just my thoughts on leveling up

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Draco8573, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Draco8573 New Player

    I made a new toon an earth dps that ill turn tank, and i was leveling her up. It was really fun and really easy....till the gotham you mission where you have to turn into a zombie.....that has to be the most frustrating part of leveling for me, more so than when villains kill your lantern recruits.
    Every time i tried to do anything in that mission i had like eight mobs on me....i had to form a raid to get it done in a quick manner.
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  2. Notangie New Player

    I hated that one too, ugly, rotting, zombie. Yuck.
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  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Also helps to have a level 30 run with you to take out the big mobs if need be. The overwhelming nature of that mission makes me wonder if it was intended to be so frustrating. If not, it needs to be adjusted.
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  4. Draco8573 New Player

    I think it is, that way you form a griup and make friends in order to get it done.
    And i normally run alone cause my league is small and im on way more than anyone else..
  5. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    Easiest way to do that mission is to run through all the enemies until you get to where the entrance to the Isis instance will be. Once you get there, kill off any enemies that followed you. Once you've killed them off you'll have two obelisks in the corners to destroy that are on a fairly fast respawn timers as well as two hotdog carts and four trapped students that are on fairly fast respawn timers as well. Now you can complete the missions without all the crazy amounts of adds wondering around.
  6. Kaidan Committed Player

    The mission was a pain when I leveled up a villain. There weren't any other villains around so no hope of teaming up there, just had to run it. The spawn rate of those adds needs to be tweaked. I'd kill one then two would spawn right on top of me.
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  7. Mick Nugget New Player

    The most important thing to do is try to wait until there are at least two other players there at the same time. I'ts open world not instanced so I think they might have designed it factoring in that there would be more than one player trying to complete it at the same time.
  8. Scion Of Society Well-Known Player

    I just did the leveling up on my villian alt, and yeah that lantern one was a pain. The other people there kept killing my lantern, and there was a t2 guy helping them. He finally got sick of me killing thier guys and challenged me to a duel...little known to him i had bought 150 skill points and had WM so Iknocked him out pretty quickly...unfortunately didn't stop griefing..It took probably another 15 mins until he left and the others let bygones be bygones. I really wish they would make your lantern unable to be hit by opposite faction.
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  9. FameYack Committed Player

    It's hard to do and better to do it with a team, or at least do it while other players are as well,
    It can be done alone if you go slowly but a little error could be fatal; taking too much time, allows por respawns and if you get swarmed you only got few secs before getting K.O,

    If you want to do it alone be ready to remove your disguise and escape, specially because you will be more used to your own powers for emergency situations,

    While i did it a few times alone for a whimp, i would just team up if i want to do it peacefully, specially if you haven't used Brawling yet or are unfamiliar with that zombie powers
  10. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Yeah that part is a deal pain but it is easier if you team up like you did. I am currently taking a break from the daily grind with my 100+ characters and my buddy and I created two new toons the other day.. 2 nights and ten hours of play later and we are both about to hit level 25 and getting close to exactly the mission you are talking about. We have leveled a number of toons together and even a DUO on that is better than solo.

    I'm not a huge fan of any mission that requires me to give up the powers I picked for myself and suddenly run content using ones I have no idea how to utilize best. For example....

    The Wasteland .. I don't mind the daily mission in the Lust zone where I change into a succubus or Incubus and still maintain my own power sets. They do give a reason for it .. I am supposed to LOOK like a Demon to get close to the alter or whatever.. HOWEVER I am not crazy about the one in the Wrath zone that turns me into a Wrath demon and I get a whole 2 powers.

    Gotham U .. As you described prior to heading indie the university to battle Isis I REALLY dislike lumbering around looking like a zombie and losing my powers with all those mobs around.

    Ace Chemical ... Not crazy about donning the hazmat suit and attacking the Toxic Crow with the Clean rifle. That thing only has about 3 actual attacks and the one is a supercharge. I am CR 70+ to even be getting those missions I I drop from 6 plus attacks down to 2 or 3 against a BOSS?

    Circe's Lair in Chinatown .. Here again we get to the final battle of a Mentor mission arc and find ourselves about to take on Circe AFTER we stop her minions from stealing exobits and I get to do it as a Rhino with an attitude and 4 powers instead of the 6 I am used to using. Oh and this one shows up again as a solo challenge after you hit 30 level so you get to do it more than once.... YIPEE!

    I spend some time deciding on how I want my character to look so I'm really not all that thrilled with having another look thrust down my throat so to speak... If the story explains it well I don't mind.. Like when Martian Manhunter changes me so I look like an Atlantian so I can infiltrate their lair and eventually defeat Circe (note that's another one where I may LOOK different but I still have the same powers I arrived with). But there are times where I know I could easily complete a mission using my own power set but I am trying to adapt to what I have been stuck with and battle mobs and bosses. This is why I have never completed and no longer even TRY the Anomolies ones we see at T5 and now T6. IF I wanted to play Legends I'd switch over to PvP and run LEGENDS.
  11. JonnyD New Player

    nooo, it was one of my favorite missions :( I ate things and became taller, and looked like a sick bada chick :D

    "Oh mortal, born of man"
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  12. xxxDOMINOxxx New Player

    Solo leveling can be hard. I thought the zombie Gotham U missions were easy though. The Aquaman mission is really hard for the level (25?). On the villain side the Etrigan/Zatanna mission was really frustrating.

    When I got to the Gotham Wastelands the first mission I got was the Arena Champion (Fields of Wrath). Yikes!
  13. Sevrin Loth New Player

    Yeah the undead suck in that mission. I forget how many times I had to respawn, I didnt know that one of the powers let me transform back to myself. Side note I wish they gave you more info on your powers when you are transformed, like they Star labs as a Gorilla. But the University one really stinks. Im a villain, there was one other villian there. He didnt respond to tells, chat, or group invites. Several hero types came through the area so I kinda followed their group and would try to "help" them as they helped me. I would hit a pillar and wouldnt destroy it till they got some hits on it also.

    The rest of that mission was cake, but the undead part stunk
  14. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    The only thing I hate about that mission now is. The back fist move don't send enemies flying throw the air anymore. It's a easy mission.
  15. Counticus New Player

    That happened to me too :)

    I suddenly had to get much better at using my toon and I still just squeeked by him. Its stuff like this that make hope a) for more bitterly unfair solo content and b) that Rage Crash will never be taken away from the DPS side of the powerset
  16. Counticus New Player

    Gotham U was pretty rough for me too. Things would have been much better if I got the Beastamorph moveset when I transformed instead :(
  17. Conno23 New Player

    I used to have problems with that mission, but it is easy to solo big mobs if you just keep on using the brawling tap tap hold hold, or tap hold hold combos. And keep on clipping them with the big aoe punch powers. Throw in an occassional heal. And always try to lunge the ranged attackers. Constant countering is important, and there is always someone to lunge when there are so many.

    It is very easy to get 8 or more enemies on you in that mission, and it took multiple characters going through it for me to get the hang of it. Now i just wrangle the mobs up, take them down, and move on. Although not quite as quickly as that sentence suggests.

    The mission takes a bit of practice, and eventually you'll be able to do it fine solo. When that day comes, you will miss when it was a challenge ;)
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  18. Psalmist TX Level 30

    If it's the first time running the quest, yes it'll be a bit of a struggle. I learned to stay close to the walls , but learning the weapon combos and the more effective one is the best thing to do.
  19. blklightning New Player

    That is one of those missions that teaches you to not run head first into battle. Yeah, you either group up or work on being able to not get the attention of other things.

    I, too, hate those missions. Every now and then, I hand out near the U and destroy mobs so people can level a bit easier.
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  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    uh... I really hate that mission when leveling up.