Boss Fight: Concepts

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bast10n, May 9, 2014.

  1. Lacedog Loyal Player

    nah, you cant be against those buffs now. i cant believe it. it has been complained about since its inception by tanks for this very reason. it wasnt only in alerts at first, remember? prime being done, at level, with no tank. those were great times......

    with that said, i appreciate that it sounds like yall are seeing what the buff has done to the game finally. each and every day, yall are coming out with something better and better in my eyes. keep it up! (also, lets get those earth change notes out soon!)
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  2. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I am sure that the Devs can't take out the buff mechanic out the alerts, but I believe that the raids not have any. I'm very excited for the next dlc, not that this one isn't enjoyable. I actually think it might be one of my favorites. ^.^
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  3. Cara EL Well-Known Player

    No I'm definitely against the DPS community because it gives them that God Mode complex I thought you were laughing at me cause I posted that they would never read this post lol I was only agreeing with him on a support role basis not DPS they should really take DPS out of DCUO for one day for people to stop complaining as a punishment lol. I remember back when this game came out DPS wasn't supposed to be a role it was supposed to be an alternate role incase there was too many tanks or healers but ya people want to do Raids in 5mins because they like to rush
  4. BigWaveDave68 New Player

    More DPS is ALWAYS the way to go!!! :)
  5. DorianM Well-Known Player

    Mechanics requiring two tanks would be cool. Both bosses would apply a healing reduction debuff on their target of 50% so both bosses could not be tanked by one tank. This would be a raid boss.

    Side note not sure why it got changed but i really hope the WW nerf in TD was not because of people complaining on the difficulty. If that was the case though why have any interesting mechanics at all if people can complain to have them nerfed.
  6. X-zero Loyal Player

    WotL did have a lot of content that seem design to have tanks but people just find ways around it. A&B has two fights with two hard hitting bosses and a split. Mist Recovery has a lot stuff hitting pretty hard in the final room. Instead of carrying a tank or extra tank people just ask for custom cr.
  7. Cara EL Well-Known Player

    Wow I totally fell out of scope here me being a Hero I thought this forum was about Player Buffs not Boss Buffs because I read Superman & Wonder Woman I'm going to stop now before I dig myself a deeper hole lol
  8. The Johnny army New Player

    I have nothing against DPS, USUALLY. We have some guys in our league who DPS only and I'm fine with it. I even enjoy DPSing, when I'm required to. The issue is that most in the community see 5 minutes as tremendously tedious. Example, pugs expect the tank in Assault and Battery to go solo Metropolis (activating the yellow mist shower) while the rest of the group runs through Ranx. That's a couple of minutes saved, nothing substantial...

    Pew pew is all that matters to some, and that I can't stand... God Complex is a good term, yes :)
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  9. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    It'd be cool if those types of buffs were added to the player base. My hubby and I run a lot of content together, so getting a buff like that would be cool. ^.^

    (I'm not really asking for this, because I can totally see how it would unbalance the game, just that I think it would be cool.)
  10. Cara EL Well-Known Player

    lol its funny how you say they send a tank to Metro because I've been just doing this with my troll and tossing the container if I'm about to die but before my group finishes ranx I always sit by the switch to activate boss fight in Metro.
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  11. Cosmos Girl Well-Known Player

    Well, honesty who doesn't go back and play an old alert/raid with higher tier rated equipment anyways?
  12. TheLoneLantern New Player

    What (the proverbial) "we" need are boss fights that give all players additional jobs besides a tank-n-spank. Have the healer(s) activate X cog to release Y box that the troller carries to Z location while the tank provides CC immunity and holds aggro. Once the troller deposits the box, it is then "charged" and thrown to blow up the thingamajig that is protecting/shielding the boss and/or adds. Ambiguous, I know, but I'm sure you get the point.

    Also, but might not be possible on the current hardware, can we get dynamic boss fights? Right now, all boss fights take place in a single room, from start to finish. It would be nice if we could have a single fight that requires us to travel throughout several areas while fighting the boss.
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  13. Cara EL Well-Known Player

    I mean you can always make a new character and have your hubby buff you thats always an option but then again that defeats the purpose lol My idea was mainly for more power interactions such as Ice & Fire coming together to make water O.O lol or more crushing effects, inflicting burn, or inflicting plasma. Kind of an ability transfer.
  14. The Johnny army New Player

    It was weeks, maybe months ago and I can't even remember the poster that came up with the idea, but basically I remember reading something like having bosses splitting damage between players. End game tanks now have over 10k health, so bosses would do something that topped that on scripted attacks, for example, 15k+, potentially killing the tank (would have to take into consideration different power set tanks, Fire users buff themselves over that). If there were two tanks in there, however, the damage to each one would be 7k, allowing both of them to survive.

    Issue with that is then we would have a bulk of the community saying they were being forced to play in a specific setup they didn't want to take... I have no idea how Spytle still has hair. I would have ripped mine off long ago!
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  15. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Your good I see what you did there.
  16. LooseWiring Active Player

    Those 2 OMACs in the duo are prime examples of this exact mechanic.
  17. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I was more thinking along the lines of a relationship (horror of horrors) buff. I'm very smitten with the idea of being able to have relationships in game, which I believe was suggested earlier this year.
  18. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    You're describing some mechanics similar to one we are putting in to our DLC11 fights. I'm sure people will find a way around them with more damage. ;)
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  19. TheDark Devoted Player

    Is your team looking at creating more engaging and challenging fight mechanics in the corridor battles on the way to boss fights. Like similar mechanics with NPCs in the batcave raids? The link I gave in the other thread as some pretty good examples and details of NPCs you could reskin and recycle. Just make them overgeared burn proof.
  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    I hope there are improvements to Earth tanking in GU 37, then. Would be nice to have another cleanse, like all the other tank classes. Looking forward to hearing about it tonight.