Proto Repair Bot Trinket???

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eventz, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Eventz New Player

    Since SM is coming out soon i was just wondering if its possible to add a Proto Repair Bot Trinket.
    I am very sure alot more people will 10 dollars for a trinket then buy single ones

    Just an answer from a dev about if this could be possible or not and why?
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  2. LIGHThealsDARK New Player

    I would also like to see this, but IDK if we will get it. The devs If it aint broke fix it attitude doesn't seem to play into a repair bot trinkey.
  3. Eventz New Player

    I think its a good idea since i believe that more people will pay for this.
  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    There has been a green name answer to that one....
    From the Marketplace Amenities Thread
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  5. LIGHThealsDARK New Player

  6. Eventz New Player

    I don't really think anyone will buy a bank bot trinket or a broker bot trinket, tbh thats just a waist of money since its in the game for free. A proto repair is in the game to an extent and plus i think the proto repair bot trinket would be most useful in long boss fights (SM and T6 raids). A bank bot or broker or mail bot would only be useful if you need those in a time where u cant access them but i doubt anyone really buys the single ones anyway
  7. MasterBud New Player

    I would pay real money for a permanent trinket but I'm sure they make more money they way it is now. I'm down tho
  8. Artichoke Heart New Player

    Imagine how many of the traditional repair bots will be sold on the marketplace when the new raids and SM come out? Especially if they include ultra rare rewards at higher tiers of SM.
    People will stock up like mad on them.
  9. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    The thing it stands... people buy the consumable repair bots.
    I know that I do...and I often seen others pop them up when a raid hits some trouble.

    So - if people are 'renting' repair bots.... why make one that players can have permanently.

    Don't get me wrong ... I want one, I hope they make a permanent one... but I can't see the SoE upside.

    Also, I accidentally bought bank bots once when I intended to buy repair bots and they have been kicking around in my inventory forever.
  10. Artichoke Heart New Player

    Right. I mean, we all want one. For sure. No one I think is arguing that.
    But from a business standpoint, the devs are likely to look at long term sales over one large sale and the loss of revenue from a product they get a decent steady stream of transactions from.
  11. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    What we need is a trinket that turns you into a repair bot; then you could activate your Soder can weapon and use your special ability to throw money at people.

    And when some guy clicks E on you to repair, you can hit ESC to deny. Repair declined.
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  12. Vodka Committed Player

    I'd gladly pay a premium for a trinket.
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  13. Artichoke Heart New Player

    Lol OMG yes! make this a thing!
  14. Vodka Committed Player

    We need to turn the Soder Jerk feat into a powerset.

    I'd love to shoot soder cans at my enemies that explode on contact.
  15. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    Ive said it before but i will say it again if the portable workstation was a repair bot as well as workstation i wouldve bought a long time ago.

    It would rather see a bot that was a mail bot, broker bot, repair bot, and bank bot all in one. I would buy it in a heartbeat.
  16. Mathalos Well-Known Player

    I'm sure discussions about permanent trinkets has been talked about since before the consumables even came out. It's whether or not they could make more money with the consumables or a trinket.

    Personally, I think they should leave the scanners as consumables and turn all the proto bots into trinkets.
  17. the swoosh New Player

    when i read the title i started throwing money at my screen but nothing happend :(
