Who here pays for someone to offer service in instances?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SpicyMoonlight, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I've been seeing people in LFG say that they will run whatever as long as they are paid before the run.
    (Mostly tanks n trolls)
    It's not even a little bit either, like 500k n up lol!

    I'm trying to figure out who pays these "Role Hookers" for their service.
    Also, how would you even know if they will just take your money and leave?

    Too many cons for my tastes but apparently someone is paying them, so I can't really knock it.

    Times must be hard to make a buck nowadays; glad I made enough in the T5 era to retire with :)
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  2. Arcpope New Player

    I know I bring this up a lot ,but COH ,WOW, guild wars had some sort of payment method for running lower players through content quickly.

    I was actually surprised when I started playing this game that this wasn't so ..

    Would help bored players and a great way to pad your bank lol.
  3. Notangie New Player

    I'm a healer/troll, hubby is a tank. We can play the dime a dozen role if we must. We're not paying anyone.
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  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I disagree with people who want compensation for helping others. I see the same thing with people trying to run the mentor-locked low level missions to get the feats/investigations/briefings. Very few people will take someone into one of those missions without compensation or something in return. Guess I'm just a giving person, though.
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  5. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    The way I'm seeing it now is these people are breaking the bank with all the paid TD runs.

    I remember it when people would pay tanks for FoS2 but that is entirely different than a T6 alert lol
    Plus those tanks were paid after a successful run for their services.
  6. Darth Loyal Player

    I've been paid a couple times for my services but that was over a year ago and I was responding to group "LF 4 troll for "raid" will pay". I was locked but figured id do it for that cash. I was paid half before and after. I've never offered my services in LFG in exchange for payment though.

    I'd only understand expecting compensation for your services if you're already locked from the loot. Otherwise that's way too cheesy.
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  7. AnarKy New Player

    (Role Hookers) I love that name!
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  8. Mister Brees New Player

    This is disgusting to me. If these people run all of the content normally by themselves then it isn't as bad but I can guarantee they need the people they are charging to finish it as well.

    I feel bad for the people who actually would need to pay. I'd rather take my chances in queue.
  9. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    I had to laugh last night I was in the HoD and someone was shouting "group of 5 t6 players doing Gates walk-ins. 200k per player" for a small fee of 1million they were blowing through gates...and people were paying.
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  10. Mister Brees New Player

    If I'm close I will take them in 100% of the time. When I needed it someone hooked me up. Why wouldn't I return the favor.
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  11. Saami Loyal Player

    Never paid. never will.
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  12. Deltaheat Well-Known Player

  13. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Hey, tell Menelaos and Cuddles Luna says hi <3
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  14. Novaks New Player

    Never paid since I have alts for every role 100+ CR and SP but I will also never charge anyone to go into any instance....Why? Because this is not a job or a business, it's a GAME! Playing with others no matter what level they are is still considered playing so who cares if I take longer because other players don't have the "preferred" stats I'm still playing the same game I love just at a slower pace lol.
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  15. vladspally Well-Known Player

    Christ people charge for those? I always take people in for free whenever I see someone shouting for those. I guess I am not business minded haha.
  16. I Keeps Aggro New Player

    Lol only broke people **** themselves out like that. It started in t5 raids with tanks now trolls joined in the party. Its poor man struggles running something loot locked for 500k.
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  17. Dephyre Committed Player

    You can pay me for showing up.....all other services are free;)
  18. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    Lol they both post on here. Ms been pretty active today strangely
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  19. X-zero Loyal Player

    I do understand that is pretty common in mmo: mercenaries charging for their services(someone running content for a fee) and merchants charging for their skills(Mod Crafters). That being said I wouldn't charge to run content or pay someone else to run content. I use to dislike the idea of paying mod crafters, but I got over that one. I now just see that as paying for a skill I don't have yet.

    Someone actually did that? I made a joke in a thread today saying I should have done that.
  20. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Yeah I can totally understand paying for modding/crafting services.

    But people wanting to charge me to play a game I pay for already? /facepalm