Logitech keyboard quit working since new DLC

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheHidden24, May 5, 2014.

  1. TheHidden24 New Player

    I've used the Logitech PlayStation 3 Cordless MediaBoard Pro for the last 3 years on dcuo. And it's been working great on the PS4 also until the Amazon Fury stuff came out. Now, I can type with it in the chat box UNTIL the keyboard goes to sleep after a few minutes of inactivity. And as a bonus, I can't use my chat box at all after that, not even with my controller. Headset still works, but always need the ability to type in the chat box. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the keyboard in the settings and that did no good.

    Anyone else that might use this same keyboard have any issues?
  2. bjr338 Well-Known Player

    Only help i can suggest is to keep the keyboard alive or turn off the auto sleep mode.
  3. SkullGang Devoted Player

    It's happening with all my keyboards my friend. It's happening with my official PS3 keyboard and my Logitech one. I think it's a Playstation problem rather than DCUO since I can't even use my keyboard on the browser let alone the game.
  4. TheHidden24 New Player

    Ok thanks. I wonder if it's only Bluetooth keyboards. Our league guys use wired keyboards and they haven't had any issues.
  5. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I think all wireless keyboards have this problem. I don't have any wired ones to test but I just tested my brother wireless keyboard and that doesn't work either. The keyboards with the wireless adapter and the sony bluetooth keyboard don't work.
  6. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Wouldn't this be more to do with PS4 update 1.7 they added touch pad navigation to the onscreen keyboard - so who knows what has changed.