Which is better Earth or Nature.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheJoke, May 12, 2014.

  1. TheJoke New Player

    I want to create a new guy when we can play DCUO again but i cant decide between Earth or Nature.
    Plus if TheJoke is taken as a name for the game can i please have it? Okay back to the question.Nature is good for healing and earth is good for tank? Correct if im wrong
  2. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    earth after update 37 will be good for tanking.
    Nature is a good healer but I prefer sorcery as c.o.p and soul well help out a lot.

    Question is what role you wanting to be healer, tank or dps
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  3. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    Earth is getting a revamp in the next update. Can't say how is going to get the new tanking after the revamp cuz I havent tried it yet. As for healing Nature have always been a good healer. And as for DPS after WM it really doesn't matter cuz is more based on the WM system, so you better care about getting yourself a good amount of SP.

    And about the name, ofc not. Why should they give you a name if it's already taken?
  4. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    You can have the name if it's not taken. Otherwise, you'll have to come up with a new one.
    Earth is for Tank and Nature is for heals, you should choose what role you want to be then decide. If you're playing for dps, I personally like Nature but Earth is getting a revamp so you might want to try it out
  5. TheJoke New Player

    LOL i was kidding
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  6. TheJoke New Player

    I want to do healing for nature
  7. TheJoke New Player

  8. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Imo earth is more fun than nature and prolly stronger even right now with the wm system
  9. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    use special letters if the name is taken - they are shown as space...
    at least on eups - don't know if that is possible on usps or uspc.
  10. TheJoke New Player

    I got a name Its TheJoke11