The Fearless Legion - All Members

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Synerge, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. Synerge New Player

    Hello there. We are currently recruiting all USPC players, activity is key!
    we are a very helpful and mature league including members of all levels.
    we are looking to expand our great family and welcome anyone aboard.

    visit our nice website | WWW.DCUO-FEARLESS.COM:
    • Schedule raids and alerts
    • Post your character photos
    • Chat with us through our shoutbox or post at the forums
    • Be a part of a popular and friendly community

    my characters are: Synerge, Corrosion, Vital.
    or simply ask in-game for a member of The Fearless Legion to send invite.
  2. Kaizer262 New Player

    Are you EUPC or USPC or both?
  3. Synerge New Player

  4. Kaizer262 New Player

    Okay. I'm on EUPC, so no good! lol! Thanks for responding.
  5. Synerge New Player

    cant they phase to same one? or would it be completely separate? sorry if noob question
  6. Kaizer262 New Player

    Nah, we can access both servers, but none of my EUPC characters can be used on USPC, it's a separate server, so separate character list unfortunately. We can't phase in-game either from EU to US servers.
  7. Korvyne Committed Player

    They're run by separate entity's so no go between eu and us servers unfortunately.
  8. Synerge New Player

    another FYI - we are also accepting mergers. if your league isnt doing too good and you want to merge leagues together you can bring yourself and your members over to the website and receive an automatic promotion to management (depending on amount of members)
  9. Synerge New Player

    ahhh ok I never knew that. I thought it was PC or PS didnt know PC had 2 separate sections like that. thank you
  10. Kaizer262 New Player

    No problem, and I don't fancy levelling up a new toon again! lol! Maybe in the future, I will..
    • Like x 1
  11. Synerge New Player

  12. Synerge New Player

  13. Synerge New Player

  14. Fonch New Player

    • Like x 2
  15. Bleedingcool New Player

    The Fearless Legion League is recruiting !!! This is a post for friendly, active players of all levels. Please be helpful and respectful to all league member's.
  16. Bleedingcool New Player

    • Like x 2
  17. Synerge New Player

  18. Synerge New Player

  19. Synerge New Player

  20. Retribution Well-Known Player

    lol @ the many bumps. I suppose me posting the comment helps with all the bumping going on.

    I've searched your website and it seems very well organized with tons of great pictures. I'm curious to know the date of when this picture was taken?
