, you can always make an alt and jump back into the action.

    The F2P model is great too. All the game's content, except for cosmetic stuff, can be bought with the in-game currency. Legendary members have a few perks, but it's not like DCUO where if you stop paying you lose all the DLC, inventory slots, and other stuff.

    I recommend you try it if that sounds interesting(and check out the VR trainer too try stuff out, located in the warpgate).
  19. Prosser Dedicated Player

    I played it for awhile when I took a break from DCUO, and all I can say is wow. The first time you are involved with capturing a base being defended by 100+, and your force is 100+ .... you'll be hooked :D just don't be discouraged by snipers head shotting you :mad:
  20. Max Sharps Level 30

    I just wanted to add "I told you so" as I said I would before. PVP phase is nearly dead. I'm sure at this rate the devs will just scrap it all together. It's no longer an open world PVP game because there's no incentive for new players to check it out and those who are into open world PVP, won't play this game. That's what got me into this game. I was disappointed when I first played this game and selected PVE by accident. I hated PVE because it was boring and the only danger is from NPCs... big whoop! Too bad I'm one of the few that actually liked that kind of challenge of having real players lurking in the shadows.