GU37: Earth Feedback

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, May 9, 2014.

  1. SuperiorMouse New Player

    and how much absorption occurs on cast? and how much is achieved with a single AS? and how much is achieved with ASes past the first AS please? i like these changes but how useful are they to stack absorption if you reapply a taunt every 6-12 seconds anyhow? that's mitigation the player would have regardless (if they know how to tank) and hold aggro.

    and what about messaging to indicate a player is at max absorption? even a simple particle effect or something similar to gemstone shield being active while at max, would be welcome.
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    From the sound of it, you no longer need to aftershock for max mitigation, but to get max duration. If that is true, that is a huge positive step. 8 seconds base can keep you alive in a dire situation. 18 seconds will be amazing. Also, remember, you can aftershock on option then and you are looking at most 2~3 seconds for max duration of setup, so you would still have ~8 seconds to reapply the taunts. This give skill and reward BACK to earth post GU36. I love it! Can't wait to try it!
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  3. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I think what I love now with all the changes is there is the opportunity for a lot more variation in Earth tank loadouts. To me, Seismic tree always felt like a DPS class shoe-horned into tank abilities. It was always said for T5 you only needed 3 abilities to tank because there weren't that many abilities that were useful. Now, Earth is starting to feel like a complete tank class.
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  4. SuperiorMouse New Player

    yes, that is how i interpreted his post also. i would agree if true. i'm just looking for confirmation rather than assume.
  5. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Chiming in for the first time here... changes look fantastic so far Tunso. I love Earth-based powers ever since CoH! Can't wait to check it out when it goes live!
  6. Daforge New Player

    Reinforce - Any chance we can lose the overly huge rock hands and get just glowing color animation?

    Glad to see their fixing the Tank side of Seismic but any chance we could get something added to the Dps side of moves like Jackhammer, maybe damage or prec bonus for more aftershocks or even a bonus added to the move to make it so the more aftershocks the bigger the damage, modifier like others have suggested 1.5 for first aftershock 2 for second 2.5 for 3rd and any after.
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  7. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    The Rock hands are awesome the best buff look on the game.
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  8. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    After looking at the last changes the last one I will request is that Jack Hammer in dps role be altered to cost more power while doing more damage with every use and capping how many times it can be used so it can't be spammed with unlimited power. As a trade off I am sure if the damage is significantly better I am sure other earth users would not mind giving the power a longer cool down in dps stance.
  9. Daforge New Player

    Doesn't need to cost more power, have longer cooldown, or have a cap on times used. Its able to be interrupted already. Does need a boost in damage done to make it worth using as opposed to just using the three free times and going back to WM moves.
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  10. Daforge New Player

    Your opinion, can live with or without it but don't like the over sized hulk looking rock hands (on my character atleast) personally.
  11. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Do you think that boost in damage we all want will come without a price...? You have to be logical.
  12. Daforge New Player

    I think that a boost is needed to make it on par with other powersets so no don't think we need to give to get in this case. If you weaken it another way its not a boost its a trade off.
  13. Tunso Developer

    Two things. First, there is no absorption scaling at all so it starts and stays at max. That means Jackhammer gives you 50% from the tray and no matter how many Aftershocks you do. Upheaval gives you 50% on the first Aftershock. The duration of the absorption from Jackhammer will scale though but that'll be a new thing.

    From the DPS side, Earth was always intended to be a pet class. If you remember, Earth was the first time we ever had fully articulated pets instead of the old floating cinder blocks of yore. However with that said, Jackhammer and Upheaval use the same damage scalar as Rage and Light for their power interactions. The difference between Earth aftershocks and Light/Rage combos are the animations for Earth aftershocks are much much faster, so clipping them is much less effective. The only way we could really have Aftershocks match the combo powers would be to increase the animation times of Aftershocks by a huge margin. That would have upset folks even more and made using Aftershocks as a tank worse. So since Earth is a pet class, the obvious choice was to achieve DPS parity through the pet.
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  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    Appreciate the explanation, Tunso. While we have you here, is there any chance of adding a visual to let us know we have our max absorption up? Folks have thrown out different ideas, from the old "squiggly lines" to an Earth version of ice armor. Would be nice, especially considering that we will be able to affect the duration of our absorption through Jackhammer.
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  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    Also, would it be possible to make Envelop actually draw aggro in tank stance? I think that, along with the other changes to it would make Envelop a great tank SC.
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  16. SavageArms New Player

    So since earth is meant to be a pet class is earth going to get new aesthetically pleasing pets?

    While Earth is pet dps class most people play it for the imagery being a hulking brute villain/hero that is reason why come love the seismic so much. That is reason why come people are pushing for more seismic love.

    with that said love the last batch of changes I'm really looking forward to testing them out.

    Annihilate with 1 or 2 aftershocks replacing
    localized tremor
    2. rumblecrush: having it unlock another move that works just as clean as wonder woman's monolith.
    3. Using animation from the end boss of aegis of truth where she hits the ground causing a crater.
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  17. DeathLoli New Player

    Trust you healer? lol, no end game group uses a healer in TD. Best groups are usually 1 tank and 3 dps
  18. blklightning New Player

    Absolutely not.
  19. Drakonicus New Player

    No offense, but just because you been running like that, doesnt mean everybody does, or thats the "best" set up.
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  20. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Thanks for explaining the reasoning. I suppose that is why Crystal can take advantage of dazed interaction so she can be used in tandem with aftershocks.

    Does JH keep its ability to CC in DPs role of does it now require the minimum Dom requirement?