Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by xShadowcross, May 29, 2014.

  1. xShadowcross New Player

    We are a drama free league located on the villain surver of usps3/ps4 at the moment we are trying to establish some good players who are active and love to help out other members we only have 4 members at the moment and are in need of more! no cr is required to join us so if you are looking to start something new and join our family please feel free to! and if you have a mic that is an added bonus as well!


    be sure to help out other players in the league and give advice if you can
    no elitism, we are a family always remember that
    have fun

    feel free to join our league website as well!

    send xshadowcross a tell in game if your interested in joining us we look forward to running with you all!
  2. Godeater slade New Player

    I'm willing to join if the league helps me farm feats usps3 villain godeater Slade cr77 sk 51 heed help farming and speed runs in alerts
  3. Hate killz New Player

    a fire tank with cr 93 and am willing to join