Most Skill Points

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Plum Crazy, May 19, 2014.

  1. DC-Doll New Player

  2. Yolo New Player

    you can get any and all feats in the game without switching movement or powers 50x
  3. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    You forgot the St. Patrick seasonal which can be completed twice meaning 35 points times 2 = 70.

    The total feats you can get without changing powers or movement was around 175. I'm a pure electric Damage. I gone nearly 2 years without changing powers or movement mode. I changed in 2014 St. Patrick seasonal for all Role and movement feats. It was the only way to surpass and break 180 skill points. If you want to get more Skill Points for WM you must change around St. Patrick seasonal.

    And do the races. Then go back to your favorite power. I'm never changing my power type again unless their are role feats that I can get which they aren't anymore. I'm however stuck as a speedster movement type. That will remain for awhile unless they add Hover Disc as a movement mode. :p

    I just hope players that know me don't think I did the Phase Dodge before they nerf it. PD was nerf before I changed from Flight to Speed. Plus I would have never used PD to begin with.

    Anyway, I recommend you change next year. Then return back. Buy the power tokens and movement tokens on a sale and save them in your bank. Save all Role styles in your bank too. Including weapons that you can collect. I gotten a lot of troller and tank weapon styles just from changing. Never have to save them again.
  4. Yolo New Player

    yes but there's no feats attached.
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  5. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    o ok, thats kinda sad :( should be feats for all style you collect
  6. Black Prime New Player

    Lol, no clue, its somewhere.
  7. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    Thanks for all the good responses people, always wondered if people that changed power/movement a few times would have like a crap ton more sp than people who didn't and that don't seem be the case.
  8. Bobburt Committed Player

    Are you counting the two feats "Natural Talent" and "Pro Athlete"? Because those are the only two race feats that don't "reset" when switching movement modes.
  9. DeathLoli New Player

    Max with everything is 189.05 so working backwards.
    I have almost all feats (including back from the hack) so i can confirm that is the cap.

    Minus 1.70SP for not switching roles
    (4 styles 2x50, 2x25. + gain a role at level 10, 2x10)

    Minus 4.60 for not switching movements
    (6x25 for harder races, 2x10 for beginner races, 25 for level 30 as a movement type, 10 for ST Pats race + 25 for Pot of gold for each movement) x2 for both other movements

    Total 189.05
    Minus 6.30
    Minus 0.50 Back from the hack

    Equals 182.25 (or 182.30 for villians)
  10. uXix Committed Player

    It's 189.10 because I do have everything except for back from the hack.
  11. DeathLoli New Player

    *cough* Villian side *cough*
  12. uXix Committed Player

  13. Yui Loyal Player

    Nope, didn't count them.
    I just added the movement feats and the hero/villain movement feats together []:
    Acrobatics Feats:
    • One 10-point feat
    • Three 25-point feats
    Hero/Villain Acrobatics Feats:
    • Two 10-point feats
    • Two 25-point feats
    10 + 75 + 20 + 50 = 155
    Total Acrobatic feat points = 155

    Flight Feats:
    • One 10-point feat
    • Three 25-point feats
    Hero/Villain Flight Feats:
    • Two 10-point feats
    • Two 25-point feats
    10 + 75 + 20 + 50 = 155
    Total Flight feat points = 155

    Superspeed Feats:
    • Four 25-point feats
    Hero/Villain Flight Feats:
    • Two 10-point feats
    • Two 25-point feats
    100+ 20+ 50 = 170
    Total Superspeed feat points = 170
    I actually messed up on the Superspeed feat point calculation in my previous comment >.<

    Like I said in my previous comment, feel free to correct me in case my calculations are wrong or I missed something.

  14. Yui Loyal Player

    Wait, don't the St. Patrick's Day race/s only give 10? Meaning you can only get 10 feat points without changingyour movement?
  15. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    It gives you 10 for the race but you can complete the St. Patrick's Day seasonal feat again. So it's another 25 points. meaning it's 35 points twice for doing the other two movement modes you need. That is 70 points.
  16. DeathLoli New Player

    It's 230 per movement mode

    25 Level 30 as a movement type

    10 Rookie races
    10 introductory races
    25 Skilled races
    25 Adept races
    25 Master races
    25 Expert races

    25 all Gotham races for a movement type
    25 all Metro races for a movement type

    10 St Pats race
    25 Pot o' Gold (once for each movement type)