Question about Rifle - Grenade Launcher

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by trichloroethane, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. trichloroethane New Player

    Hey all,

    I know Grenade Launcher (rifle) is supposed to have a knockback effect on enemies, but I haven't seen this at all since the last couple of updates! Is my computer just shoddy (very possible) or has he knockback been reduced? I haven't played much recently, so it might be an old change that I didn't get around to noticing until recently. Would really appreciate it if someone could clarify this. Thanks!
  2. Lux Aeterno Level 30

    Unfortunately, they removed the knock back on Grenade Launcher added it to hold range. Although that knock back does help the WM aspect of it.
  3. trichloroethane New Player

    Ah I see, thanks for the answer!