Rifle Weapon Mastery Problems?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Joybird, May 4, 2014.

  1. Joybird Committed Player

    I just got a nice rifle last night, but I can't figure out the WM abilities. I can get Flurry Mastery and Full Auto Mastery going all right, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to do Air Launch Mastery or Slip Shot Mastery.

    The combos just don't seem to work. For Air Launch Mastery, I do the Rolling Barrage, but then can't seem to get the Air Launch to work. I just get a Surprise Volley. Similarly, for Slip Shot Mastery, I do the Flip Burst, but then just get the generic hold-right, not a Slip Shot.

    Am I missing something? Are they broken? I'm on PC, if that matters.
  2. BrownMamba New Player

    Air launch mastery requires you to be close because you have to start with flamethrower.
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  3. Joybird Committed Player

    Thanks. That worked fine. Any ideas on Slip Shot Mastery? Or on getting Full Auto Mastery to work more than half the time?
  4. BrownMamba New Player

    Never tried that one will hop on tonight and test it out.
  5. Optoger New Player

    I get the full auto off all the time, but the slipshot is definitely wonky.
  6. C3alix Committed Player

    Slipshot is a little easier to do when you think about it. You're really just holding that range button down almost right when you land on the ground. I guess you could say all of those Tekken rounds paid off.
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  7. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    I have a horrible time syncronizing Slip Shot right. However, Rolling Barrage to Full auto is very easy to get, and now I have the perfect timing got for it.

    Also, Overhead Smash to (onehanded) Flurry is an amazing combo!
  8. Mai3coh New Player

    The thing with the slip-shot is you have to be close to the target in order to intialize the backwards rifle roll. Then hold the range attack as you're in the backwards roll. But if you're too far the the target you'll just keep walking backwards. I have both DP WM unlocked on my Rifle. So if I can't roll backwards I roll forward into the Full-Auto -> Combo into power then roll back into Slip-Shot ->Combo into power and repeat. But the Rifle rolls themselve are VERY wonky. So I switched to staff and absolutely LOVE IT!!
  9. Joybird Committed Player

    Yep, I enjoyed staff, too. I can't wait to ditch this rifle, but I haven't had time to run the alert again, so it's my only CR 91. I'm actually considering dropping back to a CR 90 staff, just because I find the rifle so annoying.

    I did get Slip Shot Mastery to work once on a targeting dummy, but never again. Oh well :(.
  10. Mai3coh New Player

    The rifle is just dangerous to use imo.. the movement required to use its WM combos can put you in very unforgiving circumstances. Like in A&B I constantly found myself right up with the tank after the forward roll. For me personally I find the Rifles range combos too unpredictable and dangerous to use.
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  11. FatKatt New Player

    slip shot mastery you just have to be quick to press the hold triangle, it is a fast combo for sure...
  12. Cyclotrode X New Player

    Air Launch Mastery is flame thrower hold melee.
  13. Echephyle New Player

  14. Echephyle New Player

    Rifle needs a stationary ranged combo. I propose to ditch slip shot for mangnum round. Magnum round should work for both flip burst and mortar strike. Perfect solution.

    One major problem with the flip burst to slip shot is that we'd end up doing mortar strike from extra long range. Give us my proposed option and switch and rifle can be a top weapon again.

    In order fir the devs to even consider this 2 years from now, there needs to be 10 pages in this thread minimum. I'm calling on all current and previous rifle lovera to bring this thread up.
  15. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    That is why that one never worked for me...LOL
  16. THX 1138 New Player

    Ah...... I love my Rifle, :D I pretty much wm without thinking about it now but when I first practised I found that you hit triangle just before you hit the ground and that the cast of power should be done just as the bar reaches 2/3rds full to gain the extra bonus. It becomes muscle memory after doing a few hundred times. Practise with your base dummy so you get no distractions.
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  17. THX 1138 New Player

    PS; Personally I hope they dont change it as Im a squishy troll and its saved my *** on a number of occasions.
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  18. RlVER Well-Known Player

    What happens to me with the Riffle-Full Auto is I end up to far away to get my WM crit. You roll backwards with the riffle. then lunge backwards with the pistols, then you are out of range. I dont think they thought this one threw very well.
  19. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    It saved my character life in an instance...I believe that one is simply designed to get you out of trouble....
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  20. Deathpistols New Player

    I love the rifle combos, however Slip Shot is indeed a short window to pull off. I don't even try to get the WM bonus after slip shot, I just roll back forward and do dual pistol again and do that WM bonus. That window is much easier to get your power off for bonus.

    I love using the backward roll into slip shot to escape trouble, that mechanic I don't mind. HOWEVER, the fact that mortar will engage when you are too far is an issue. I'd prefer they just change mortar to a different key combo and leave everything else as is.
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