Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheRealDeathern, May 19, 2014.

  1. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Suicide Squad & map rotations have probably reduced my game time more than any thing.
  2. TheRealDeathern New Player

    take it out take it out take it out...

    ...hmm seems to be a lot of taking things out o_O
  3. vladspally Well-Known Player

    Those freaking dolls are creepy in the first place. Cant bring myself to do those dailies lol
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  4. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    I hit 49 yesterday im trying to go ahead and grind them out so i dont have that feat bugging me anymore
  5. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    PVE deserter penalties...
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  6. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Weapon Mastery.

    It is unbalanced as hell. I just got done running almost every T1-T5 Duo (excluding Tunnel of Lust and Ruined Cathedral) for old times sake with my original partner in crime, Krymson from Squad 11. For giggles we bought full T1 from Weapon to Rings and all in between. Both ran in DPS stance with DPS gear with no mods, no home turf, and only used Soder Cola Extremes. Only Trinket we ran was Central City. After beating all the T1-T3 Duos we moved to T5 thinking it would be impossible but nope, not even Knightsdome was immune to getting beat by Weapon Mastery. He's Fire and I am Quantum. Definitely not what most would call "top tier DPS" classes. After we beat Knightsdome he had to bounce to cook supper for his family but we both agreed Knightsdome is the hardest T5 Duo and if we could beat it we definitely could beat the other 2.
  7. Smart Bomb Well-Known Player

    Mines a little tame. I miss the old TK push without the lame purple haze effect thing .
  8. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    TIRED of people hating on Replay Badges! Take a moment and imagine being a player coming to this game to play SOLO... how long would it take you to reach T6 without replay badges? It would take YEARS!! Given how low the Marks are for solo Challenges, then having to wait for a daily reset, it would literally take years. So stop acting like multiplayer players are the ONLY ones playing this game, because CLEARLY that is not the case. I have spent literally over $1500 in the past year, mostly on RB's, just so I could get up to where I am at CR105. Imagine how much money DCUO would lose if they removed RB's! Clearly those making this suggestion don't understand how removing RB's would not only hurt players like me, who don't harm anyone else's game, but also the finances of DCUO. I am certainly not the only solo player, and DCUO clearly knows this.
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  9. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    Get rid of immunities, with lag it's just horrible, not only are you guessing when your opponent is blocking contrary to what you see on screen but then you also have to guess when he is going to take the hit with that extra immunity which in the end makes you think you're lagging twice more.
  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    im going 2 start mailing all my enchanted beasthorns to spytle ingame :p
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  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    yea id say getting rid of nerfs and the people that always ask 4 things 2 be nerfed would be the best thing that could ever happen to dcuo
  12. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Good luck man, i heard toyman missions were not very fun and a total pain
  13. light FX Steadfast Player

    see when i say get rid of the people that ask 4 nerfs this is a perfect example
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  14. realTREDD New Player

    REPLAYS, I never liked them.
    HT mods also are awful especially in pvp
    All other BS done to arena pvp
    I could do without feat unlocking also.
  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    so u want the game 2 be super easy? Oh w8, 4 got that already happened :p
  16. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Hmm if i could take out anything it would have to be beast horns. I dont even remember killing any bestiamorphs and last time i checked, harpies and amazons dont have horns.
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  17. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    [IMG] sidekick and henchmen trinkets. (support roles via pets, heals and bonus dps to not need to heal) play it your way.... balance has been shifted..... T4 trinkets and mod.... its their game and ways are subjected to ones provided. obviously.....but why pets? yeah, play it your way ws pertaining to payment, and not gameplay. :rolleyes: the person responsible for balance... feel'n bad for that person. Shirley, challenge is always potentially created by utilizing minimizing a setup as opposed to meeting the CR being asked for in order to form a group. Less one gets kicked or DC on this most stable of server clusters. [IMG]
    I have no means to know, but if DCUO is housed on a PS3 server cluster. I want it taken out. (replaced with a more robust server cluster)

    it launched with record setting numbers.... http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/...erse_Online_SOEs_FastestSelling_Game_Ever.php I think it would require another record setting performance to call their hand. Will SOE give Austin more assets? (UI reference without including E3 2013 video link)
  18. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    The pvp maps being rotated. Kinda killed pvp for me. Still do it every once and awhile just not as much since the crappy rotations.
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  19. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Oh and all the nerfs to be reversed. Damn nerf-herders
  20. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    im up to 60 now next week or the week after ill be done !