Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LIVETASER, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. LIVETASER New Player

    Hello Devs,

    I am to the point of frustration as I feel that we that at t6 are being shut out from running lower tier contents, due to the fact that we are capped at the MOT and cannot get any without clouding our inventory space. The solution is to make the vendor styles MOT equivalent purchasable for whatever the current tier conversion is. This way, you still have to grind for the marks to get the style. Or make MOT convertible to MOF. Something has to give and as legendary, I don't want to feel like I am being forced to remain only on T6 content. You have to look at it from all sides and see that it is the right choice. Thanks
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  2. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    They need to fix the cap or come up with something fast for people to spend there MOT on.
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  3. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Sometimes one just has too much. It's ok IMO. I run other than T6 content every time I log on for feats, styles, fun. It hurts a little to throw marks away, but whatever until we get something to spend them on. At that time, you will be able to max out your MoT in no time again. Don't sweat it.
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  4. Minnion Devoted Player

    I'm guessing you completed all the other style sets that you can purchase with MoT.... (At the very least the Red Lantern style vendor in the WOTL Metro should accept MoT for the red lantern styles.)

    That said I'd have no complaints if the OPs suggestion is implemented.
  5. Scion Of Society Well-Known Player

    If you already have every iconic suit, just run the content and throw the marks away, its not like you really need more than 25K at a time. No cap stops you from running the lower content. I myself ran alot of the lower content at the cap and still do to get my last two styles.
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  6. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    If they implemented a MoT option on the style vendor with the current conversion rate you'd be looking at roughly 252,000 MoT per style. 1 MoF = about 3600 MoT 70MoF = 252000MoT

    With the cap of 65k you still wouldn't be able to purchase anything unless they dropped the MoF price by a lot.
  7. Bast10n Committed Player

    Wasn't the cap supposed to be 175,000 or something? To my knowledge they are working on a fix for it and the cap of 65,000 is currently only temporary.

    Vending Unit 22 should always be The highest mark. I am completely against allowing purchases with MOT or allowing MOT to convert into MOF. Rare styles need to remain rare.

    If you are only running the older content for marks and you have nothing to spend your marks on... why are you running the older content for marks?
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  8. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    Appears to be a simple solution...make the cap higher then.

    Those styles were once 70 MoR, not why are they suddenly 70 MoF?? If they had kept them at 70 MoR but converted it to MoT, you would not need nearly as many MoT's as you have in your calculations.
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  9. Novaks New Player

    I've been saying this since the update but I guess they have another MOT sink coming soon so I doubt they will change vendor 22 to MOT.
  10. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    they must change the marks needed to purchase certain styles.

    Why the hell Vestment of Rage needs Mark of Fury!? I have the DLC and can't purchase my own style!?
  11. SkullGang Devoted Player

    On top of that doesn't the price of the style match how much a piece of gear costs ?
  12. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    If you have maxed out the temporary cap then let me suggest that you don't need MOTs at all!
    If you can't use them, then you don't need them!
    Therefore, any cap for you is fine.

    T1-T5 content can be rerun for feats, styles and fun as well as marks.
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm sitting on a lot of marks that even if they up the cap I will be topped off. lol

    We do need more mark sinks and they have been quiet about it, which means we will probably have more for League Halls too.

    I do agree, you kind of don't want to run lower content because you are looking at more things to bloat your inventory and you hate to discard earned marks.

    I also agree we need more styles that are strictly MoT sinks. I wouldn't mind really rare styles for MoT that have no feats attached. Like Digital Invader or leveling weapon styles, such as the Escrima Sticks and Baseball Bat. A vendor that can be for styles! I wouldn't even care if it cost me 20k MoT for a Baseball Bat! I want it.
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  14. DCUOPoe Level 30

    I'd prefer the styles to be MoT, especially since I have like 90,000 taking up inventory space at the moment....

    but I understand why they aren't. Stupid logic.
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  15. Dephyre Committed Player

    I understand everyone's frustration with the situation.But.....PvP. Now I know what y'all are gonna say. Meh. I don't wanna PvP, or I'm already full elemental. And I get it. It's either you run the content and delete the marks or cluttler up inventory. Kinda no win right now. But...PvP. Run out there, beat up some bad guys, do as you please. None shall stand in your way. The War begins June 29th.
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  16. BumblingB I got better.

    And if you are sitting on your MoL and MoV cap? :O
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  17. Dephyre Committed Player

    Then do what I do. Take Metropolis back, have fun ganking bad guys (or good guys, we're up for it). Or don't play.Which is hard to do. Either way, until the devs come up with a sink for all these extra marks, we're all boned when it comes down to it. It sucks, but most of the content I run, I end up doing for free, no marks, barely any cash, and hardly a chance at a rare drop.
  18. BumblingB I got better.

    Having a happy mark sink is better than a needless one. Style vendors is something that has been asked for years, we finally get it, but can't use our excess marks on it. lol But it would be nice to have a rare style vendor for styles that aren't part of a feat. There are a lot of those, especially weapon ones.
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  19. Dephyre Committed Player

    Now this I can totally agree with. I would very much like to collect some of the older weapon styles that I haven't gotten yet. Or even the rare styles that are collected through treasure chests (kryptonian flexsuit legs, i'm looking at you) would be a nice mark sink.
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  20. LIVETASER New Player

    Got the feats. capped. I am legendary which means that any dlc I choose to run, I should receive the rewards from that instance whether marks or not. I cannot receive any marks when I run Ab, Nexus or Dox. I get the styles I go salvage. it is annoying and I am voicing my opinion on that. SMH!
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