WildStar Server

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Brice Allen, May 29, 2014.

  1. Breakforce Loyal Player

    I will try anything once. You know that.
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  2. MercPony Devoted Player

    After seeing EQD's post it seems a lot of bronies wanna go on the Widow server (which is pvp).... pvp isn't really my thing, haha. I'm still overall undecided though.
  3. DC-Doll New Player

    So like...is Wildstar paying you to blabber on about their game every chance you get on the DCUO forums? ;)
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  4. BigAl Devoted Player

    Haven't you heard? Its the DCUO killer! :p
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  5. MercPony Devoted Player

    Its the Off Topic section, can talk about anything here really, even pizza! :p Though I can't speak for people that talk about other games in other places sections of the forums.

    If anything I think it just shows people still have at least a "little" respect for DCUO since they choose to talk about other games here lol

    Edit: By the way, has someone made a thread about pizza here? The idea sounds cool actually...
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  6. BigAl Devoted Player

    I love me a good BBQ Chix or Hot Wing pizza....
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  7. Remander Steadfast Player

    While some, like Brice, may actually be leaving DCUO for Wildstar, there are many of us who intend to play both. Let's face it, there's not much to do in DCUO right now. MoT are fairly worthless. The T6 content can all be completed in about an hour. Wildstar is going to give me something else to do, as DCUO is currently the only game I play. I'd prefer to play on a server populated by a bunch of DCUO players that I know, as I'm sure Brice would.
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  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    Oh, and by the way, didn't you uninstall DCUO after GU 35? I distinctly remember your "open letter" QQ, because it prompted me to create an open letter to QQers.
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  9. Zim New Player

    I really wish this game was for console. Looks great a from what I have seen so far. Another thing i like hearing was that the content will be difficult and their devs already said they do not intend to nerf content based on qq'ers.

    Even if it was on console though, I would still find time for dc.
  10. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Anyone who thinks WildStar is a DCUO killer is off their rocker :p. Only "DCUO killers" that can exist will have to be on the PS4. Sure a few people might leave DCUO for WildStar but lets be honest. As dead as the PC side of the game is SOE probably doesn't even bat an eye when they hear of a new MMO coming out for the PC. Only thing that is probably on their "radar of concern" is any MMO that might launch on the PS4.
  11. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Yeah I like the idea of being able to buy Monthly Game Time with in-game currency/items.

    As for the "goodbye". I'll be possibly poking my head back in to see the PVP changes and DLC 11. If both suck then I'm out for good. I might stop in on the forums from time to time to read but I'll be very busy with WildStar for the foreseeable future. Hope to see you there man. Take care.
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  12. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Filthy tree lover. Chuzilla zap with death ray.

    :p...lol...And at this point anyone who doesn't know about Chuas in WildStar are going, "W.t.f did Brice just say?".
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  13. uXix Committed Player

    Well the region lock thing is bull crap..

    I will be playing on the EU server Ascendency dominion side with a bunch of people from Odyssey.
  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I may take a look into it. If you're up for it, pm me your steam name if you've got one :)
  15. Brice Allen Loyal Player

  16. Davon (Crisis Core) Well-Known Player

    With this comment, you have sparked my curiosity sir, how much in-game currency is required for a month of game time?
  17. Brice Allen Loyal Player


    CREDD sir. It cost $19.99 to purchase (which is $5 more than a normal 30 day game time cost of $14.99). However, CREDD can be traded or sold in game for items or in game currency. How much is dependent on the player base and how much they are willing to pay or trade other players for. So essentially for those players that have more time to farm and play than the average player they can turn that time into Game Time and players that have more responsibilities ie: families and work they can buy CREDD and then sell it or trade it to stay current on some gear and items. I plan on purchasing CREDD and selling it for in game $$. As I really enjoy the Housing system WildStar has in place but some of the cooler things are rather expensive.
  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

  19. DeathLoli New Player

    Pretty much in that boat. I'll be finished with the last new feat in 10 days. Then I'll farm MoF till i'm at the cap.

    After that where do i invest my gaming time till the new raids or PvP season comes out.

    Big selling feature for me... basically 'cos i'm a cheap bastard lol

    Grandmaster Tailor means:
    Struting around in my Chua pelt jacket make from Brice Allen spawns. Shut up and take my Money 8D
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  20. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    lol...really? I'm surprised I have that many. I don't think I've played but 4 or 5 of them :p. Guess I bought them when they were on sale for $5-$10.