Geforce vs Radeon for DCUO

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Unfleshed, May 7, 2014.

  1. Unfleshed Level 30

    Trying to gain some information to help narrow down a longstanding issue. Which GFX card do you use to play DCUO? Do you experience any issues while playing or is it totally solid gameplay?

    Please list which brand/model you use along with the driver version (this is a crucial detail).

    Thanks in advance for any assistance

    I will start it off by saying I use a EVGA Geforce GTX 780 with driver version 337.50 (latest)
    Far from happy with current playability given this combo
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  2. Poo New Player


    I've been using this, and it's almost as bad as the PS3 :(
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  3. thelostczarnian New Player

    i gave this thread a thumbs up because i like hardware discussions. i cant imagine how your having issues with a gtx 780 when i run this game maxed out at 1080p with a gtx 750 overclocked by 135 mhz for gpu and 300mhz for ram. i also slap on 4x msaa and my frames rarely drop below 60. i get some sort of weird micro stutter sometimes while flying around but it was the same with AMD with any driver they had. putting the v sync in-game helps with the micro stutter but then your stuck with 30fps in combat and that is just no good if you ask me. this game just isnt coded very smoothly. my combat fps is like butter though. still cant imagine a gtx 780 having issues...did you use driver sweeper first before slapping in that 337.50 driver? they have put out a hotfix to that driver but i dont this it is going to change anything because it was to fix sli issues
  4. thelostczarnian New Player

    i would like to see this game re-imagined and re-released with next=gen solely in mind using the new unreal-4 engine and dx11 (or even 12!) with AAA resources, a superman that doesnt suck (i dont even understand this because the opening cgi supes is a beast), a less campy...everything, and just let it reflect the new 52 era a bit more. heck you can call it DCU NEW 52 online (your welcome).
  5. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I don't play too much on PC but my PC has Radeon 7700 HD 2GB card. I have zero issues playing DCUO maxed out.
  6. Poo New Player

    I would do all the most terrible things in this world for that to be a reality.
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  7. Unfleshed Level 30

    The suttering you mention is the exact issue I've been dealing with. This used to occur only once in a while during exobit farming in Gotham/Metro. Ever since coming back to the game this behavior is occurring way more often in places like the hall of doom (pit especially), certain instances, arenas, and still really bad in cities. My normal FPS is 120-144 on a 144hz Asus monitor.

    I've been trying to determine if this is a driver issue or a game issue. Only weird part is hardly anybody else says the experience the stuttering leading me to believe it's on my end.
  8. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I have a 660Ti 2GB card using driver version 335.23, no overclocking. I have everything in-game maxed out with v-sync off running fullscreen. The only problem I seem to have is that I wasn't happy with how the game looked at all, jaggys everywhere, so I tweaked the settings in nVidia Inspector, forcing AA/AF and turning vsync on in the driver for a solid 60 fps all the time, and made it look awesome. I mean, it looks beautiful until I open my inventory or any menu in-game. Then, the menus look sweet but everything else goes back to default jaggyness. I have to tab out and back in to reapply the eye candy. Any ideas why this happens? It's rather annoying.
  9. Raptor T. Committed Player

    I don't experience lag issues. I'm mostly at 60 FPS.. sometimes it gets down to 40.. depending on where I am and how I close I zoom into my character when there are tons of animation going on around him... especially for tanks. I have my V sync off and turned it back on in NVIDIA control panel.. along with other specs like antiliasing to there maximum. Only time I lag a bit is when I start to record with FRAPS.

    Solid game play overall. Here's the rig that I have with Asus G750JW

    Intel Core i7 4700HQ (2.40GHz)
    8GB Memory 1TB HDD
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M
    1920 x 1080
    Windows 8
  10. Unfleshed Level 30

    This is not really an off-topic post, could it please at least be moved to the PC section or PC tech support?
  11. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    Geforce GT 9400 DDR 3 512 VRAM

  12. blklightning New Player

    I use the NVIDIA GT680m. I currently have all vsync turned off and have no lag issues, except for when the game starts consuming too much RAM.

    Jet, to answer other message to me: graphics cards have "clocks" in them for processing shading and texture and stuffs. The manufactures cap those out at certain frequencies to keep them from potentially overheating and getting damaged. It's a very conservative setting. Many people use change those frequencies just a bit so that they can get better game performance. That's called overclocking.
  13. thelostczarnian New Player

    you have enough of a video card to push 2-4x supersampling you will see an amazing change in visual quality. fxaa looks like garbage in this game. 8x mxaa or 4x ssaa (supersampling will be more crisp)
  14. Harlequin Devoted Player

    First, thanks for replying.

    The settings themselves are not my problem. The tweaking I have done works fine and looks great. The problem I'm having is that the forced AA goes away as soon as I open any menu in the game. I have to tab out and back in to reset the graphics. I can reset everything back to default, enable AA and set it to "Override Application Settings," launch the game and duplicate the problem every time.

    I'd much rather be able to tweak the settings in the Unreal INI files but the launcher overwrites them if you mod them. Boo, SOE, boo!

    Agreed with the FXAA comment. It makes all text practically unreadable.
  15. CHUD Loyal Player

    I have a GeForce card. Be darned to remember which version it is now.....but I tend to like it.
  16. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Intel I7 3930k @4.7
    16 gb of ram @2122 or something close to that
    Corsair H100i cpu cooler
    X79 Asus Rog maximus mAtx
    Asus GTX 680 4gb
    X2 Corsair GS 240gb SSD in raid 0
    Corsair AX 850 psu with custom red braided cables
    Creative sound blaster xFi titanium sound card
    Corsair 350D mAtx case
    Windows 7 64 bit Home

    • Like x 1
  17. blklightning New Player

    i like it when you talk dirty. ;P
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  18. SKAVANGER408 New Player

  19. Mont New Player

    But can it nuke a burrito?
    • Like x 2
  20. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    No but it does make me a sandwich:)