Is DCUO getting too easy? I'm very worried.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Azure Black, May 15, 2014.

  1. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Don't worry, be happy.

    I don't get some of you people. It's almost as if you believe unless your head is in a vice, you can't have fun. You people should be in better leagues. This game, like every other recreational activity that you chose to engage in, will be whatever you make it.

    Here's the game you guys should be playing:
  2. Radium Devoted Player

    Not anymore, from here on out we're getting 8-man content in every DLC.
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  3. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Yes sir. The dark days are behind us......
  4. JDaPrietz New Player

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  5. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That's why we have 8 player groups for the Vault, and 6 tanks are recommended!
  6. Dump Truck New Player

    And I think they admitted they messed up not having an 8-man anything during FNL. just sayin...

    so.... yeah....

    EDIT: Sorry, I did not see that radium already corrected you.
  7. Tre Day New Player

    Until said 8-man content ends up being either a raid that needs nerfing, a raid that's too easy, or an Op that has people going in different directions that people want to stay grouped together even though it's intended to be split up.

    I'm pretty sure there are other, excuses?...concerns?...yeah, I'll go with 'concerns'. Sounds less harsh...

    I'm just trying to be ahead of the curve. Lol. :p
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  8. blastro New Player

    Its just an alert.......
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Did a vault run yesterday and the boxes in their are OP. Devs need to nerf the boxes because I am seeing 8 man groups not getting through the vault which is crazy.

    How about giving 1-1-1-1 groups and 2-2-2-2 buffs instead to promote balanced gameplay. Rather than giving these discriminatory groups uneeded buffs for T5 and T6 content. If you cant form a 1-1-1-1 group for T5 or T6 content now then that is just sad
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  10. warpax New Player

    the no healer strats could have been used in trigon (since release) or OC alerts (later on) aswell, and it was the fastest way to do things.
    personaly i dont have a problem for the healer role not needed in alerts, cuz tanks werent needed for a long time. and this is perfect place for them to learn how to tank. and that is without healer.
    why wasnt that a "thing" back then?
    anwser is simple. we had raids to focus our strategy on. now you only have this 1 group thing wich is 1 alert and ofc good players will find the fastest most effective way to do it. as they did for the OC raids.

    you were able to skip things in old alerts aswell, but back then you had daily alerts with rewards that made you do them. now you grind 1 same thing that gives what u need for short period and you are done.
    daily alerts should be a thing again in my opinion with unique styleS sets rewards. ofc you can oneshot everything on some tiers, but you will be reminded of the old stuff and prob will enjoy it. and help some other ppl who lvl up.
    so instead of "glf dps t6a" all day. you will see "glfm for daily alert". roles would not matter most of the time. let the daily alert reward latest mark aswell. just like it did before. same thing for duos.
  11. erckboy Active Player

    To me, and im sure this is the same for others, this game is like going to work. Im at the top of the tier and productivity is always an issue. Since more dps always reduces the time spent farming (alerts/duos/feats) whenever possible, dps is added. Basically, whatever gets the job done faster is what the community will lean towards. In T5 pre-wm we saw 3 trolls become the norm which, as a troll i had no problem with because i wanted to get in and out as fast as possible, hell i would volunteer to go to the metropolis battlezone (as a troll) to get started on the gas thingies while the main group was on ranx. And I usually trolled instead of DPS'ed because of how incompetent the average troll was with the mazes and the MHs, which I dont have a problem with usually. Whatever it takes to speed things up, without wipes. This shapes what I play as well, never run solos, rarely ever run duos, the reward is too low for the time spent. This is a popular mindset that largely contributes to the whine threads of trolls not being able to power groups (fixed with WM) healers forced into solo and tanks (sometimes) getting the boot. Replay badges allowed another avenue for these time-concerned warriors that want to gear up fast. They will run multiple times, each time asking for things like solo heals, 2.5k+ vit, 5 DPS, no tank, or no heal. So, it increases the number of times players run into this "issue". But the reward system can't really be changed its an MMO, time spent = progress.

    Perhaps the whine threads are a philosophical representation of man and his tribulations met in life, which requires so much time spent working.

    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
  12. Arcpope New Player

    This game has always been easy to me sorry, that's why I play this game. It's casual.

    Now I haven't been here since beta or anything. Respect to anyone that has but come on really ,you don't know hard till you 40 man a raid and have to actuallly direct raids where everyone needs to be in the right spot at all the times.(raids were days not hours)
    Grind for weeks to find 1 little piece to make an item you must have.

    One word "camping" you Mmo veterans will know.

    So no this game is fine the way it is,great job devs.

    Besides it's an alert calm down.
  13. TheRealDeathern New Player

    I respect your opinion but I strongly disagree. I think with the advances in other areas of the game, the buff, which many including yourself, have eluded to as being weak, is simply a crutch at this point in time. With weapon mastery, all players have the option to do increased damage for less power, with armories, individuals can swap roles at will, with home turf advances, players have a whole military of options available to either take out the enemy, restore additional power to the group, to be a medic for the group, and additional defenses to keep one self safe. Add all these upgrades, and the many many more that have been added since the buff was introduced to each player in the group, and you have a situation in which content is almost impossible to fail, especially in the lower tier.

    The buff allows discrimination of support roles. This is part of the reason that you see so many DPS in the game, and no trolls or tanks... after all why are individuals going to play a support role, when content is easily completed without one? Reduced trolls, heals, and tanks in game increases QUE times not speed them up. When putting a raid together, it isn't DPS that's hard to find, its support roles. So why continue to allow a policy or mechanic to exist in game, that favors less of these players? By reasserting the need for these roles, aka taking away the buff, the hope is that more individuals will see a need for them, and elect to develop them. If the buff stays, they aren't as needed, and individuals are more reluctant to play them.

    Think about solos, duos, and raids for a second. The buff isn't present in those instances. So we need a magical buff for alerts for some reason, but all the other PVE events in the game are able to be completed without it? Gimme a break. Individuals may be selling the buff as necessary for the game, but I am not buying it.

    In short the buff allows for discrimination of roles, it fosters the development of DPS, that's part of the reason for shortage of support roles. It has been replaced by other developments in the game. It's weak. Players use it for a crutch. It's only area of use is alerts. Removing it wouldn't spell doom for the game, although it may make some content a little harder (and we are in a thread about how easy content is...).

    Thanks for your time. :D
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  14. TheRealDeathern New Player

    If the buff is a mole hill, which I think it is, is it needed? Simply get rid of the weak buff, your description, and play on...
  15. TheRealDeathern New Player

    wow. You describe my experiences with my wife to a "T". LOL.

    I couldn't agree more with the comment about the game suppose to be about powers, it presently feels like we are playing a shooter, not a super hero based game.
  16. Octantis New Player

    I agree with your opinion.

    But I also feel that there are two problems going on, and you're correct about just one of them.

    The role-less buffs were created as a way to combat queue times created by an influx of DPS players. The buff gives all these DPS a chance to group up in a queue, or without important roles, to be able to get content completed (albeit at a higher difficulty) without waiting around for the perfect group. But the content has become a tad too difficult for DPS to do just all on their own. I, myself, have had great difficulty in completing the T6A in a group of just 2 DPS, 1 Troll, and me the Healer. Why, just today I got kicked because the other guys were burning through my heals like crazy, and they thought I was a bad healer. A bit higher defense buff than the one we have now would have prevented it, or at least me getting two-shotted by Circe.

    The flip side to this, which is what I believe your issue with the role-less buffs is, is that it promotes a lack of the support roles, and will, in turn, promote more people to just run DPS. This can have a negative impact on 8-man groups when no one ever runs as their support role, especially at a time when the community is trying to find and suggest ways to increase support role population in-game.

    But I think this is just where the psyche of the "Gamer" is involved, and we can't really change that much. The average gamer just wants to blow stuff up, leading most to just naturally choose a Damage role over support. Even when they feel pressured to play support, they'll likely go Damage anyway. I know I maybe stereotyping a bit, but it's pretty much a statistical fact at this point.

    In short, do I support the role-less buffs? No. I think they promote people to play DPS when we need more support roles (especially controllers) out there. But I do think they are a necessary evil in the digital world we live in, in order for a large majority of the playerbase to be able to enjoy content without waiting 30 minutes for the perfect group.

    Anyway, that's pretty much the extent of my opinion on it. Anything else and I'll probably just be repeating myself, which is annoying for others to read, lol. I agree with, and respect, your views and understand them quite well. I had a wonderful discussion, and I appreciate it.
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  17. not_again Dedicated Player

    Wait I thought Test was a place to go to the sparring target and make youtube videos??? The test server is half the problem. Nothing is tested until it hits the PS servers live then it is usually to late to fix it.
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  18. NellNixie New Player

    Easy? It's never been hard to begin with, at least that is how I feel. Boring? Absolutely. The other day I was telling my brother that the only way I'll really enjoy this game is if all powers had access to all roles. I know this will never happen, but I had so much fun brainstorming. I thought it would have been cool if each power had the ability to heal, give power, boost defense/health and boost precision/might. Hardlight tanking sounds exciting and electric trolling would have been beastly. Oh...and the ability to upgrade powers. I thought superheroes got stronger over time. In DCUO we just slap on some new gear and we're invincible lol. I'm not knocking the game. I know the devs work hard and they really don't receive enough credit. The game just isn't that much fun to me. I still get on to play legends or help out friends, but that is about it.
  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    That may be true for some problems that are found after updates/DLCs go live, but it was not true for Themyscira Divided. The first non-healer run through Themyscira Divided occurred on the test server. I think a lot of problems are actually found on the test server, but many do not actually get addressed by the developers when they are reported in that forum area.
  20. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    If it's weak, is it broken? If it not broken, should we ask to have it fixed? Just leave roleless buffs alone.