Suggestion: Weapon Master Balancing

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Remander, May 13, 2014.

  1. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    The less damage WM does, the more you are advocating Might spamming and lack of SP. Not saying its correct now, but its a balancing act.
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    No. I'm advocating that the WM buff to might damage be greater and the WM finisher damage be reined in. The efficiency will be unchanged. Just the balance will be better.
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  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    Yes. That's why I think they're going to wait until they finish balancing the power sets before they lower the weapon damage.
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  4. Proto1118 Committed Player

    I would like to add,

    3. WM bonus on power DoTs. It amazes me why they don't right now. Power DoTs are pretty pathetic now and needs a buff.
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  5. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Yea. Weapon mastery prefers pure precision hits such as rage or hardlight.
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  6. toast Well-Known Player

    heres the problem with WM since its release. with my sorc heal using just 3 powers ( CoP SHard and Boon) and the 2 range WM combos i have consistently been first or second on the list when doing the T5 & T6 alerts.I pop CoP then Boon do one WM combo the pop Shard then do 2 WM combos pop Shard 2 more WM combos and pop Boon one more combo and pop CoP and repeat and it makes things quite boring. before WM i used every power in my loadout and had 10-15 seconds to build power and do SOME damage between rotations, not most of the damage in the entire alert.

    i would have rathered if WM gave us 2 new melee and 2 new range combos for our respective weapon, instead of giving us 2 of each attacks from another weapon.
  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    That was kinda my thought on what I'd ideally do.

    I really think WM needs an increase in power cost in addition to what Remander said. It's just inherantly slower, which means more time between power usage meaning a built in power efficiency. And it's pretty substantially longer between power usages, it's about 1-2s on top of combos depending on which. HB, you have solar flame, which is clippable at aroudn .8s, and then if you WM combo into explosive arrow you have to play out solar flame and do the explosive arrow adding on ~1.5. When you add in the ~1s of power usage that's 1.8 vs 2.5 or a 38% increase in time of rotation and power usage.

    I think a 20-30% increase in power cost in addition to what Remander was saying would be right.

    But also, like the post I quoted. I think they should add to the support role buff. Lower power cost is IMO bad for the game, it makes controllers less needed. The damage on the weapon combos are pretty cool for support roles, but there's no timing to that, it's just doing the combo, it has no reliance on hitting that window. So what I'd do is instead of the hefty might buff on the DPS role, it'd be a hefty precision buff to make your next combo hit HARD.

    In the end controllers would be needed again. not everything would be precision based. Hitting the timing window would be the key to success with WM like advertised.
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  8. TrueOlympus New Player

    Why so power hungry DPS powers can be power huungry again? Taking trolling and putting it back at square one. Once again being power batteries?

    No. No thanks.
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  9. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    The overall slow down of the game makes that level of craziness impossible already. They need the power battery role to a point, but being easier on power lets them still CC as needed, which is what the slowing down would allow.
  10. TrueOlympus New Player

    you said 30% to 40%. Trust me. That will MORE than make up for it
  11. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I said 20-30%, and I was showing one at 38% difference in time :)
  12. TrueOlympus New Player

    opps. i missread than
  13. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    i've been saying this for the longest WM did not fix what it was setup to fix ... making it unimpactful and more or less a complete waste of time... balancing issues are stronger than ever nowadays the DPS ratio has everyone switching to rage sourc or nature... i haven't been playing much so since this DLC dropped but asking the powers to be balance is what gave us WM.... ask again and they'll remove all comboing clips XD
  14. RiskVsReward New Player

    But that precession buff is shared, not just for the user... Giving too much of a might boost would make might based powers too strong.
  15. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    Lies i've nvr ran a Tier6 raid ... do not even mistakenly call it a raid because if we were playing a raid i woulda took off of work atleast 3 times this week
  16. RiskVsReward New Player

    Since WM came out, I've seen about every power reach top dps, minus HL, earth, electricity and fire. Two of those powers are getting a nice update and fire is coming soon. I don't think the balancing is off with WM, I just don't like how boring it made DPSing. Changing the might portion to do more damage than the precession portion won't fix that, but it may throw the balance off again.
  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Yeah, I do NOT want the power hungry craziness we had. But I think if you want it to truly be optional it should not be better damage by a good amount AND more efficient by a good amount. I think the damage advantage just needs to focus on executing the timing properly, and I feel it should be more might based so prec isn't such a heavily weighted stat. Do that, and eliminate the power efficiency advantage, and we're looking at an optional amazing level DPS tool, which can also be used in support roles for more damage if you execute it properly being a precision boost for them.

    That's what I think would be perfect /shrug. Right now there is not enough CC to need a 2nd CC/debuff only troller, the tank and 1 troller can handle anything. I'd like controllers to have the power to toss a few CCs if needed, but power needs to be there as their default role when the content doesn't demand their other tools, which happens quite often.
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  18. MetalMario Loyal Player

    They could also tie the weapon crits in with the might one at the end so that they're both dependent on timing.
  19. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    They need to make a Tier V White Tactical Hand Mod that doubles all the damage output of all DoT powers. I'll be even happen happier with this of now. I only use DoTs on something with a lot of health or big groups of adds that I know won't get wiped out in a matter of seconds.
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  20. Shift New Player

    Just an increase to the crit magnitude on the might portion of the WM combo would be helpful. Would highly enjoy seeing my might attack actually hit as hard as my darn weapon. Or if might dots actually got the buff from WM.