Hive defender is now

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Laff Riot, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Veritasum Loyal Player

    OP, if you are an active forum member and take the time to make a thread about a perceived slight, then take a few additional minutes becoming informed about important and relevant changes like this one. The information was certainly available. In general, people tend to only want to write out their grievances on here and not use the constructive and informative parts of the forum. I can't imagine how the majority of people who are not forum members feel about all of the! :eek:

    Although I agree that 70 MoF are more difficult to attain, this is a rare style, not old style vendor. It remains an option and not a requirement. For the record I spent all of my MoR completing Sector Agent (one of those), my last piece of Norseman and a HIVE piece (now I have 2!). So it will be a while before I see more HIVE pieces, but I hadn't seen any for the last 3 yrs, so more grind :). Grind is ok, must have yesterday is unnecessary.
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  2. Deltaheat Well-Known Player

    I love and appreciate the rare vendors. I think it stinks that they changed the mark early. Yes, we knew that the change was coming. Changing the mark prior to releasing the ability to farm the mark is not cool.
  3. Gunny New Player

    The day this vendor came out, a large number of people asked and answered this same question involving the future mark changes.

    The result is a large number of people ran through as much daily T5 content as possible in order to get those MoR as quickly as possible so they could buy out Vendor 22 before the prices were replaced with MoF.

    Considering people could earn as many as 30+ MoR per day, not including any raids, people finished the HIVE set in a few weeks tops.

    Running the alert each day hoping for a piece is effective too rather than doing what most people did with that feat - looked at it, wished they had some pieces, remember how boring moon is, and ran something else.
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  4. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    Read about the mark change in about 30 different threads since the vendor was originally introduced. It was pretty easy to do within the window of opportunity. I bought the whole HIVE set & half the Norsemen set in less than 2 weeks. No resetting at all.

    The most hilarious thing in the style vendor is turning the Vestments style to MoF...but you can buy the Scion gear w/ stats for MoT.
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  5. Gunny New Player

    I suppose the Vestment gear vendor was the original idea that led to Vendor 22.

    My educated guess says that the Vestments styles were put in with no intention of prices changing, moving, etc.

    When they introduced Vendor 22 and its set of rules to follow though, Vestments of rage clearly fell into this category of styles and therefore is included.

    Honestly though, Vestments of rage is not a style one should have ever bought with marks anyways - the style can be completed by almost every player in 10 AssBat runs or less. The style is guaranteed to drop by all 3 bosses, theres FIVE different sets distributed between those 3 bosses and two of the five are DPS, meaning every player can collect pieces from 3 of the 5 sets to get the styles.

    People were able to finish the style without ever have completing the raid or buying the styles with marks.
  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    its meant to be rare gear not get easier to get gear as teirs progress they clearly stated that it will always be whatever the highest marks are
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  7. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    I already heard a rumor about this on the forums so I farmed T5 day and night and finished it last week! :p
  8. Kobal87 New Player

    ps3 and 4 still was getting MOR out of lockboxes
  9. Gunny New Player

    As of my time played last night, I opened 14 lockboxes and obtained 14 MoF. one from each.

    Do keep in mind, each box I opened directly placed the mark into my currency, unlike my inventory when the lockboxes had MoR.
  10. Poo New Player

    These kind of threads always make me wonder how players that do not come on here deal with big changes in the game. How would anyone know all that changed if they didn't come on here and read the patch notes?

    I can not imagine playing an MMO type game and NOT being a part of it's official forum, but I'm sure there are plenty of people that don't. Take the PS crowd, some of them may not even have a computer :eek:
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  11. Gunny New Player

    Even then. Can get online with a Ps3..... though that is a huge pain to do.

    There are many that do not care for the inner workings of the game and simply hop on, play a few missions, and get off.
  12. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    I got MoF out of all my boxes...& like Gunny said the marks went right into currency.
  13. Beta Cell New Player

    Is it vendor only now?
    Can you still get Hive Defender from alerts and boxes?
  14. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I'd just like to know that.... I have not seen any drop in a several weeks of trying. (T2 Weekly Boxes or Hive Alert)
  15. Beta Cell New Player

    I got the Hive Defender gloves the other day. I did T2 duos and T2 moon base back to back. I wasn't paying attention to my inventory, so i don't know what caused the gloves to drop, but they did drop.

    I wonder if i can trade it? I want the helm, not the gloves.
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